Shelf Stable Food Coating





    IPC分类号: A23P20/10

    摘要: A coating having no non-intact sugar sources and having a good texture, flavor, structure, and bowl life is described. A coating includes erythritol in an amount of about 40% to about 70% by dry weight and a sprouted whole grain ingredient in an amount of about 10% to about 30% by dry weight. Also described are coated food pieces and methods of making coated food pieces using a novel coating.

    Filled Roll Dough Product and Method of Producing





    摘要: Filled roll dough products, such as pizza rolls, are made with an outer dough shell with an internal filling material. Versus a conventional pizza roll, pizza rolls in accordance with the invention employs a filling material having a lower viscosity upon heating due to the removal of a majority of a viscosity altering additive (e.g., methyl cellulose) used in a conventional filling and an outer dough shell formed with spaced internal ridges which increase the structural integrity of the outer shell while not at all changing the external appearance. While removal of the viscosity altering additive from the filling material increases a blow-out rate for the product, the inclusion of the ridges decreases the blow-out rate to the extent that either a reduction or no significant change in product blow-rates is produced.

    Crimper roller





    IPC分类号: A21C9/00 A21C9/06 A21C11/10

    摘要: The present invention concerns an apparatus and method utilizing a crimping roller which itself comprises a plurality of radially extending separating blades, with each blade comprising a central triangular cutting edge and two sealing portions extending from opposing sides of the base of the triangular cutting edge.

    High protein oat species





    IPC分类号: A01H5/10 A01H6/46

    摘要: A high protein (up to 40%) tetraploid oat variety is provided that is suitable for large scale oat production using standard farming practices. A tetraploid oat variety includes one or more of lodging resistance, shattering resistance, erect growth habit, and seeds similar to traditional cultivated hexaploid oat, A. sativa. The tetraploid oat variety of the invention can also include a stable fatty acid profile, high iron content, high folic acid content, or high free essential amino acid content. A tetraploid oat variety may be used as foundational seed in a plant breeding program for development of lines and varieties with high protein content. Oat products produced from the tetraploid oat variety of the invention are also included as well as resultant oat foodstuffs such as high protein granola bars, hot cereals food stuffs, cold cereal foodstuffs, snackbars, cookies, gluten-free products, snacks, muffins, pancake mix and the like.

    High Protein Oat Species





    IPC分类号: A01H5/10

    摘要: A high protein (up to 40%) tetraploid oat variety is provided that is suitable for large scale oat production using standard farming practices. A tetraploid oat variety includes one or more of lodging resistance, shattering resistance, erect growth habit, and seeds similar to traditional cultivated hexaploid oat, A. sativa. The tetraploid oat variety of the invention can also include a stable fatty acid profile, high iron content, high folic acid content, or high free essential amino acid content. A tetraploid oat variety may be used as foundational seed in a plant breeding program for development of lines and varieties with high protein content. Oat products produced from the tetraploid oat variety of the invention are also included as well as resultant oat foodstuffs such as high protein granola bars, hot cereals food stuffs, cold cereal foodstuffs, snackbars, cookies, gluten-free products, snacks, muffins, pancake mix and the like.