Wide bandgap semiconductor devices including normally-off VJFET integrated power switches are described. The power switches can be implemented monolithically or hybridly, and may be integrated with a control circuit built in a single-or multi-chip wide bandgap power semiconductor module. The devices can be used in high-power, temperature -tolerant and radiation-resistant electronics components. Methods of making the devices are also described.
Junction field-effect transistors with vertical channels and self-aligned regrown gates and methods of making these devices are described. The methods use techniques to selectively grow and/or selectively remove semiconductor material to form a p-n junction gate along the sides of the channel and on the bottom of trenches separating source fingers. Methods of making bipolar junction transistors with self- aligned regrown base contact regions and methods of making these devices are also described. The semiconductor devices can be made in silicon carbide.
Wide bandgap semiconductor devices including normally-off VJFET integrated power switches are described. The power switches can be implemented monolithically or hybridly, and may be integrated with a control circuit built in a single-or multi-chip wide bandgap power semiconductor module. The devices can be used in high-power, temperature-tolerant and radiation-resistant electronics components. Methods of making the devices are also described.
A self-aligned silicon carbide power MESFET with improved current stability and a method of making the device are described. The device, which includes raised source and drain regions separated by a gate recess, has improved current stability as a result of reduced surface trapping effects even at low gate biases. The device can be made using a self-aligned process in which a substrate comprising an n+-doped SiC layer on an n-doped SiC channel layer is etched to define raised source and drain regions (e.g., raised fingers) using a metal etch mask. The metal etch mask is then annealed to form source and drain ohmic contacts. A single- or multilayer dielectric film is then grown or deposited and anisotropically etched. A Schottky contact layer and a final metal layer are subsequently deposited using evaporation or another anisotropic deposition technique followed by an optional isotropic etch of dielectric layer or layers.
Methods of making a semiconductor device such as a lateral junction field effect transistor (JFET) are described. The methods are self-aligned and involve selective epitaxial growth using a regrowth mask material to form the gate or the source/drain regions of the device. The methods can eliminate the need for ion implantation. The device can be made from a wide band-gap semiconductor material such as SiC. The regrowth mask material can be TaC. The devices can be used in harsh environments including applications involving exposure to radiation and/or high temperatures.
A wide bandgap semiconductor device with surge current protection and a method of making the device are described. The device comprises a low doped n-type region formed by plasma etching through the first epitaxial layer grown on a heavily doped n-type substrate and a plurality of heavily doped p-type regions formed by plasma etching through the second epitaxial layer grown on the first epitaxial layer. Ohmic contacts are formed on p-type regions and on the backside of the n-type substrate. Schottky contacts are formed on the top surface of the n-type region. At normal operating conditions, the current in the device flows through the Schottky contacts. The device, however, is capable of withstanding extremely high current densities due to conductivity modulation caused by minority carrier injection from p-type regions.
Semiconductor devices are described wherein current flow in the device is confined between the rectifying junctions (e.g., p-n junctions or metal-semiconductor junctions). The device provides non-punch-through behavior and enhanced current conduction capability. The devices can be power semiconductor devices as such as Junction Field-Effect Transistors (VJFETs), Static Induction Transistors (SITs), Junction Field Effect Thyristors, or JFET current limiters. The devices can be made in wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC). According to some embodiments, the device can be a normally-off SiC vertical junction field effect transistor. Methods of making the devices and circuits comprising the devices are also described.
A wide bandgap semiconductor junction field effect transistor comprises source, channel, drift, and drain semiconductor layers, as well as p-type implanted or Schottky gate regions. The source, channel, drift, and drain layers can be epitaxially grown. The ohmic contacts to the source, gate, and drain regions, can be formed on the same side of the wafer. The devices can have different threshold voltages depending on the vertical channel width and can be implemeneted for both depletion and enhanced modes of operation for the same channel doping. The devices can be used for digital, analog, and monothilic microwave integrated circuits. Methods for making the transistors and inte rated circuits com rising the devices are also described.
Silicon carbide semiconductor power devices (10) having epitaxially grown guard rings edge termination structure (17) are provided. Forming the claimed guard rings (17) from an epitaxially grown SiC layer (13) avoids the traditional problems associated with implantation of guard rings (17), and permits the use of self aligning manufacturing techniques for making the silicon carbide semiconductor power devices (10).
Silicon carbide bipolar junction transistors having an overgrown base layer (18) are provided. The bipolar junction transistors can be made with a very thin (e.g., 0.3 µm or less) base layer while still possessing adequate peripheral base resistance values. Self aligning manufacturing techniques for making the silicon carbide bipolar junction transistors are also provided. Using these techniques, the spacing between emitter and base contacts on the device can be reduced. The silicon carbide bipolar junction transistors can also be provided with edge termination structures such as guard rings to increase the blocking capabilities of the device.