A lightweight concrete formulation containing Portland cement, aggregate, glass particles, water and metakaolin. At least 80% of the glass particles have a grain size of less than 2 mm. The glass particles contribute between 3% and 20% of the total weight of the concrete formulation. The metakaolin contributes between 4% and 12% of the total weight of the concrete formulation. The glass particles are preferably expanded glass particles. Also provided is a lightweight grout formulation containing Portland cement, glass particles, water and metakaolin. At least 80% of the glass particles have a grain size of less than 2 mm. The glass particles contribute between 3% and 15% of the total weight of the grout formulation. The metakaolin contributes between 7% and 15% of the total weight of the grout formulation.
Disclosed is a method for enhancing the performance of concrete includes, providing a cementitious mixture comprising cement and processed high calcium fly ash; wherein a processing of the processed high calcium fly ash neutralizes a cementitious reactivity of a high calcium fly ash, wherein a pozzolanic reactivity of the processed high calcium fly ash is maintained during the processing of the high calcium fly ash. The processing of the high calcium fly ash includes hydrating and carbonating the high calcium fly ash. The processing further includes excavating the high calcium fly ash from a landfill or surface impoundment after the hydrating and carbonating. Also disclosed is a portland-pozzolan blended cement mixture with clinker, gypsum, and a pozzolanic material, such as processed high calcium fly ash. After processing, the cementitious reactivity of a high calcium fly ash is neutralized, while pozzolanic reactivity of the high calcium fly ash is maintained.
본 발명은, 시멘트, 물, 골재가 배합된 보통콘크리트에 무기물인 고분말 포졸란재료 기포슬러리를 혼합하여 혼합콘크리트를 형성하고, 이 혼합콘크리트에 유기물인 라텍스 또는 수용성 폴리머 및 아크릴계 폴리머를 혼합하여 형성한 재배합콘크리트가 숏팅안내부재로 배출될 때, 5기압 이상의 고압의 압축공기로 뿜어 재배합콘크리트에 포함된 공기를 소산시키면서 공기함유량이 3~7% 되도록 하고, 100~200mm 정도의 슬럼프를 가지는 하이브리드 콘크리트를 제조함으로써, 일반적으로 혼입되는 라텍스의 혼입량을 줄임으로 시공단가를 대폭 절감함은 물론 재배합콘크리트를 배출할 때, 5기압 이상의 고압의 압축공기로 뿜어 재배합콘크리트에 포함된 공기를 소산시켜 공기량이 3~7% 되면서 100~200mm 정도의 슬럼프를 가지도록 하여 고강도, 고내구성을 확보할 수 있는 고분말 포졸란재료 기포슬러리와 라텍스의 후첨가 배합에 의한 하이브리드 콘크리트 제조방법에 관한 것이다.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Herstellung eines Zementklinkerersatzstoffs, wobei a. ein Ausgangsmaterial in Form von natürlichem und/oder synthetischem, zeolithhaltigem Puzzolan und /oder Tonen bereitgestellt wird und b. das Ausgangsmaterial zur Herstellung des Zementklinkerersatzstoffs in einem Temperaturbereich von 500 - 1200°C thermisch behandelt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass c. vor und/oder während der thermischen Behandlung des Ausgangsmaterials mindestens ein Flussmittel zugegeben wird, das die innere Oberfläche des Zementklinkerersatzstoffs reduziert.
Este invento consiste en diferentes compuestos de cemento Pórtland adicionado con puzolanas texturizadas, obtenidas por tratamientos físicos conocidos de atomización, paletización, granulación, o combinaciones de éstos, que producen cambios en su morfología global primitiva. Estos procesos de texturización, posibilitan la obtención de aglomerados especiales con diferentes morfologías: combinación de un núcleo de un cierto material recubierto con una capa homogénea que mejore las propiedades del sólido componente del núcleo y que facilite su procesado posterior, es decir que resista el trasiego del sólido granulado desde su génesis hasta su mezclado y amasado con el cemento de origen, para lograr una velocidad de fraguado óptima. Este tipo de granulo texturizado, disminuye la eficacia inmediata de la puzolana, ralentizando las reacciones y permitiendo que éstas se prolonguen con mayor eficacia.
To use the residue, it is necessary to grind it so as to turn it granulometrically satisfactory for use (within the specifications). After being ground in the presence of moisture, this material chemically reacts with the calcium hydroxide and forms agglomerating compounds. It is worth detaching that this type of residue may have undergone a thermal process between 500°C and 1250°C so as to activate its minerals. It is a good quality material as table (1) shows. After being analyzed, the material can be applied to the manufacturing or bagging system without restrictions in accordance with the company needs. The studied residue aims at reducing costs, bettering the product quality, helping to protect the natural resources and integrating other companies in the environmental concept. Its main applicability is in the manufacturing of cement types: CPII-Z and CPIV in the bagging and selling of artificial pozzuolana, in the mixture to enrich other clays, either calcined or in-natura, as well as mortar and concrete pigment.
Наномодифицированный цемент низкой водопотребности включает компоненты в следующем соотношении, мае. частей: портландцемент 50-100, минеральный кремнеземистый наполнитель 0-50, барит 0,5-20 от массы портландцемента, органический водопонижающий реагент суперпластификатор 0, 3-3,0 мае. частей в пересчете на сухое вещество. В качестве суперпластификатора могут быть взяты: соли щелочных и/или щелочноземельных металлов продукта конденсации нафталинсульфаткислоты с формальдегидом или продукта конденсации меламинсодержащих смол с формальдегидом или комплексные соли щелочноземельных металлов и серной и/или азотной и/или муравьиной и/или уксусной кислот и низкомолекулярных сахаридов с числом атомов углерода 3-5. Способ получения наномодифицированного цемента включает совместное измельчение портландцемента или его смеси с минеральным кремнеземистым наполнителем, баритом и суперпластификатором, при этом предварительно осуществляют помол портландцемента в количестве 0,5-50% от общей его массы, барита весь требуемой расход и суперпластификатора 0,1-10% от общей его массы. После получасового помола добавляют оставшиеся компоненты, в том числе при необходимости минеральный кремнеземистый наполнитель, и производят помол до удельной поверхности 450-700 м2/кг.
A method of producing cement clinker and a second calcined material, wherein the cement clinker is produced in a first production line and the second calcined material is produced from a raw material in a second production line by carrying out the following steps: e) optionally drying the raw material in a dryer, g) calcining the optionally dried raw material in a rotary kiln to obtain the second calcined material, wherein the sensible heat of a hot gas in the first production line is used as a heat source in the calcining step g) for calcining the raw material, and wherein the rotary kiln exhaust gas coming from the calcining step g) is introduced into the first production line for the secondary combustion of the rotary kiln exhaust gas.
An activated pozzolan composition includes a fine interground particulate blend of an initially unactivated natural pozzolan and a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) different than the initially unactivated natural pozzolan. The initially unactivated natural pozzolan may include volcanic ash or other natural pozzolanic deposit having a moisture content of at least 3%, and the activated pozzolan composition can have a moisture content less than 0.5% The initially unactivated natural pozzolan may have a particle size less than 1 mm before intergrinding with the SCM. The SCM used to activate the initially unactivated natural pozzolan can be initially coarse or granular with a size greater than 1-3 µm and may include granulated blast furnace slag, steel slag, other metallurgical slag, pumice, limestone, fine aggregate, shale, tuff, trass, geologic material, waste glass, glass shards, basalt, sinters, ceramics, recycled bricks, recycled concrete, refractory materials, other waste industrial products, sand, or natural mineral.
The invention comprises a composition comprising a natural pozzolan selected from hyaloclastite, sideromelane or tachylite, wherein the natural pozzolan has a volume-based mean particle size of less than or equal to 40 μm. The invention also comprises a cementitious material comprising a hydraulic cement and a natural pozzolan selected from hyaloclastite, sideromelane, tachylite or combination or mixtures thereof, wherein the natural pozzolan has a volume-based mean particle size of less than or equal to approximately 40 μm. The invention further comprises a cementitious-based material comprising aggregate, a cementitious material comprising a hydraulic cement and a natural pozzolan selected from hyaloclastite, sideromelane, tachylite or combination or mixtures thereof, wherein the natural pozzolan has a volume-based mean particle size of less than or equal to approximately 40 μm and water sufficient to hydrate the cementitious material. A method of using the composition of the present invention is also disclosed.