Image processing apparatus, image pickup apparatus, image processing method, image data output method, image processing program and image data ouput program
    Image processing apparatus, image pickup apparatus, image processing method, image data output method, image processing program and image data ouput program 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: H04N1/4072 H04N1/6086

    Abstract: The present invention relates to an image processing apparatus, an image processing method and an image processing program for outputting an image obtained raw datum by an image pickup apparatus and for applying an image transform to an inputted scene referred raw datum based on a color appearance model. The image processing apparatus includes an image transform parameter calculating section for determining an image transform parameter of the color appearance model, based on the scene referred raw data or information related to the scene referee raw data, and an image transform section for applying the image transform based on the color appearance model to the scene referred raw datum using the determined image transform parameter.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种图像处理装置,图像处理方法和图像处理程序,用于通过图像拾取装置输出获得的原始数据的图像,并且基于颜色外观模型将输入的场景参考原始数据应用于图像变换 。 图像处理装置包括:图像变换参数计算部,其基于与场景裁判原始数据相关的场景参考原始数据或信息,确定彩色外观模型的图像变换参数;以及图像变换部, 基于使用确定的图像变换参数的现场参考原始基准的颜色外观模型。

    Image-processing apparatus, image-capturing apparatus, image-processing method and image-processing program
    Image-processing apparatus, image-capturing apparatus, image-processing method and image-processing program 失效





    CPC classification number: G06K9/00 H04N1/6088

    Abstract: An image processing apparatus for converting photographed image data representing a scene luminance into visual image data representing a visual image, comprises a data analyzing section to obtain a viewing condition to view a visual image, to analyze the photographed image data, and to obtain an image converting condition and a viewing condition parameter for a color management employing a color appearance model on the basis of the analysis result of the photographed image data and the viewing condition for the visual image; an image converting section to convert the photographed image data on the basis of the image converting condition obtained by the data analyzing section so as to produce the visual image data; and a formatting section to attach the viewing condition parameter to the visual image data produced by the image converting section and to output the visual image data attached with the viewing condition parameter.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于将表示场景亮度的拍摄图像数据转换为表示视觉图像的视觉图像数据的图像处理装置包括:数据分析部,用于获取观看视觉图像的观看条件,分析拍摄的图像数据,并获得图像 基于所拍摄的图像数据的分析结果和视觉图像的观看条件,使用颜色外观模型的颜色管理的转换条件和观看条件参数; 图像转换部分,用于基于由数据分析部分获得的图像转换条件转换所拍摄的图像数据,以产生视觉图像数据; 以及格式化部分,用于将观看条件参数附加到由图像转换部分生成的视觉图像数据,并输出附加有观看条件参数的视觉图像数据。

    Image-processing apparatus, image-capturing apparatus, image-processing method and image-processing program
    Image-processing apparatus, image-capturing apparatus, image-processing method and image-processing program 失效





    CPC classification number: G06K9/00 H04N1/6088

    Abstract: An image processing apparatus for converting photographed image data representing a scene luminance into visual image data representing a visual image, comprises a data analyzing section to obtain a viewing condition to view a visual image, to analyze the photographed image data, and to obtain an image converting condition and a viewing condition parameter for a color management employing a color appearance model on the basis of the analysis result of the photographed image data and the viewing condition for the visual image; an image converting section to convert the photographed image data on the basis of the image converting condition obtained by the data analyzing section so as to produce the visual image data; and a formatting section to attach the viewing condition parameter to the visual image data produced by the image converting section and to output the visual image data attached with the viewing condition parameter.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于将表示场景亮度的拍摄图像数据转换为表示视觉图像的视觉图像数据的图像处理装置包括:数据分析部,用于获取观看视觉图像的观看条件,分析拍摄的图像数据,并获得图像 基于所拍摄的图像数据的分析结果和视觉图像的观看条件,使用颜色外观模型的颜色管理的转换条件和观看条件参数; 图像转换部分,用于基于由数据分析部分获得的图像转换条件转换所拍摄的图像数据,以产生视觉图像数据; 以及格式化部分,用于将观看条件参数附加到由图像转换部分生成的视觉图像数据,并输出附加有观看条件参数的视觉图像数据。

    Image-processing method, image-processing apparatus and image-recording apparatus
    Image-processing method, image-processing apparatus and image-recording apparatus 审中-公开





    Abstract: An image processing method of producing visual image-referred data by conducting an image processing to optimize for viewing the visual on an output medium by utilizing a color appearance model, comprises an inputting process to input a user's editing instruction; a reading process to read scene-referred raw data for each editing instruction of an user inputted in the inputting process; and a gamut adjusting process to conduct a gamut mapping for each output medium by converting the read scene-referred raw data in accordance with the user's editing instruction by utilizing a color appearance model.

    Abstract translation: 一种图像处理方法,其通过利用色彩外观模型进行图像处理以产生对输出介质上的视觉进行优化的图像处理方法,包括:输入用户编辑指令的输入处理; 读取处理,用于读取在输入处理中输入的用户的每个编辑指令的场景参考原始数据; 以及色域调整处理,通过利用颜色外观模型,根据用户的编辑指令转换所读取的场景参考原始数据,对每个输出介质进行色域映射。

    Image processing apparatus, image processing method and image processing program
    Image processing apparatus, image processing method and image processing program 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: H04N1/6086 H04N1/4072 H04N1/603 H04N1/6058

    Abstract: An image processing apparatus includes an image forward-transform section for applying an image forward-transform based on a color appearance model to an inputted scene referred raw datum; an image processing section for applying a tone and/or color correction using a correction parameter determined based on the scene referred raw datum or information related to the scene referred raw datum, and a gamut mapping corresponding to an output device; and an image inverse-transform section for applying an image inverse-transform of the image forward-transform after the image processing.

    Abstract translation: 图像处理装置包括:图像前向变换部,其将基于颜色外观模型的图像前向变换应用于输入的场景参考原始数据; 图像处理部,其使用基于所述场景参考原始数据确定的校正参数或与所述场景参考原始数据相关的信息来应用色调和/或颜色校正,以及对应于输出设备的色域映射; 以及图像反变换部,用于在图像处理之后应用图像前向变换的图像逆变换。

    Image processing method, image processing device, and image processing program
    Image processing method, image processing device, and image processing program 失效





    Abstract: An image processing method includes the steps of: obtaining image data formed by signals of a plurality of pixels expressing a color image; discriminating a photographic scene of an image from the image data; determining a gradation correction method based on a result of discriminating a photographic scene; determining a first gradation correction amount based on a result of discriminating a photographic scene; detecting a face area in an image of the image data and calculating a face detection reliability; determining a second gradation correction amount based on an average luminance of the face area; determining a third gradation correction amount by weighted averaging the first gradation correction amount and the second gradation correction amount based on the face detection reliability; and applying a gradation correction process to the image data by using the third gradation correction amount and the gradation method.

    Abstract translation: 一种图像处理方法包括以下步骤:获得由表示彩色图像的多个像素的信号形成的图像数据; 从图像数据中区分图像的摄影场景; 基于识别摄影场景的结果确定灰度校正方法; 基于识别摄影场景的结果确定第一灰度校正量; 检测图像数据的图像中的面部区域并计算面部检测可靠性; 基于面部区域的平均亮度确定第二灰度校正量; 通过基于面部检测可靠性对第一灰度校正量和第二灰度校正量进行加权平均来确定第三灰度校正量; 以及通过使用第三灰度校正量和灰度方法对图像数据应用灰度校正处理。

    Image processing method, image processing apparatus, image recording apparatus, and image processing program
    Image processing method, image processing apparatus, image recording apparatus, and image processing program 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: H04N1/6086 H04N1/6027 H04N1/628

    Abstract: An image processing method includes the steps of: an occupation ratio calculating step of dividing a photographed image data into a plurality of regions based on at least one combination of: predefined brightness and hue; and distance from a frame edge of the photographed image and brightness; and calculating a occupation ratio of each of the plurality of regions which represents a ratio of each of the plurality of regions in the whole photographed image data; an index calculating step of calculating an index determining a type of a photographed scene by multiplying the occupation ratio of each of the plurality of area calculated in the occupation ratio calculation step to a predefined index according to a photographing condition; an image processing condition determining step of determining an image processing condition for the photographed image data using the index calculated in the index calculating step.

    Abstract translation: 一种图像处理方法包括以下步骤:基于预定亮度和色调的至少一种组合,将拍摄图像数据分割成多个区域的占用率计算步骤; 并且与拍摄图像的边缘和亮度的距离; 以及计算所述多个区域中的每一个的占有率,所述区域表示所述整个拍摄图像数据中的所述多个区域中的每一个的比率; 索引计算步骤,根据拍摄条件,将占用率计算步骤中计算出的多个区域中的每一个的占有率乘以预定的索引,来计算确定拍摄场景的类型的索引; 图像处理条件确定步骤,使用在索引计算步骤中计算的索引来确定拍摄的图像数据的图像处理条件。

    Image processing method, image processing apparatus, image capturing appartus and image processing program
    Image processing method, image processing apparatus, image capturing appartus and image processing program 审中-公开





    Abstract: There is described an image processing method, which makes it possible to continuously and appropriately corrects excessiveness or shortage of light amount in the flesh-color area. The image processing method includes: a light source condition index calculating process for calculating an index representing a light source condition of the captured image data; a correction value calculating process for calculating a correction value of the reproduction target value, corresponding to the index representing the light source condition; a first gradation conversion condition calculating process for calculating a gradation conversion condition for the captured image data, based on the correction value of the reproduction target value; an exposure condition index calculating process for calculating an index representing an exposure condition of the captured image data; and a second gradation conversion condition calculating process for calculating a gradation conversion condition for the captured image data, corresponding to the index representing the exposure condition.

    Abstract translation: 描述了一种图像处理方法,其可以连续且适当地校正肉色区域中的光量过剩或不足。 该图像处理方法包括:光源条件指标计算处理,用于计算表示所捕获图像数据的光源条件的指标; 校正值计算处理,用于计算对应于表示光源条件的指标的再现目标值的校正值; 第一灰度转换条件计算处理,用于基于再现目标值的校正值计算所获取的图像数据的灰度转换条件; 曝光条件指标计算处理,用于计算表示所拍摄图像数据的曝光条件的指标; 以及第二灰度转换条件计算处理,用于计算与表示曝光条件的指标对应的拍摄图像数据的灰度转换条件。

    Image-processing method, image-processing apparatus and image-recording apparatus
    Image-processing method, image-processing apparatus and image-recording apparatus 审中-公开





    Abstract: An image processing method of obtaining captured image data of pixels corresponding to one image plane and outputting image data optimized for viewing on an outputting medium, comprising: a brightness value distributing process of dividing a brightness region into plural brightness regions and distributing the pixels of the captured image data in accordance with the brightness value of each pixel into one of the plural brightness regions; a color specification value distributing process of dividing a two dimensional color specification region into plural color specification regions and brightness values and distributing the pixels of the captured image data in accordance with the hue and brightness values of each pixel into one of the plural color specification regions; and a photographing scene estimating process of estimating a photographing scene of the captured image data on the basis of the calculated brightness region occupation ratio and the calculated color specification region occupation ratio.

    Abstract translation: 一种图像处理方法,用于获得与一个图像平面相对应的像素的拍摄图像数据并输出在输出介质上优化用于观看的图像数据的图像处理方法,包括:亮度值分配处理,其将亮度区域划分为多个亮度区域并分布 根据每个像素的亮度值将所获取的图像数据分割成多个亮度区域中的一个; 将二维颜色指定区域划分为多个颜色指定区域和亮度值的颜色指定值分配处理,并且根据每个像素的色调和亮度值将拍摄图像数据的像素分布到多个颜色指定区域中的一个中 ; 以及基于计算的亮度区域占有率和计算出的颜色指定区域占有率来估计拍摄图像数据的拍摄场景的拍摄场景估计处理。

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