An integrated circuit has a Built-In Self-Test (BIST) controller (10) that has a sequencer (16) that provides test algorithm information for multiple memories (44, 46, 48, 50). The sequencer identifies the test algorithm that is to be performed and multiple memory interfaces (32, 34, 36, 38) interpret the output of the sequencer and perform the algorithm on the multiple memories. The multiple memories may be different or the same regarding type, size, data widths, etc. Having multiple memory interfaces provides flexibility to tailor the test algorithm for each memory, but yet keeps the advantage of a single source of identifying the test algorithm. With the memories being non-volatile, timing information with regard to the test algorithm is stored in the memories. This timing information is read prior to performing the test algorithm and is used in performing the test algorithm.
An integrated circuit has a Built-In Self-Test (BIST) controller (10) that has a sequencer (16) that provides test algorithm information for multiple memories (44, 46, 48, 50). The sequencer identifies the test algorithm that is to be performed and multiple memory interfaces (32, 34, 36, 38) interpret the output of the sequencer and perform the algorithm on the multiple memories. The multiple memories may be different or the same regarding type, size, data widths, etc. Having multiple memory interfaces provides flexibility to tailor the test algorithm for each memory, but yet keeps the advantage of a single source of identifying the test algorithm. With the memories being non-volatile, timing information with regard to the test algorithm is stored in the memories. When test algorithms fail or complete execution, pertinent BIST information is stored in non-user addressable space of the multiple memories.