A method for controlling the sex ratio of offspring by targeting transgenes. The method involves: (a) selecting or creating a transgene whose expression can interfere with sperm's ability to undergo fertilization, and whose gene products (mRNA and protein) do not diffuse freely among inter-connected spermatids; (b) placing the transgene under the regulatory control of post-meiotic spermatogenesis-specific promoter; and (c) using the transgene to generate transgenic animals in the way that the transgene is inserted onto one of the two sex chromosomes.
A method for controlling the sex ratio of offspring by targeting transgenes. The method involves: (a) selecting or creating a transgene whose expression can interfere with sperm's ability to undergo fertilization, and whose gene products (mRNA and protein) do not diffuse freely among inter-connected spermatids; (b) placing the transgene under the regulatory control of post-meiotic spermatogenesis-specific promoter; and (c) using the transgene to generate transgenic animals in the way that the transgene is inserted onto one of the two sex chromosomes.