A pulsed laser system may include a Raman fiber that is configured to act as multiple wavelength Raman laser. The fiber is configured to receive a pulsed input beam from an input source and convert the input beam to an output beam having narrow band outputs at first and second frequencies.
The invention relates to methods and apparatus for modifying the frequency characteristics of a spatially-dispersed mid- I R spectra for spectroscopy. In a preferred embodiment, sum frequency generation between a frequency-dispersed IR beam and an ultrafast optical pulse generates a spatially- extended optical signal that is collected with a CCD detector.
The invention relates to methods and apparatus for modifying the frequency characteristics of a spatially-dispersed mid- I R spectra for spectroscopy. In a preferred embodiment, sum frequency generation between a frequency-dispersed IR beam and an ultrafast optical pulse generates a spatially- extended optical signal that is collected with a CCD detector.
A method of intracavity frequency conversion in a CW laser includes causing fundamental radiation to circulate in a laser resonator. The fundamental radiation makes a first pass through an optically nonlinear crystal where a fraction of the fundamental radiation generates second-harmonic radiation in a forward pass through the crystal. The residual fundamental radiation and the second-harmonic radiation are then sum-frequency mixed in forward and reverse passes through an optically nonlinear crystal such that a fraction of each is converted to third-harmonic radiation. The residual second-harmonic radiation and fundamental radiation from the sum-frequency mixing then make a reverse pass through the second-harmonic generating crystal where the second-harmonic radiation is converted back to fundamental radiation. The third harmonic radiation can be delivered from the resonator as output radiation, or can be used to pump another optically nonlinear crystal in an optical parametric oscillator. Second-harmonic radiation can also be used to pump an optical parametric oscillator.
Aufgabe der Erfindung ist es, eine kompakte Anordnung zur Erzeugung von optischen Mehrwellensignalen anzugeben, die einfacher und preiswerter in ihrer Herstellung als die dem Stand der Technik nach bekannten Lösungen ist. Die erfindungsgemäße Lösung sieht eine Anordnung zur Erzeugung von optischen Mehrwellensignalen vor, die mindestens eine Pumpquelle (1), die Pumpimpulse erzeugt, und eine Mehrkern-Photonische-Kristallfaser (MCPCF) (3) aufweist, die aus N Kernen und um die Kerne angeordneten Kapillaren aus einem Material mit einer kleineren Brechzahl als der des Kerns besteht, wobei jeder Kern mit den um ihn angeordneten Kapillaren einen Wellenleiter bildet und alle Wellenleiter geringe Unterschiede in der effektiven Brechzahl aufweisen, und Pumpquelle und MCPCF derart verbunden sind, dass die Pumpimpulse in die gesamte Fläche der MCPCF eingestrahlt und beim Durchgang der Pumpimpulse durch die einzelnen Wellenleiter mittels Vierwellenmischung Idler-Impulse mit unterschiedlichen diskreten Wellenlängen erzeugt werden.
The invention is directed to a compact optically side-pumped solid-state laser with an optimized overlap between the mode of the laser beam propagating in the laser material and the pump beam. Using a common pump volume, the compact solid-state laser can simultaneously emit laser beams at different wavelengths. The laser can be combined with nonlinear optical elements to provide a RGB three color laser architecture suitable for color projection display applications.