A silicon nanoparticle (18) transistor (30, 32, 34) and transistor memory device. The transistor of the invention has silicon nanoparticles (18), dimensioned on the order of 1nm, in a gate area (34) of a field effect transistor (30, 32, 34). The resulting transistor is a transistor in which single electron flow controls operation of the transistor. Room temperature operation is possible with the novel transistor structure by radiation assistance, with radiation being directed toward the silicon nanoparticles to create necessary holes in the quantum structure for the flow of an electron. The transistor of the invention also forms the basis for a memory device. The device is a flash memory device which will store electrical charge instead of magnetic effects.
A silicon nanoparticle having unique properties and being a source of stimulated emissions that also be suspend in liquids and solids is provided by the invention. It can be formed into crystals, clusters, colloids and films. The nanoparticle is dimensioned on an order of magnitude of 1 and not exceeding about 2 nanometers. The method of producing the silicon nanoparticle of the invention comprises placing a silicon wafer (10) and a platinum cathode (12), in the form of a sheet or a wire, in an etchant bath (14), consisting of HF acid, H2O2 liquid and other chemicals, having a surface (20). The wafer and the cathode are connected to a constant current source (16) driven by a power source (18). The silicon wafer (10) is gradually immersed into the bath. A magnetic stirrer (22) ensures that the chemicals of the etchant bath stay uniformly mixed.
According to the invention, silicon nanoparticles are applied to a substrate using an electrochemical plating process, analogous to metal plating. An electrolysis tank of an aqueous or non-aqueous solution, such as alcohol, ether, or other solvents in which the particles are dissolved operates at a current flow between the electrodes. In applying silicon nanoparticles to a silicon, metal, or non-conducting substrate, a selective area plating may be accomplished by defining areas of different conductivity on the substrate. Silicon nanoparticle composite platings and stacked alternating material platings are also possible. The addition of metal ions into the silicon nanoparticle solution produces a composite material plating. Either composite silicon nanoparticle platings or pure silicon nanoparticle platings may be stacked with each other or with convention metal platings.
Elemental silicon nanoparticles (18) on the order of one to two nanometers are used as a gain medium to provide stimulated emission in response to excitation (24).
In the invention, an electrochemical etching of crystalline germanium or a germanium alloy produces well-segregated chromatic clusters of nanoparticles. Distinct strong bands appear in the photoluminescence spectra under 350 nm excitation with the lowest peaks in wavelength identified to be at 430, 480, and 580 and 680-1100 nm. The material may be dispersed into a discrete set of luminescent nanoparticles of 1-3 nm in diameter, which may be prepared into colloids and reconstituted into films, crystals, etc.
A family of discrete and uniformly sized silicon nanoparticles, including 1 (blue emitting), 1.67 (green emitting), 2.15 (yellow emitting), 2.9 (red emitting) and 3.7 nm (infrared emitting) nanoparticles, and a method that produces the family. The nanoparticles produced by the method of the invention are highly uniform in size. A very small percentage of significantly larger particles are produced, and such larger particles are easily filtered out. The method for producing the silicon nanoparticles of the invention utilizes a gradual advancing electrochemical etch of bulk silicon, e.g., a silicon wafer (10). The etch is conducted with use of an appropriate intermediate or low etch current density. An optimal current density for producing the family is ~ 10 milli Ampere per square centimeter (10mA/cm2). Higher current density favors l nm particles, and lower the larger particles. Blue (1 nm) particles, if any appreciable quantity exist depending on the selected current density, may be removed by, for example, shaking or ultrasound. After the etch, the pulverized wafer is immersed in dilute HF for a short time, while the particles are still connected to the wafer to weaken the linkages between the larger particles. This may be followed by separation of nanoparticles from the surface of the silicon. Once separated, various methods may be employed to form plural nanoparticles into crystals, films and other desirable forms. The nanoparticles may also be coated or doped. The invention produces the family of a discrete set of sized particles and not a continuous size distribution. Particles may be isolated from the family, i.e., it is possible to produce any one of the sizes of particles from the family after the basic method steps have been executed to produce the family of particles.