US5388248A Flash memory card including plural flash memories and circuitry for selectively outputting ready/busy signals in different operating modes 失效

Flash memory card including plural flash memories and circuitry for
selectively outputting ready/busy signals in different operating modes
A flash memory card is described which has a plurality of flash memories, each having a ready/busy output for indicating whether its respective one of the plurality of flash memories is busy or ready. A register circuit is provided for storing a plurality of mask data. A mode circuit is provided for choosing one of a first mode and a second mode, wherein a first mode signal is produced if the first mode is chosen and a second mode signal is produced if the second mode is chosen. A logic circuit is provided for performing logical operations with respect to the ready/busy output for each of the plurality of flash memories and the mask data in accordance with whether the first mode signal or the second mode signal is produced. If the first mode is chosen, the logic circuit produces a ready signal output for the flash memory card only if the ready/busy output of all the plurality of flash memories is ready. If the second mode is chosen, the logic circuit produces a ready signal output for the flash memory card each time any flash memory goes from being busy to being ready.