A method for optimizing operation which is applicable to a multiprocessor integrated circuit chip. Each processor runs with a variable parameter, for example its clock frequency, and the optimization includes determination, in real time, of a characteristic data value associated with the processor (temperature, consumption, latency), transfer of the characteristic data to the other processors, calculation by each processor of various values of an optimization function depending on the characteristic data value of the block, on the characteristic data values of the other blocks, and on the variable parameter, the function being calculated for the current value of this parameter and for other possible values, selection, from among the various parameter values, of that which yields the best value for the optimization function, and application of this variable parameter to the processor for the remainder of the execution of the task.
A method for optimizing operation which is applicable to a multiprocessor integrated circuit chip. Each processor runs with a variable parameter, for example its clock frequency, and the optimization includes determination, in real time, of a characteristic data value associated with the processor (temperature, consumption, latency), transfer of the characteristic data to the other processors, calculation by each processor of various values of an optimization function depending on the characteristic data value of the block, on the characteristic data values of the other blocks, and on the variable parameter, the function being calculated for the current value of this parameter and for other possible values, selection, from among the various parameter values, of that which yields the best value for the optimization function, and application of this variable parameter to the processor for the remainder of the execution of the task.