Inventor: ROTH, Gundula , TEWS, Walter , LEE, Chung Hoon
CPC classification number: C09K11/7734 , C09K11/58 , C09K11/592 , C09K11/66 , C09K11/665 , C09K11/666 , C09K11/7457 , C09K11/753 , C09K11/756 , C09K11/757 , C09K11/758 , C09K11/7706 , C09K11/7707 , C09K11/7709 , C09K11/7714 , C09K11/7735 , C09K11/7737 , C09K11/7738 , C09K11/7739 , C09K11/774 , C09K11/7742 , C09K11/7783 , C09K11/7792
Abstract: This invention relates to luminescent materials for ultraviolet light or visible light excitation containing lead and/or copper doped chemical compounds. The luminescent material is composed of one or more than one compounds of aluminate type, silicate type, antimonate type, germanate/or germanate- silicate type, and/or phosphate type. Accordingly, the present invention is a good possibility to substitute earth alkaline ions by lead and copper for a shifting of the emission bands to longer or shorter wave length, respectively. Luminescent compounds containing copper and/or lead with improved luminescent properties and also with improved stability against water, humidity as well as other polar solvents are provided. The present invention is to provide lead and/or copper doped luminescent compounds, which has high color temperature range about 2,00OK to 8,000K or 10,000K and CRI over 90.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及含有铅和/或铜掺杂化合物的紫外光或可见光激发用发光材料。 发光材料由铝酸盐型,硅酸盐型,锑酸盐型,锗酸盐型或锗酸 - 硅酸盐型和/或磷酸盐型的一种或多种化合物组成。 因此,本发明很有可能用铅和铜代替碱土离子,将发射带分别移动到更长或更短的波长。 提供含有铜和/或铅的发光化合物,其具有改善的发光性能,并且还具有改善的对水,湿度以及其它极性溶剂的稳定性。 本发明提供铅和/或铜掺杂的发光化合物,其色温范围大约为200K至8000K或10,000K,CRI高于90。
IPC: C09K11/08
CPC classification number: C09K11/757 , C09K11/0844 , C09K11/0894 , C09K11/592 , C09K11/595 , C09K11/643 , C09K11/666 , C09K11/753 , C09K11/756 , C09K11/7734 , C09K11/7735 , C09K11/7737 , C09K11/7739 , H01L2224/16145 , H01L2224/48091 , H01L2224/48247 , H01L2224/48257 , Y02B20/181 , H01L2924/00014
Abstract: A phosphor for converting ultraviolet light or blue light emitted from a light-emitting element into a visible white radiation having a high color rendering, containing a light-emitting component prepared from a solid system of an alkaline earth antimonate and a system derived from the solid system and exhibiting intrinsic photoemission, such as a fluoroantimonate, a light-emitting component prepared from a manganese(IV)-activated antimonate, a titanate, silicate-germanate, and an aluminate, a light-emitting component prepared from a europium-activated silicate-germanate or from a system containing a sensitizer selected from a group consisting of europium (II) and manganese (II) as a secondary activator and having an orange color or a dark red color in the spectrum range over 600 nm, or a light-emitting component composed of a mixture of eight or less light-emitting components having different light-emission bands and brought to a state of continuous emission of about 380 to 780 nm exhibiting a color temperature of about 10,000 to 6,500 K and a color temperature of about 3,000 to 2,000 K by virtue of the superposition of the light-emitting bands.
Abstract translation: 用于将从发光元件发射的紫外光或蓝光转换成具有高显色性的可见白色辐射的荧光体,其包含由碱土金属锑酸盐的固体体系制备的发光组分和衍生自固体的体系 系统并显示内在光电子发射,例如氟锑酸盐,由锰(Ⅳ)活化的锑酸盐,钛酸盐,硅酸盐 - 锗酸盐和铝酸盐制备的发光组分,由铕活化硅酸盐制备的发光组分 或含有选自铕(II)和锰(II)的敏化剂作为二次活化剂并且在600nm以上的光谱范围内具有橙色或深红色的系统的系统, 由具有不同发光带的八个或更少的发光组件的混合物组成的发光组件,并且达到约380至780nm的连续发射exh 通过发光带的叠加,产生约10,000至6,500K的色温和约3,000至2,000K的色温。
Inventor: ROTH, Gundula , TEWS, Walter , LEE, Chung Hoon
IPC: H01L33/00
CPC classification number: C09K11/7734 , C09K11/666 , C09K11/753 , C09K11/756 , C09K11/7738 , C09K11/7739 , C09K11/774 , C09K11/7792 , H01L33/502 , H01L2224/32245 , H01L2224/48091 , H01L2224/73265 , H01L2224/8592 , H01L2924/181 , H05B33/14 , H01L2924/00014 , H01L2924/00012
Abstract: A light emitting device can include a substrate, electrodes provided on the substrate, a light emitting diode configured to emit light, the light emitting diode being provided on one of the electrodes, phosphors configured to change a wavelength of the light, and an electrically conductive device configured to connect the light emitting diode with another of the plurality of electrodes. T he phosphors can substantially cove at least a portion of the light emitting diode. The phosphor may include aluminate type compounds, lead and/or copper doped silicates, lead and/or copper doped antimonates, lead and/or copper doped germanates, lead and/or copper doped germanate-silicates, lead and/or copper doped phosphates, or any combination thereof.
Abstract translation: 发光器件可以包括衬底,设置在衬底上的电极,被配置为发光的发光二极管,设置在电极之一上的发光二极管,配置为改变光的波长的荧光体,以及导电 被配置为将所述发光二极管与所述多个电极中的另一个连接的装置。 磷光体可以基本上覆盖发光二极管的至少一部分。 磷光体可以包括铝酸盐型化合物,铅和/或铜掺杂的硅酸盐,铅和/或铜掺杂的锑酸盐,铅和/或铜掺杂的锗酸盐,铅和/或铜掺杂的锗酸盐 - 硅酸盐,铅和/或铜掺杂的磷酸盐, 或其任何组合。