Wireless architecture and support for process control systems
    Wireless architecture and support for process control systems 有权





    Abstract: A wireless communication system for use in a process environment uses mesh and possibly a combination of mesh and point-to-point communications to produce a wireless communication network that can be easily set up, configured, changed and monitored, thereby making a wireless communication network that is less expensive, and more robust and reliable. The wireless communication system allows virtual communication paths to be established and used within the process control system in a manner that is independent of the manner in which the wireless signals are sent between different wireless transmitting and receiving devices within the process plant, to thereby operate in a manner that is independent of the specific messages or virtual communication paths within the process plant. Still further, communication analysis tools are provided to enable a user or operator to view the operation of the wireless communication network to thereby analyze the ongoing operation of the wireless communications within the wireless communication network.

    Abstract translation: 在过程环境中使用的无线通信系统使用网格以及可能的网格和点对点通信的组合来产生可以容易地建立,配置,改变和监视的无线通信网络,从而形成无线通信网络 这是更便宜,更强大和可靠。 无线通信系统允许在过程控制系统内建立和使用虚拟通信路径,其方式是独立于无线信号在过程工厂内的不同无线发送和接收设备之间发送的方式,从而在 一种独立于过程工厂内的特定消息或虚拟通信路径的方式。 还提供了通信分析工具,以使用户或操作者能够查看无线通信网络的操作,从而分析无线通信网络内的无线通信的正在进行的操作。

    Wireless Architecture and Support for Process Control Systems
    Wireless Architecture and Support for Process Control Systems 有权





    Abstract: A wireless communication system for use in a process environment uses mesh and possibly a combination of mesh and point-to-point communications to produce a wireless communication network that can be easily set up, configured, changed and monitored, thereby making a wireless communication network that is less expensive, and more robust and reliable. The wireless communication system allows virtual communication paths to be established and used within the process control system in a manner that is independent of the manner in which the wireless signals are sent between different wireless transmitting and receiving devices within the process plant. Still further, communication analysis tools are provided to enable a user or operator to view the operation of the wireless communication network to thereby analyze the ongoing operation of the wireless communications within the wireless communication network.

    Abstract translation: 在过程环境中使用的无线通信系统使用网格以及可能的网格和点对点通信的组合来产生可以容易地建立,配置,改变和监视的无线通信网络,从而形成无线通信网络 这是更便宜,更强大和可靠。 无线通信系统允许在过程控制系统内建立和使用虚拟通信路径,其方式独立于在过程工厂内的不同无线发送和接收设备之间发送无线信号的方式。 还提供了通信分析工具,以使用户或操作者能够查看无线通信网络的操作,从而分析无线通信网络内的无线通信的正在进行的操作。

    Wireless architecture and support for process control systems
    Wireless architecture and support for process control systems 有权





    Abstract: A wireless communication system for use in a process environment uses mesh and possibly a combination of mesh and point-to-point communications to produce a wireless communication network that can be easily set up, configured, changed and monitored, thereby making a wireless communication network that is less expensive, and more robust and reliable. The wireless communication system allows virtual communication paths to be established and used within the process control system in a manner that is independent of the manner in which the wireless signals are sent between different wireless transmitting and receiving devices within the process plant. Still further, communication analysis tools are provided to enable a user or operator to view the operation of the wireless communication network to thereby analyze the ongoing operation of the wireless communications within the wireless communication network.

    Abstract translation: 在过程环境中使用的无线通信系统使用网格以及可能的网格和点对点通信的组合来产生可以容易地建立,配置,改变和监视的无线通信网络,从而形成无线通信网络 这是更便宜,更强大和可靠。 无线通信系统允许在过程控制系统内建立和使用虚拟通信路径,其方式独立于在过程工厂内的不同无线发送和接收设备之间发送无线信号的方式。 还提供了通信分析工具,以使用户或操作者能够查看无线通信网络的操作,从而分析无线通信网络内的无线通信的正在进行的操作。






    Abstract: A wireless communication system for use in a process environment uses mesh and possibly a combination of mesh and point-to-point communications to produce a wireless communication network that can be easily set up, configured, changed and monitored, thereby making a wireless communication network that is less expensive, and more robust and reliable. The wireless communication system allows virtual communication paths to be established and used within the process control system in a manner that is independent of the manner in which the wireless signals are sent between different wireless transmitting and receiving devices within the process plant, to thereby operate in a manner that is independent of the specific messages or virtual communication paths within the process plant. Still further, communication analysis tools are provided to enable a user or operator to view the operation of the wireless communication network to thereby analyze the ongoing operation of the wireless communications within the wireless communication network.

    Abstract translation: 在过程环境中使用的无线通信系统使用网格以及可能的网格和点对点通信的组合来产生可以容易地建立,配置,改变和监视的无线通信网络,从而形成无线通信网络 这是更便宜,更强大和可靠。 无线通信系统允许在过程控制系统内建立和使用虚拟通信路径,其方式是独立于无线信号在过程工厂内的不同无线发送和接收设备之间发送的方式,从而在 一种独立于过程工厂内的特定消息或虚拟通信路径的方式。 还提供了通信分析工具,以使用户或操作者能够查看无线通信网络的操作,从而分析无线通信网络内的无线通信的正在进行的操作。

    Wireless architecture and support for process control systems
    Wireless architecture and support for process control systems 失效





    Abstract: A wireless communication system for use in a process environment uses mesh and possibly a combination of mesh and point-to-point communications to produce a wireless communication network that can be easily set up, configured, changed and monitored, thereby making a wireless communication network that is less expensive, and more robust and reliable. The wireless communication system allows virtual communication paths to be established and used within the process control system in a manner that is independent of the manner in which the wireless signals are sent between different wireless transmitting and receiving devices within the process plant, to thereby operate in a manner that is independent of the specific messages or virtual communication paths within the process plant. Still further, communication analysis tools are provided to enable a user or operator to view the operation of the wireless communication network to thereby analyze the ongoing operation of the wireless communications within the wireless communication network.

    Abstract translation: 在过程环境中使用的无线通信系统使用网格以及可能的网格和点对点通信的组合来产生可以容易地建立,配置,改变和监视的无线通信网络,从而形成无线通信网络 这是更便宜,更强大和可靠。 无线通信系统允许在过程控制系统内建立和使用虚拟通信路径,其方式是独立于无线信号在过程工厂内的不同无线发送和接收设备之间发送的方式,从而在 一种独立于过程工厂内的特定消息或虚拟通信路径的方式。 还提供了通信分析工具,以使用户或操作者能够查看无线通信网络的操作,从而分析无线通信网络内的无线通信的正在进行的操作。

    Deferred acknowledgment communications and alarm management
    Deferred acknowledgment communications and alarm management 有权





    Abstract: A communication technique enables the efficient transmission of data through a low bandwidth and/or time delayed communication link and minimizes the idle time of the communication link by using a deferred acknowledgment of message bundles to temporally pack the communication link. The transmitting system stores messages to be transmitted in a pending message queue and applies a dynamic window to the pending message queue to define a message bundle to be sent through the slow communication link. The transmitting system requests an acknowledgment for at least one message within the bundle, but does not require an acknowledgment for every message within the bundle. Transmitted messages are temporarily stored as outstanding messages in a retransmission queue until the transmitted messages are acknowledged or until a time-out period associated with the messages has lapsed. When the transmitting station receives a timely acknowledgment in response to a requested acknowledgment, the transmitting station removes all outstanding messages associated with that acknowledgment from the retransmission queue.

    Abstract translation: 通信技术能够通过低带宽和/或时间延迟的通信链路有效地传输数据,并且通过使用消息束的延迟确认来最小化通信链路的空闲时间,以暂时包装通信链路。 发送系统存储要在待定消息队列中发送的消息,并将动态窗口应用于待定消息队列,以定义要通过慢速通信链路发送的消息包。 发送系统向捆绑中的至少一个消息请求确认,但不需要对捆绑内的每个消息进行确认。 传输的消息作为未完成的消息临时存储在重传队列中,直到发送的消息被确认或直到与消息相关联的超时周期已经失效。 当发送站响应于所请求的确认接收到及时确认时,发送站从重发队列中删除与该确认相关联的所有未完成的消息。

    Unified Application Programming Interface for a Process Control System Network
    Unified Application Programming Interface for a Process Control System Network 失效





    CPC classification number: G05B19/4186 Y02P90/18 Y02P90/185

    Abstract: An application programming interface schema, method and system for communicating between first and second application programming interfaces within a process control system includes processing a call from a first application programming interface for a data request, translating the data request from the first application programming interface into one or more methods of a unified application programming interface, and implementing the one or more methods of the unified application programming interface with a second application programming interface. A first unified layer receives a transmission request from a proprietary application programming interface, and translates the transmission request into one or more methods of a unified application programming interface. A second unified layer implements methods of the unified application programming interface with the wireless network application programming interface.

    Abstract translation: 用于在过程控制系统内的第一和第二应用程序编程接口之间进行通信的应用编程接口架构,方法和系统包括处理来自第一应用编程接口的用于数据请求的调用,将数据请求从第一应用编程接口转换成一个 或更多的统一应用程序编程接口的方法,以及使用第二应用编程接口来实现统一应用编程接口的一个或多个方法。 第一统一层从专有应用编程接口接收传输请求,并将传输请求转换成统一应用编程接口的一个或多个方法。 第二统一层利用无线网络应用编程接口实现统一应用编程接口的方法。

    Apparatus and Method for Merging Wireless Data Into an Established Process Control System
    Apparatus and Method for Merging Wireless Data Into an Established Process Control System 有权





    CPC classification number: H04W4/00 H04W76/10

    Abstract: A method and system of communicating between a wireless network and a process control system communicatively coupled to a server via a process control system interface, such as OPC or a proprietary API. The wireless network may be a mesh network and the server may be a mesh server. The server receives data from the wireless network, where the data is generated from an input/output data point within the wireless network. The server maps the data between the input/output data point and a data point placeholder within the process control system. The server writes the mapped data to the corresponding data point placeholder of the process control system via the process control interface, and the mapped data is provided to the process control system as process control data native to the process control system. Process control data may also be provided to the server, mapped between a data point placeholder of the process control system and an input/output data point of the wireless network, and the mapped process control data is written to the corresponding input/output data point.

    Abstract translation: 通过诸如OPC或专有API的过程控制系统接口在无线网络和通信地耦合到服务器的过程控制系统之间进行通信的方法和系统。 无线网络可以是网状网络,并且服务器可以是网状服务器。 服务器从无线网络接收来自无线网络内的输入/输出数据点的数据生成的数据。 服务器将过程控制系统中的输入/输出数据点与数据点占位符之间的数据进行映射。 服务器通过过程控制接口将映射的数据写入过程控制系统的相应数据点占位符,并将映射的数据作为过程控制系统本身的过程控制数据提供给过程控制系统。 也可以将过程控制数据提供给映射在过程控制系统的数据点占位符和无线网络的输入/输出数据点之间的服务器,映射的过程控制数据被写入相应的输入/输出数据点 。

    Apparatus and Method for Merging Wireless Data Into an Established Process Control System
    Apparatus and Method for Merging Wireless Data Into an Established Process Control System 有权





    CPC classification number: H04W4/00 H04W76/10

    Abstract: A method and system of communicating between a wireless network and a process control system communicatively coupled to a server, such as OPC. The server receives data from the wireless network, where the data is generated from an input/output data point within the wireless network. The server maps the data between the input/output data point and a data point placeholder within the process control system. The server writes the mapped data to the corresponding data point placeholder of the process control system via a process control interface, and the mapped data is provided to the process control system as process control data native to the process control system. Process control data may also be provided to the server, mapped between a data point placeholder of the process control system and an input/output data point of the wireless network, and written to the corresponding input/output data point.

    Abstract translation: 在无线网络和通信地耦合到诸如OPC的服务器的过程控制系统之间进行通信的方法和系统。 服务器从无线网络接收来自无线网络内的输入/输出数据点的数据生成的数据。 服务器将过程控制系统中的输入/输出数据点与数据点占位符之间的数据进行映射。 服务器通过过程控制界面将映射的数据写入过程控制系统的相应数据点占位符,并将映射的数据作为过程控制系统本身的过程控制数据提供给过程控制系统。 也可以将处理控制数据提供给服务器,映射在过程控制系统的数据点占位符和无线网络的输入/输出数据点之间,并写入相应的输入/输出数据点。

    Apparatus and method for merging wireless data into an established process control system
    Apparatus and method for merging wireless data into an established process control system 有权





    CPC classification number: H04W4/00 H04W76/10

    Abstract: A method and system of communicating between a wireless network and a process control system communicatively coupled to a server via a process control system interface, such as OPC or a proprietary API. The wireless network may be a mesh network and the server may be a mesh server. The server receives data from the wireless network, where the data is generated from an input/output data point within the wireless network. The server maps the data between the input/output data point and a data point placeholder within the process control system. The server writes the mapped data to the corresponding data point placeholder of the process control system via the process control interface, and the mapped data is provided to the process control system as process control data native to the process control system. Process control data may also be provided to the server, mapped between a data point placeholder of the process control system and an input/output data point of the wireless network, and the mapped process control data is written to the corresponding input/output data point.

    Abstract translation: 通过诸如OPC或专有API的过程控制系统接口在无线网络和通信地耦合到服务器的过程控制系统之间进行通信的方法和系统。 无线网络可以是网状网络,并且服务器可以是网状服务器。 服务器从无线网络接收来自无线网络内的输入/输出数据点的数据生成的数据。 服务器将过程控制系统中的输入/输出数据点与数据点占位符之间的数据进行映射。 服务器通过过程控制接口将映射的数据写入过程控制系统的相应数据点占位符,并将映射的数据作为过程控制系统本身的过程控制数据提供给过程控制系统。 也可以将过程控制数据提供给映射在过程控制系统的数据点占位符和无线网络的输入/输出数据点之间的服务器,映射的过程控制数据被写入相应的输入/输出数据点 。

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