This is a board to transport and convert optical outgoing free-space signals from a spatial light modulator which comprises: at least one detector to process the outgoing free-space signal; at least one signal transmitter to process the outgoing free-space signal; and at least one outgoing optical signal carrier to carry a converted outgoing signal. Other methods and devices are disclosed.
This is a processing module which may be used for parallel processing. Multiple software configurable optical interconnections provide for high speed processing which preferably use computer generated holograms to communicate among multiple processing elements. Other methods and devices are disclosed.
This is a programmable processing system which comprises: one or more computer networks each of the networks has at least one population of processor nodes; at least one population of storage nodes; and at least one switch to provide transfer of information between the processor nodes and the storage nodes. Each processor node has at least one processing module comprising spatial light modulators; processors; and at least one hologram. Other methods and devices are disclosed.
This is a crossbar switch which comprises: X rows by Y columns of modular optical switches each comprising X or more channel inputs and X or more channel outputs where X is greater than one; and each of columns 1 to Y-1 of the modular optical switches having 1/Xth of the channel outputs optically connected to 1/Xth of the channel inputs of each of the modular optical switches in a next column. Other methods and devices are disclosed.