An embodiment includes an oscillator comprising an amplifier formed on a substrate; a multiple gate resonant channel array, formed on the substrate, including: (a) transistors including fins, each of the fins having a channel between source and drain nodes, coupled to common source and drain contacts; and (b) common first and second tri-gates coupled to each of the fins and located between the source and drain contacts; wherein the fins mechanically resonate at a first frequency when one of the first and second tri-gates is periodically activated to produce periodic downward forces on the fins. Other embodiments include a non planar transistor with a channel between the source and drain nodes and a tri-gate on the fin; wherein the fin mechanically resonates when the first tri-gate is periodically activated to produce periodic downward forces on the fin. Other embodiments are described herein.
Способ измерения угловой скорости заключается в возбуждении поступательных колебаний балки, которая является частью рамки инерционного узла гироскопа, вдоль некоторой оси, при этом об угловой скорости вращения судят по результатам измерения параметров угловых колебаний рамки вокруг оси, параллельной первой. Инерционный узел гироскопа выполнен в виде жесткой П-образной рамки, концы которой связаны двумя плоскими пружинами с маятником в виде балки, параллельной средней перекладине рамки, и ступицы, связанной с концами рамки двумя торсионами. Частотозадающим элементом автогенератора является механический резонатор, на инерционной массе которого жестко закреплена катушка, витки которой размещаются в магнитном поле постоянных магнитов и представляющая собой магнитоэлектрический преобразователь, включенный в качестве одного из плеч резистивноrо моста. При подаче постоянного напряжения на одну диагональ мостовой схемы при её разбалансировке на другой диагонали на выходе линейного дифференциального усилителя возникает постоянная составляющая, пропорциональная величине разбалансировки моста, которая используется как сигнал управления.
Apparatus and method for providing high stability crystal oscillator, see figure 2. A crystal oscillator (with resonator 210) is shown having controlled-amplitude differential output signals via amplitude control (250) and DC level control via (240). The DC level feedback loop can set the DC component of the oscillator signals to a voltage midway between the two supply volatges. The amplitude control loop sets the amplitude of the output of the crystal oscillator signal to be within a range. The amplitude can be set to provide a maximum swing without clipping the supply voltages in order to provide high stability and minimal jitter. The time constants of the two loops can be separated such that instabihtes are avoided.
A system and method is provided for the inductive transfer of electric power between a substantially flat primary surface and a multitude of secondary devices in such a way that the power transfer is localized to the vicinities of individual device coils. The contact free power transfer does not require precise physical alignment between the primary surface and the secondary device and can allow the secondary device or devices to be placed anywhere and in arbitrary orientation with respect to the primary surface. Such power transfer is realized without the need of complex high frequency power switching network to turn the individual primary coils on or off and is completely scalable to almost arbitrary size. The local anti-resonance architecture of the primary device will block primary current from flowing when no secondary device or devices are in proximity to the local RF power network. The presence of a tuned secondary device detunes the local anti-resonance on the primary surface; thereby enable the RF power to be transferred from the local primary coils to the secondary device. The uniformity of the inductive coupling between the active primary surface and the secondary devices is improved with a novel multi-pole driving technique which produces an apparent traveling wave pattern across the primary surface.
There is described a time base comprising a resonator (4) and an integrated electronic circuit (3) for driving the resonator into oscillation and for producing, in response to this oscillation, a signal having a determined frequency. The resonator is an integrated micromechanical tuning fork resonator (4) supported above a substrate (2) and adapted to oscillate in a plane substantially parallel to the substrate. The tuning fork resonator comprises a base member (5) extending substantially perpendicularly from the substrate, a free-substantially parallel fork tines (7, 8) and an electrode structure (9) disposed adjacent to the fork tines and connected to the integrated electronic circuit.
Several MEMS-based methods and architectures which utilize vibrating micromechanical resonators in circuits to implement filtering, mixing, frequency reference and amplifying functions are provided. Apparatus is provided for selecting at least one desired passband or channel in an RF transmitter subsystem utilizing a bank of vibrating micromechanical devices. One of the primary benefits of the use of such architectures is a savings in power consumption by trading power for high selectivity (i.e, high Q). Consequently, the present invention relies on the use of a large number of micromechanical links in SSI networks to implement signal processing functions with basically zero DC power consumption.
Several MEMS-based methods and architectures which utilize vibrating micromechanical resonators in circuits to implement filtering, mixing, frequency reference and amplifying functions are provided. Apparatus is provided for filtering signals utilizing vibrating micromechanical resonators. One of the primary benefits of the use of such architectures is a savings in power consumption by trading power for high selectivity (i.e., high Q). Consequently, the present invention relies on the use of a large number of micromechanical links in SSI networks to implement signal processing functions with basically zero DC power consumption.
Several MEMS-based methods and architectures which utilize vibrating micromechanical resonators in circuits to implement filtering, mixing, frequency reference and amplifying functions are provided. A method and apparatus are shown for generating a signal having at least one desired output frequency such as LO frequency in an RF subsystem in response to a tuning voltage and without the need for a phase-locking circuit. One of the primary benefits of the use of such architectures is a savings in power consumption by trading power for high selectivity (i.e., high Q). Consequently, the present invention relies on the use of a large number of micromechanical links in SSI networks to implement signal processing functions with basically zero DC power consumption.