Electrical generator employing natural energy to power same
    Electrical generator employing natural energy to power same 失效





    摘要: This invention concerns an improved turbo-electrical generator powered by the conversion of natural energy into mechanical energy in order to propel ferromagnetic blocks about an irregularly, non-circular shaped closed loop track, alternately entering and passing through a plurality of electromagnets positioned about the track. As these blocks enter and pass through these electromagnets, their magnetic flux is maximized and then minimized and this change is converted into useable A.C. voltage. Means are taught for the conversion of solar energy, wind energy and wave energy into the necessary mechanical energy to propel these blocks about the closed loop. An alternative embodiment employs a rotatable, ferromagnetic cross shaped device which is rotated about a center axis by the passage of the blocks about the track. As the device is rotated, its extremities enter and pass through the electromagnets positioned about the track.