Self-propelled venous blood pump





    申请人: Koc Universitesi

    发明人: Kerem Pekkan

    摘要: The present invention relates to an implantable self-driven pump for use as a cavopulmonary assist device. The invention comprises an aortic turbine that uses some systemic blood from the left ventricle as an energy source and a venous pump that is coupled magnetically or mechanically to the turbine. The present invention more particularly relates to a cavopulmonary assist device (10) for a total cavopulmonary connection with superior vena cava-pulmonary artery anastomosis and inferior vena cava-pulmonary artery bridging via a conduit (9), said cavopulmonary assist device (10) comprising a pump unit (20) and a turbine unit (30) coupled by a shaft (401).

    Pump arrangement





    发明人: Reiner Liebing

    摘要: The subject matter of the present invention is a pump arrangement (1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50), in particular for use in the body's own vessels, having a pump (11, 41, 51) and a sheath (12, 42, 52) receiving the pump, bounding a flow passage (S) and having a distal intake opening (13, 43, 53) and a proximal outflow opening (14, 29, 39, 44, 54) for producing a driving flow by means of the pump, wherein the pump is arranged in a first fluid-tight section (12a, 42a, 52a) having the distal intake opening and a second fluid-tight section (12b, 42b, 52b) includes the proximal outflow opening. In accordance with the invention, a further inlet opening (15) is present between the first section and the second section and is arranged between the intake opening and the outflow opening, with the first section and the second section being arranged with respect to one another such that the inlet opening opens into the flow proximal to the pump.

    Catheter device





    摘要: The catheter device comprises a motor at the proximal end of the catheter device and a drive shaft, extending from the proximal end section to the distal end section of the catheter device, for driving a rotating element located at the distal end of the catheter device. The catheter device also comprises a hose-like catheter body which encompasses the drive shaft and extends from the proximal end section to the distal end section. At the proximal end of the catheter device, the drive shaft is connected to a motor by a clutch. The clutch is a magnetic clutch with a proximal and a distal magnet unit. The proximal magnet unit is connected to the motor and the distal magnet unit to the drive shaft. The distal magnet unit is mounted fluid-tight in a clutch housing. The proximal end of the catheter body makes a fluid-tight connection with the clutch housing.

    Conduit for transseptal passage of devices to the aorta





    申请人: Synecor LLC

    摘要: A conduit for creating a passage from a right atrium to a left atrium, through a mitral valve into the left ventricle, and to provide a passage from the left ventricle into the aortic valve. The conduit includes an elongate tubular member having a shaft with a proximal section and a distal loop section at a distal end of the proximal section. The distal loop section includes a proximal curve, a distal curve, a generally straight segment extending between the curves, and a distal tip. The shaft in the distal loop section curves back on itself so that proximal curve is formed by a part of the shaft that is closer along the length of the shaft to the distal tip. The shapes of the proximal and distal curves are selected to direct the distal tip into the mitral valve after it has crossed the inter-atrial septum from the right atrium to the left atrium of the heart, and to orient the distal opening of the distal tip towards the aortic valve when the proximal curve is in the mitral valve and the distal tip is in the left ventricle.






    申请人: First Pass, LLC

    IPC分类号: A61M1/10

    摘要: A manual clot aspiration and filtration system enables a method of removing a clot without general anesthesia and the expense of an operating room. An aspiration and filtration system for bodily fluid utilizes a syringe coupled with a filter unit to draw bodily fluid through the filter unit to collect debris on the filter. A flow valve may then be turned and the plunger depressed to force the filtered fluid back into the body. The filter may be configured to capture particles such as blood clots and plaque. The filter unit has a cover that can be removed for inspection and/or removal of the collected debris. When the cover is replaced, trapped air may be removed by turning the flow-valve to a purge direction and pressing the plunger into the syringe to force fluid back toward the filter unit to purge the trapped air through the purge valve.

    Chamber for artificial circulatory assistance and membrane





    IPC分类号: A61M1/10 A61M1/12

    摘要: A novel artificial circulatory assistance chamber for various uses associated with cardiovascular procedures, having a rigid capsule with a base and a dome, with blood inlet connectors and blood outlet connectors, and respective one-way valves. The rigid capsule contains an impermeable membrane that divides the capsule into a blood compartment and an outer compressible compartment that is filled with a volume of gas/liquid.