A C-plate compensator is disclosed for compensating the residual A-plate and C-plate retardance of a reflective liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) display or a transmissive liquid crystal (LC) display in a projection display system. The C-plate incorporates a form-birefringent coating, whose retardance magnitude can be adjusted by tilting with respect to the display panel (X-Y) plane. The tilted plate is rotated about the Z-axis by a prescribed amount from the slow axis of the display panel. Criteria are described for choosing the tilt and rotation angles such that the contrast of the display system produced by the compensated panel is optimized.
The invention relates to a polarization compensating element (PCE) for a liquid crystal, e.g. liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS), display system manufactured using a linearly photo-polymerizable polymer (LPP) for orienting a photo-polymerizable liquid crystal polymer (LCP) film. To decrease the reflection, polarization conversion, and interference events in an LPP/LCP assembly the ΔN birefringence value of the LCP material is minimized. Dielectric coatings are added at various locations throughout the assembly for minimizing the amount of reflection, polarization conversion, and interference effects and for suppressing spatial retardance ripples.