The invention relates to a waterproofing liquid silicon composition intended for impregnating porous construction materials, for example mineral or (ligno)cellulosic materials.
A system (10) for thermal insulation and/or wall repair of buildings is disclosed, which comprises two superimposed plates, a first capillary active calcium silicate plate enabling water vapour diffusion (1) and a second thermal insulation plate (2) having material properties which are different from those of the first plate, both plates (1, 2) consisting of an inorganic material. According to the invention, the calcium silicate plate (1) has a capillary transport coefficient for both a suction process and a drying process of 1 x 10-5 m2/s to 1 x 10-10 m2/s and the second plate (2) has a capillary transport coefficient for both a suction process and a drying process of 1 x 10-4 m2/s to 1 x 10-12 m2/s.
Plastic profiled semi-rigid barrier for use in a horizontal waterproof barrier and designed for cascade connection of two or more levels of horizontal hydro isolation during rehabilitation and preservation works on old civil engineering structures endangered by capillary moisture, which semi rigid barrier is extruded, has a horizontal plate body (a) and at one of the sides of the plate body a female coupling (FC) which is rotated 90 degrees with relation to the axial direction of the plate body (a). The invention also' includes a method of installing such a barrier.
The Plastic Profiled Semi-Rigid Barrier No. 3 is the product and the procedure connected to the rehabilitation and preservation works on old civil structures and real estate of cultural value - cultural monuments, endangered by capillary moisture. The walls of old civil engineering structures, regardless their thickness (2, 3 and more meters), as well as, the kind of building material (brick, stone, stone filling /rip-rap/, air brick, rammed clay), are completely cut in small phases (kampadas) by ultra fast diamond cutting tools without vibrations and shocks. In so performed works we inject the special viscous cement polymer mass. Through this injected mass we lace and inject one after the other Plastic Profiled Semi-Rigid Barriers No. 1 and 2. The installed barriers in the combination with injected mass make a new waterproof connection - horizontal hydroisolation. The Plastic Profiled Semi-Ripid Barriers No. 1 and No. 2 with their design, characteristics and construction exclude the possibility of building settlement and the appearance of micro cracks (the basis patent). THE ESSENCE OF THE BASIC PATENT IS the Plastic Profiled Semi-Riqid Barriers No. 1 and 2 which height is optimised by precise grinding according to the cut height. The barriers independently, by their construction, prevent the building settlement (Ah 1 ) where the vertical ribs completely take over the vertical loading without any deformation. During the work on churches and monasteries where the walls are often very massive, thick 2, 3 and more meters, the floors are in more different levels. The problems that can not be solved. Very often there is the question how to "break" in cascades the horizontal isolation in such massive walls, so that it, not interrupted, follows the broken configuration of floors (patent request). The wet walls are completely cut - in kampadas. The barriers are mutually connected in the cut itself by its male (MC) and female couplings (FC) and so connected they are injected into the cut which is previously injected with viscous cement polymer mass (basic patent). On the AIMED SPOT we make de-levelling (cascade) CHARACTERIZED BY THE PRODUCT AND PROCEDURE from the Patent Request. As the last, in the horizontal direction, we install in the cut the Plastic Profiled Semi-Rigid Barriers No. 3. On the aimed spot, through the previously made vertical cut, vertically to the horizontal plane we install the Plastic Profiled Semi-Rigid Barriers No. 3. The height of each individual cascade could not exceed the width of one to two Barriers No. 3 (7-15 cm) in order not to disturb the building construction. The new change of direction continuous with the new horizontal cutting and installation of Barrier No. 1 or 2 by the procedure, which CHARACTERIZED BY the basic patent. BARRIER No. 3 in a very easy and simple way solves the problem of cascade connection of two, three or more different levels of horizontal hydro isolation.
A plastering system and method are provided capable of disengaging plater of a wall. The system comprises an intermediate member (10) having two surfaces provided with plurality of spaces facing at least one of the two surfaces and flanges adapted to connect the intermediate member to the wall. The intermediate member is attached to the wall while the plurality of spaces is adjacently facing the wall allowing solid crystals from the wall to accummulate within the spaces. The plaster (20) is spread onto the other surface of the intermediate member.
The invention can be used for waterproofing permanent butt joints of various building objects, for example for waterproofing metal hollow columns and mains and for other engineering fields for protecting against corrosion, reducing heat loses and preventing a butt joint of a construction of aggressive agents. Said invention reduces labour cost for producing a waterproofed butt joint, increases the waterproof reliability thereof and improves the heat-insulation properties of a joint area. The inventive device for waterproofing a butt joint comprises an envelope which is made of high or medium density polyethylene and open on the ends thereof. The middle section of said envelope is made of non-cross-linked polyethylene and the length thereof is equal to 0.35-0.65 of the envelope length. A layer of a sealant or gluing material is applied to the internal perimeter of at least one end section of the envelope.
The invention consists of colloidal emulsion composition used for the protection of building elements against the damaging action of water penetrating them by capillarity or hydrostatic pressure. The emulsion may be also utilized as a binding agent for the building element crumbling by the action of meteorological, chemical and biological factors. The emulsion will be used by injection, in order to achieve a horizontal hydroinsulation, through orificies made either in one side or both sides of the building element, the distance among orifices being correlated with the emulsion diffusion radius around the orifice, so that no area among orifices remain unimpregnated with the emulsion.
A method of electrochemical treatment of building material (1) includes mounting on the material (1) an anode network (5) and spraying electrolytic material (11) onto the material (1) and the network (5) and leading wetting liquid via porous, distributing hoses (6) to a gap between the material (1) and the network (5). The method may include heating in the region of the electrode (5) in order to improve the efficiency of the electrochemical treatment, the power for the heating being supplied from a source (12) separate from the power source (7) for producing the electrochemical treatment.
A high-temperature resistant sheet, and a method of producing the same is based upon the inclusion of at least one layer comprising a) at least one inorganic silicate compound, and b) a fibrous inorganic material.
Изобретение относится к строительству, в частности к способам теплоизоляции, декоративной отделки и защиты от атмосферных факторов наружных и внутренних стен в строительных конструкциях. Процесс включает быстрое нанесение на стену, подлежащую утеплению и декоративной отделке, сборных теплоизоляционных плит с выступами, на которые в качестве декоративного слоя наносится мраморная крошка для придания желаемого внешнего вида, стойкости как при механическом воздействии, так и при воздействии погоды.