Wide bandgap semiconductor devices including normally-off VJFET integrated power switches are described. The power switches can be implemented monolithically or hybridly, and may be integrated with a control circuit built in a single- or multi-chip wide bandgap power semiconductor module. The devices can be used in high-power, temperature-tolerant and radiation-resistant electronics components. Methods of making the devices are also described.
Semiconductor devices are described wherein current flow in the device is confined between the rectifying junctions (e.g., p-n junctions or metal-semiconductor junctions). The device provides non-punch-through behavior and enhanced current conduction capability. The devices can be power semiconductor devices as such as Junction Field-Effect Transistors (VJFETs), Static Induction Transistors (SITs), Junction Field Effect Thyristors, or JFET current limiters. The devices can be made in wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC). According to some embodiments, the device can be a normally-off SiC vertical junction field effect transistor. Methods of making the devices and circuits comprising the devices are also described.
A vertical junction field effect transistor (VJFET) having a mesa termination and a method of making the device are described. The device includes: an n-type mesa on an n-type substrate; a plurality of raised n-type regions on the mesa comprising an upper n-type layer on a lower n-type layer; p-type regions between and adjacent the raised n-type regions and along a lower sidewall portion of the raised regions; dielectric material on the sidewalls of the raised regions, on the p-type regions and on the sidewalls of the mesa; and electrical contacts to the substrate (drain), p-type regions (gate) and the upper n-type layer (source). The device can be made in a wide-bandgap semiconductor material such as SiC. The method includes selectively etching through an n-type layer using a mask to form the raised regions and implanting p-type dopants into exposed surfaces of an underlying n-type layer using the mask.
Junction field-effect transistors with vertical channels and self-aligned regrown gates and methods of making these devices are described. The methods use techniques to selectively grow and/or selectively remove semiconductor material to form a p-n junction gate along the sides of the channel and on the bottom of trenches separating source fingers. Methods of making bipolar junction transistors with self-aligned regrown base contact regions and methods of making these devices are also described. The semiconductor devices can be made in silicon carbide.
Wide bandgap semiconductor devices including normally-off VJFET integrated power switches are described. The power switches can be implemented monolithically or hybridly, and may be integrated with a control circuit built in a single- or multi-chip wide bandgap power semiconductor module. The devices can be used in high-power, temperature-tolerant and radiation-resistant electronics components. Methods of making the devices are also described.
A vertical junction field effect transistor (VJFET) having a mesa termination and a method of making the device are described. The device includes: an n-type mesa on an n-type substrate; a plurality of raised n-type regions on the mesa comprising an upper n-type layer on a lower n-type layer; p-type regions between and adjacent the raised n-type regions and along a lower sidewall portion of the raised regions; dielectric material on the sidewalls of the raised regions, on the p-type regions and on the sidewalls of the mesa; and electrical contacts to the substrate (drain), p-type regions (gate) and the upper n-type layer (source). The device can be made in a wide-bandgap semiconductor material such as SiC. The method includes selectively etching through an n-type layer using a mask to form the raised regions and implanting p-type dopants into exposed surfaces of an underlying n-type layer using the mask.