The invention relates to an acceleration sensor, especially a duplex acceleration sensor, an arrangement and a method for detecting a loss of adhesion of a vehicle tire (3). The acceleration sensor comprises a tube (5) having a longitudinal axis forming a circular arc segment, and two closed ends. A mass (15; 315) is arranged inside the tube (5) such that it is able to move inside said tube (5) in the longitudinal direction thereof. A magnet arrangement (17; 203; 205; 317) is designed to counteract, by way of a magnetic force exerted on the mass (15; 315), a movement of said mass (15; 315) from an idle position (25), and a read-out unit (608) is designed to detect a movement of said mass (15) from said idle position (25).
A method of signalling an aquaplaning condition of a tyre, the latter rolling on a rolling surface (5), a footprint area being defined between said tyre and said rolling surface (5), a layer of water (9) being interposed between the tyre and said rolling surface (5), said method comprising: detecting a first signal (S1) representative of a deformation of said tyre due to rolling of said tyre (1) on said rolling surface (5), said first signal comprising at least one portion representative of the interaction between the tyre and said layer of water (9); processing said first signal (S1) so as to determine a parameter (P1, P2, P3, P4) representative of an aquaplaning condition of said tyre (1), as a function of said first signal (S1); generating a notification signal (SN) as a function of said at least one parameter (P1, P2, P3, P4). Also disclosed is a system for signalling an aquaplaning condition of a tyre.
II s'agit d'un élément de liaison au sol d'un véhicule équipé d'un capteur (C) pour mesurer au moins un paramètre physique. Le capteur (C) comporte au moins une jauge de contrainte (J) de type structure résonante acoustique formée d'un transducteur piézoélectrique (10) solidaire d'un support (20) soumis à la contrainte, le support (20) logeant en regard du transducteur piézoélectrique (10) une partie réfléchissante (40) enterrée, pour réfléchir des ondes acoustiques de volume générées par le transducteur piézoélectrique (10) lorsqu'il est excité sur un mode harmonique de la structure, et qui se propagent dans le support (20), cette partie réfléchissante (40) étant placée à une distance du transducteur piézoélectrique (10) telle que l'intégrale de la contrainte sur la distance de propagation des ondes acoustiques de volume jusqu'à leur réflexion soit non nulle.
Vehicle properties are determined by providing both actual and real-time data of the tires to the vehicle control system. The data includes both static and dynamic tire data. The properties are determined by the following steps: a) putting a vehicle in motion, the vehicle being provided with a set of tires and a vehicle control system wherein at least one tire has means to communicate with the vehicle control system and the vehicle control system has a processor, a vehicle observer, and a preprogrammed vehicle model; b) sending either static or dynamic tire information from the tire to the vehicle control system via the tire communication means; and c) estimating a vehicle property using the received tire information.
Méthode de détermination du coefficient d'adhérence μ dans l'aire de contact d'un pneu sur une chaussée, dans laquelle on sélectionne plusieurs points fixes dans l'espace (c'est à dire fixes dans le repère lié au véhicule), situés à des azimuts différents le long de la circonférence dans au moins un flanc du pneu, on effectue autant de mesures de variation de distance circonférentielle (extension ou contraction) à ces points fixes lorsque le pneu roule sur la chaussée et l'on traite les signaux de mesure de façon à en extraire ledit coefficient d'adhérence μ.
The invention relates to a system for monitoring the properties of at least one tire (12) in a motor vehicle (36). The system is characterized in that means for storing information are provided on the tire, said information representing properties of the tire (12), as well as sensors (20, 22) that detect said information. The invention further relates to a method for monitoring the properties of at least one tire.
A system for monitoring the vehicle dynamics of a motor vehicle with at least one wheel (12), comprising a sensor arrangement (20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30) for the at least one wheel, which records at least one wheel parameter for each wheel (12) and transmits a signal (Si, Sa), representative of the at least one wheel parameter and, furthermore, an evaluation device (14) which processes the signal (Si, Sa), representing the at least one wheel parameter of the wheel (12). According to the invention, the evaluation device (14) determines at least one value characterising the force transmitting capacity of the at least one wheel (12) as per the result of the processing. The invention further relates to a method for monitoring the vehicle dynamics of a motor vehicle with at least one wheel (12).
A system and method for predicting the forces generated in the tire contact patch from measurements of tire deformations, including separating the lateral force, the vertical force, and the circumferential torque using measurements of tire deformations. A system and method for using a trained neural network or bilinear equations to determine any combination or permutation of one or more of any of the following from tire sidewall deformation sensors, e.g., magnetic tire sidewall torsion measuring (SWT) sensors: the lateral force acting on the tire, the circumferential torque acting on the tire, the longitudinal force acting on the tire, the vertical force acting on the tire, and forces and/or torques having any one or more of the foregoing as components thereof.