Carrying protected content using a control protocol for streaming and a transport protocol
    Carrying protected content using a control protocol for streaming and a transport protocol 有权





    Abstract: Various embodiments utilize methods of protecting content, such as Digital Rights Management (DRM), to enable secure playback of content on machines and devices within a local network, such as a home media network. In at least some embodiments, messages and content are delivered using, respectively, a control protocol for streaming and a transport protocol. In at least some embodiments, the control protocol for streaming is Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), and the transport protocol is Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP).

    Abstract translation: 各种实施例利用保护诸如数字版权管理(DRM)的内容的方法来实现本地网络(例如家庭媒体网络)内的机器和设备上的内容的安全回放。 在至少一些实施例中,消息和内容分别使用用于流传输和传输协议的控制协议来传送。 在至少一些实施例中,流控制协议是实时流协议(RTSP),传输协议是实时传输协议(RTP)。

    Startup methods and apparatuses for use in streaming content
    Startup methods and apparatuses for use in streaming content 有权





    CPC classification number: H04N21/4384 H04N21/23805 H04N21/44209 H04N21/6373

    Abstract: Methods and apparatuses are provided for use with a client and server device connected through a communication link. The client device sends a startup request to the server device. The startup request identifies a streamable media content that is to be provided to the client device, a communication link bandwidth associated with the communication link, and an amount of the desired streamable media content that is to be provided at a bitrate greater than the encoded bitrate but no greater than about the communication link bandwidth. The server device buffers at least the amount of the streamable media content, and transmits the amount of the buffered streamable media content at the higher bitrate. The server device locates a discrete rendering point in the amount of the buffered streamable media content and initiates transmission beginning with the discrete rendering point. After transmitting the amount of the buffered streamable media content, the server device transmits subsequent portions of the streamable media content to the client device at a bitrate about equal to the encoded bitrate. The client device buffers received streamable media content, and subsequently renders the buffered streamed media content.

    Abstract translation: 提供了与通过通信链路连接的客户端和服务器设备一起使用的方法和装置。 客户端设备向服务器设备发送启动请求。 启动请求标识要提供给客户端设备的流媒体内容,与通信链路相关联的通信链路带宽以及要以大于编码比特率的比特率提供的期望可流媒体内容的量 但不能大于关于通信链路带宽。 服务器设备至少缓冲可流媒体内容的数量,并以较高的比特速率发送缓冲的流媒体内容的数量。 服务器设备以可缓冲流媒体内容的量定位离散渲染点,并从离散渲染点开始发送传输。 在发送缓冲的流可流媒体内容的量之后,服务器设备以等于编码比特率的比特率将可流媒体内容的后续部分发送到客户端设备。 客户端设备缓冲接收到的可流式媒体内容,并且随后呈现缓冲的流媒体内容。

    Remotely accessing protected files via streaming
    Remotely accessing protected files via streaming 有权





    Abstract: A source device permits a user of a remote device to access a protected file on the source device when the user of the remote device has a right to access the protected file. The user locates the protected file on the source device using the remote device and accesses the protected file using a media player on the remote device. The media player constructs a path by which the source device streams the protected file. The remote device responds to an authentication request from the source device that the user of the remote device has a right to access the protected file. The user is authenticated to confirm that the user of the remote device has a right to access the protected file. The protected file is streamed to the remote device via a path constructed by the remote device.

    Abstract translation: 当远程设备的用户有权访问受保护的文件时,源设备允许远程设备的用户访问源设备上的受保护文件。 用户使用远程设备定位源设备上的受保护文件,并使用远程设备上的媒体播放器访问受保护的文件。 媒体播放器构建源设备流保护文件的路径。 远程设备响应来自源设备的认证请求,远程设备的用户有权访问受保护的文件。 验证用户以确认远程设备的用户有权访问受保护的文件。 受保护的文件通过由远程设备构建的路径流传输到远程设备。

    Communicating via a connection between a streaming server and a client without breaking the connection
    Communicating via a connection between a streaming server and a client without breaking the connection 失效





    CPC classification number: H04L65/4092 H04L29/06 H04L29/06027

    Abstract: Data can be streamed from a server to a client via an established connection. Commands (e.g., commands to navigate the streamed data) can be communicated to the server and streaming can continue (possibly from a different location) without breaking the connection. In one implementation, the connection is an HTTP 1.1 (HyperText Transfer Protocol version 1.1) connection.

    Abstract translation: 数据可以通过建立的连接从服务器流式传输到客户端。 可以将命令(例如,用于导航流数据的命令)传送到服务器,并且流可以继续(可能来自不同位置)而不中断连接。 在一个实现中,连接是HTTP 1.1(超文本传输​​协议版本1.1)连接。

    Negotiated/dynamic error correction for streamed media
    Negotiated/dynamic error correction for streamed media 有权





    CPC classification number: H04L5/1438 H04L1/0009 H04L1/0022 H04L1/0025

    Abstract: Methods and apparatuses are provided which allow a receiving device to dynamically control and/or otherwise influence a sending device's decision regarding the level of error correction that is applied to streamed media. One method includes having the receiving device generate a request for streamed media that specifies an initial requested error correction level. In this manner, the receiving device is allowed to initially negotiate an error correction level with the sending device that will be providing the streamed media. The receiving device may also dynamically modify the requested level of error correction applied to the streaming media. The sending and receiving devices may also initially and/or dynamically negotiate different error correction encoding schemes. Different error encoding scheme(s) and/or error correction levels can also be selectively applied to different types of streamed media data.

    Abstract translation: 提供了允许接收设备动态地控制和/或以其他方式影响发送设备关于应用于流媒体的纠错级别的决定的方法和装置。 一种方法包括使接收设备生成指定初始请求纠错级别的流媒体的请求。 以这种方式,接收设备被允许与要提供流媒体的发送设备最初协商纠错级别。 接收设备还可以动态地修改应用于流媒体的所请求的错误校正级别。 发送和接收设备也可以最初和/或动态协商不同的纠错编码方案。 不同的错误编码方案和/或纠错级别也可以选择性地应用于不同类型的流媒体数据。

    Fast startup for streaming media
    Fast startup for streaming media 有权





    Abstract: Fast startup for streaming media includes one or both of a technique for predictive start and a technique for switching delivery channel(s) during streaming. Predictive start allows a media content source to predict which media stream(s) are desired by the requesting client device and begin streaming those predicted media stream(s) to the client device. The delivery channel switching technique allows the media content source to begin streaming the media stream(s) using one delivery channel (e.g., using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)), and then check whether another delivery channel (e.g., using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)) will work and switch to that other delivery channel if it will work.

    Abstract translation: 用于流媒体的快速启动包括用于预测启动的技术中的一种或两种,以及用于在流传输期间切换传送信道的技术。 预测开始允许媒体内容源预测请求的客户端设备所期望的哪个媒体流,并开始将这些预测的媒体流传送到客户端设备。 传送信道切换技术允许媒体内容源使用一个传送信道(例如,使用传输控制协议(TCP))开始流媒体流,然后检查另一传送信道(例如,使用用户数据报 协议(UDP))将工作并切换到该另一个传送通道,如果它将工作。

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