A processor for character strings A, B of variable length serves for the fast detection of match, mismatch and comparative difference conditions between them. The character strings, whose lengths are delimited by character string termination marks, are split into consecutive substrings with a byte count corresponding to the data path width, and processed to detect a match, a mismatch and an end-of-byte mark. Each substring is routed via operand registers (16,18) in parallel to an arithmetic unit (20), a logic unit (22) and a comparator unit (24) and simultaneously processed. The arithmetic unit (20) subtracts one substring from the other substring, the logic unit (22) compares both substrings with each other and the comparator unit (24) compares the bytes of both substrings with the contents of a marking register (26), previously set to the end-of-string mark. These operations are executed in one machine cycle. Output signals from the comparator unit serve to indicate the equality of both substrings, output signals from the logic unit serve to indicate the inequality of both substrings and a carry signal from the arithmetic unit serves at the same time to indicate which of the two substrings is the greater or the lesser.
A multiprocessor computer system includes a system clock, a main memory connected through a memory bus to a microinstruction memory and a microinstruction decoder. Circuitry detects whether the microinstruction being decoded is the wrong microinstruction or has a parity error. On detection of such an erroneous microinstruction, the microinstruction is reloaded from the main memory into the microinstruction memory and then passed to the microinstruction decoder without interrupting the system clock or operation of the other processors.