An architecture for microprocessors, in which instructions include a type identifier, selects one of several interpretation registers. The interpretation registers hold information for interpreting the opcode of each instruction, so that a stream of compressed instructions (with type identifiers) can be translated into a stream of expanded instructions. Preferably the type identifiers also distinguish sequencer instructions from processing-element instructions, and can even distinguish among different types of sequencer instructions (as well as among different types of processing-element instructions).
An architecture for microprocessors and the like in which instructions include a type identifier, which selects one of several interpretation registers. The interpretation registers hold information for interpreting the opcode of each instruction, so that a stream of compressed instructions (with type identifiers) can be translated into a stream of expanded instructions. Preferably the type identifiers also distinguish sequencer instructions from processing-element instructions, and can even distinguish among different types of sequencer instructions (as well as among different types of processing-element instructions).
Architectures and methods for viewing data in multiple formats within a register file. Various disclosed embodiments allow a plurality of consecutive registers within one register file to appear to be temporarily transposed by one instruction, such that each transposed register contains one byte or word from multiple consecutive registers. A program can arbitrarily reorganize the bytes within a register by swapping the value stored in any byte within the register with the value stored in any other byte within the same register. Indirect register access is also provided, without additional scoreboarding hardware, as an apparent move from one register to another. The functionality of a hardware data FIFO at the I/O is also provided, without the power consumption of register-to-register transfers. However, the size of the FIFO can be changed under program control.
Architectures and methods for viewing data in multiple formats within a register file. Various disclosed embodiments allow a plurality of consecutive registers within one register file to appear to be temporarily transposed by one instruction, such that each transposed register contains one byte or word from multiple consecutive registers. A program can arbitrarily reorganize the bytes within a register by swapping the value stored in any byte within the register with the value stored in any other byte within the same register. Indirect register access is also provided, without additional scoreboarding hardware, as an apparent move from one register to another. The functionality of a hardware data FIFO at the I/O is also provided, without the power consumption of register-to-register transfers. However, the size of the FIFO can be changed under program control.
A device (10) for warming infusion or transfusion fluids by an exothermic reaction of a reactive liquid, including at least one reaction chamber (11) containing a trigger, and a passageway (12) extending through said reaction chamber (11) for movement of said infusion or transfusion fluids therethrough, wherein the reactive liquid is introduced into said reaction chamber (11), being at least partially evacuated of air, to thereby initiate said exothermic reaction.
A self-supporting, submersible generating plant for producing electricity from ocean currents, consisting of two counter-rotating, rear-facing turbines with a plurality of rotor blades extending radially outward from two separate horizontal axis that convey the kinetic energy from the two side-by-side, counter-rotating turbine rotors through separate gearboxes to separate generators that are housed in two watertight nacelles that are located sufficiently far apart to provide clearance for the turbine rotors. The two generators and their gearboxes serve as ballast and are located far below a streamlined buoyancy tank that extends fore and aft above and between them. A combination of a leverage system and a pressure-controlled system adjusts the hydrodynamic lifting forces to maintain constant depths. There are systems to purge the ballast water to facilitate the recovery of both individual submersible power plants and a group of many submersible power plants.
A fume incineration system for an industrial process site such as a paint-drying oven (10) producing a combustible effluent. A first duct system (34, 38, 42) conveys effluent to the incinerator (14). A second duct system (44, 48) conveys incinerated effluent back to the site. A third duct system (52, 56) conveys part of the incinerated effluent to an atmospheric vent (57). Control dampers (50, 74) in the duct systems operate sequentially to handle temperature changes, and control damper (84) controls system air flow balance. All ducts and thermal devices except the incinerator are located in an insulated housing (12). A thermal incinerator (14) having an internal preheater comprising an annular tube bundle is disclosed.
A fume incineration system for an industrial process site such as a paint-drying oven (10) producing a combustible effluent. A first duct system (34, 38, 42) conveys effluent to the incinerator (14). A second duct system (44, 48) conveys incinerated effluent back to the site. A third duct system (52, 56) conveys part of the incinerated effluent to an atmospheric vent (57). Control dampers (50, 74) in the duct systems operate sequentially to handle temperature changes, and control damper (84) controls system air flow balance. All ducts and thermal devices except the incinerator are located in an insulated housing (12). A thermal incinerator (14) having an internal preheater comprising an annular tube bundle is disclosed.