Periods of futile activity by one or more logic circuits of a component of a processor may be predicted, and then during each such period, one or more of the logic circuits may operate in a power-save state with reduced power consumption, with the latter part of the period being used to bring the logic circuits back into performance state, so that performance is not diminished beyond an acceptable level due to the power-save state. The decision of whether to reduce the power consumption of a particular logic circuit of a particular processor component is to have at a particular future time is made internally in the particular processor component based on one or more signals received by the particular processor component.
Periods of futile activity by one or more logic circuits of a component of a processor may be predicted, and then during each such period, one or more of the logic circuits may operate in a power-save state with reduced power consumption, with the latter part of the period being used to bring the logic circuits back into performance state, so that performance is not diminished beyond an acceptable level due to the power-save state. The decision of whether to reduce the power consumption of a particular logic circuit of a particular processor component is to have at a particular future time is made internally in the particular processor component based on one or more signals received by the particular processor component.
Periods of futile activity by one or more logic circuits of a component of a processor may be predicted, and then during each such period, one or more of the logic circuits may operate in a power-save state with reduced power consumption, with the latter part of the period being used to bring the logic circuits back into performance state, so that performance is not diminished beyond an acceptable level due to the power-save state. The decision of whether to reduce the power consumption of a particular logic circuit of a particular processor component is to have at a particular future time is made internally in the particular processor component based on one or more signals received by the particular processor component.