Изобретение может быть использовано при изготовлении полых, например, авиационных вентиляторных лопаток. На поверхность участков, не подвергаемых соединению при диффузионной сварке, наносят антиадгезионное покрытие. После диффузионной сварки пакета, собранного из заготовок корыта, спинки и внутреннего каркаса лопатки, осуществляют разрушение адгезионных связей путем приложения отрывающей нагрузки, обеспечивающей отслоение защитного покрытия за счет упругой деформации заготовки на упомянутых участках при воздействии магнитного и/или электрического поля. Разрушение адгезионных связей производят до или после придания упомянутой заготовке аэродинамического профиля. Затем нагревают полученную конструкционную заготовку до температуры сверхпластической формовки и подают в ее полости рабочую среду для создания статического и/или вибростатического давления, необходимого для сверхпластической формовки, до получения полого пера лопатки и формирования ребер жесткости. Способ обеспечивает повышение качества лопаток и надежности процесса их изготовления за счет минимизации влияния загрязнений при разрушении и отслоении антиадгезионного покрытия.
A method for manufacturing a metallic sandwich panel is descreibed, said method comprising bonding of a first skin (21) and a second skin (22) to a core material (23), coupling a sheet (24) to the first skin (21) to form with the first skin (21) an enclosure (25) containing the second skin (22) and the core material (23), exposing the first skin (21), the second skin (22), and the core material (23)to heat, and based on the exposition of heat, applying pressure via the enclosure (25) to the first skin (21) to cause the first skin (21) to deform and expand to a shape of a die (31). An inner fixed structure of a thrust reverser comprising a barrel portion and an engine exhasust structre are also disclosed.
The invention is directed to a system and method of applying a coating of lubricant material to the surface of a sheet metal blank in a controlled manner such that some areas of the blank have a uniform thickness of lubricant while other areas have no lubricant at all or have a variable amount (progressively increasing or decreasing) of lubricant. This is achieved through the use of a mask template that comprises an overspray fence and at least one contact element. The lubricated coated sheet metal blank is utile for superplastic forming to produce specialized complex shaped parts. The invention advantageously lessens the possibility of skid or slip lines appearing in the finished product as well as lessens the likely build-up of lubricant in forming dies - easing maintenance requirements.
A method and apparatus for fabricating articles from metals having a hexagonal close packed (HCP) crystal structure is described. The method comprises a two-stage process: specialized hot deep drawing and pneumatic coining within a single press cycle. The apparatus includes a drawing chamber (110) in which the environmental temperature is sufficient to impart enough ductility to the metal or alloy blank (101) to allow it to be drawn about a plug (121) into an outline shape of the finished part. More detailed features are then added by increasing gas pressure inside the chamber (110), thereby forcing the drawn blank (101) more closely against the contours of the plug (121). Use of pneumatic pressure avoids the use of matched dies, which are prohibitively complex and expensive to use to shape parts from such HCP metals.
La présente invention concerne un procédé de réalisation d'un renfort métallique (30) de bord d'attaque ou de bord de fuite d'aube de turbomachine comportant successivement: - une étape (44) de positionnement d'une préforme (26, 70) au moyen d'un outillage (60) positionnant ladite préforme (26, 70) dans une position de sorte que ladite préforme (26, 70) présente à une extrémité une zone (28, 72) apte à recevoir du métal d'apport; - une étape (46) de construction d'une base (39) dudit renfort métallique (30) par rechargement de métal d'apport dans ladite zone (28), sous la forme de cordons de métal.
A die (68) for forming an inflated aerofoil comprising an upper (70) and a lower jaw (72) that define a convex and a concave surface of the inflated aerofoil. Also a method of using the die (68) comprising the steps of: a. Forming a layered, planar pre-form (34), b. Separating the jaws (70, 72) of the die (68) and inserting the pre-form (34) therebetween, c. Simultaneously applying heat and closing the jaws (70, 72) of the die (68) towards each other to hot creep form the pre-form (34) until the lower jaw (72) abuts and the upper jaw (70) is spaced from a central portion (80) of the preform (34), and both jaws (70, 72) clamp an edge portion (74) of the pre-form (34), and d. Inflating the pre-form (34) until its external surfaces conform to the jaw surface profiles to form the inflated aerofoil.
Reduction in weight is an important factor with respect to turbine engines used in aircraft. Blades (20) used in such turbine engines may fragment such that it is necessary that the containment casing (42) can resist such fragmentation. Root portions of blades are generally less deformable and therefore require conventionally more robust containment casings. Use of super plastically formed blades allows provision of slots (4, 14, 24, 46) in the root portion which facilitate fragmentation and deformation by the root portion under impact reducing the necessity for greater reinforcement of the containment casing. The slots (4, 14, 24, 24, 46) are created in a membrane utilised for web reinforcement of the blade rather than through intrusive drilling and cutting processes which may introduce machining stresses into their creation and potential tool loss within the high value blade. Additionally, by providing such slots (4, 14, 24, 46) it will be appreciated that the cavity formed within the blade may be sealed without additional machining or other processes.
A method of stretch forming an aluminum metal sheet that includes the steps of placing an aluminum metal sheet in a hot forming tool, forming a shaped part at an elevated temperature, removing the hot shaped part from the forming tool, and thereafter transferring the hot shaped part to a cooling fixture. The transfer and removal steps are performed at a speed that is variable based on a correlation of the temperature and strength of the aluminum metal sheet and the speed at which the hot shaped part may be transferred without distortion of its shape due to inertia.