Object identification method and system for an augmented-reality display
    Object identification method and system for an augmented-reality display 失效





    CPC classification number: G06F3/017 G06T7/74 G06T19/006

    Abstract: A method and apparatus selectively displays a processor generated image in accordance with user instructions detected by a processor from a processor viewing device disposed to view a real reference item controlled by the user. The real item, preferably a page of paper, is disposed as a reference frame for an electronic image to be displayed. The orientation of the page is identified by the system. Corresponding real world coordinates are computed for the captured image and compared with predetermined standards to verify the nature of the object.

    Abstract translation: 一种方法和装置根据处理器从处理器查看设备检测到的用户指令选择性地显示处理器生成的图像,处理器查看设备被设置为观看由用户控制的真实参考项目。 真正的物品,优选一页纸被布置为用于要显示的电子图像的参考框架。 页面的方向由系统标识。 对于捕获的图像计算相应的真实世界坐标,并与预定标准进行比较以验证对象的性质。

    Method and apparatus for implementing a trapping operation on a digital image
    Method and apparatus for implementing a trapping operation on a digital image 失效





    CPC classification number: H04N1/58

    Abstract: This invention relates to a method and apparatus for implementing a trapping operation on a digital image during image processing. More specifically, the invention is directed to implementation of a trapping technique to prevent visual gaps or overlaps between colors on a poorly registered image that is produced by an imaging device, e.g. a color printer. The invention is most advantageously used in an imaging device that incorporates therein a split-level buffer.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种用于在图像处理期间对数字图像进行捕获操作的方法和装置。 更具体地,本发明涉及捕获技术的实现,以防止由成像装置产生的不良登记图像上的视觉间隙或颜色之间的重叠。 彩色打印机。 本发明最有利地用于其中结合有分级缓冲器的成像装置。

    Non-local approach to resolution enhancement
    Non-local approach to resolution enhancement 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T5/002 G06T2200/12 G06T2207/20012

    Abstract: A method of smoothing edges of an input image is provided for use in connection with an image rendering engine that supports two opposing intensity levels and a range of intermediate intensity levels there between. The method includes sampling scan lines from the input image. Each scan line includes an array of pixels, and each pixel possesses one of the two opposing intensity levels. Simultaneously a plurality of the scan lines are buffered. Thereafter, the method includes detecting defined patterns in an unbounded region within the buffered scan lines. Finally, intensity levels of selected pixels are adjusted to intermediate intensity levels in response to the defined patterns detected.

    Abstract translation: 提供一种平滑输入图像边缘的方法,用于与支持两个相对强度水平的图像呈现引擎和其间的中间强度级别的范围相结合。 该方法包括从输入图像采样扫描线。 每个扫描线包括像素阵列,并且每个像素具有两个相对强度水平中的一个。 同时,缓冲多条扫描线。 此后,该方法包括检测缓冲的扫描线内的无界区域中的定义的模式。 最后,响应于检测到的限定模式,将所选像素的强度水平调整到中等强度水平。

    Modified median filter that better preserves textures
    Modified median filter that better preserves textures 有权





    Abstract: The present invention provides a method for filtering noise out of an image. The image is constructed of pixels having varying intensity values. The method includes reading the intensity values for pixels within a neighborhood of an object pixel. Thereafter, a number of intensity values are selected from the read intensity values. The selected intensity values are those closest to the intensity value of the object pixel. A median value for the selected intensity values is then calculated. Finally, the median value is assigned as a new intensity value for the object pixel.

    Abstract translation: 本发明提供一种从图像中滤除噪声的方法。 图像由具有不同强度值的像素构成。 该方法包括读取对象像素的邻域内的像素的强度值。 此后,从读取强度值中选择多个强度值。 所选择的强度值是与目标像素的强度值最接近的强度值。 然后计算所选强度值的中值。 最后,将中值分配为对象像素的新强度值。

    Chroma key of antialiased images
    Chroma key of antialiased images 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T11/001 G06T2200/12 H04N5/272 H04N9/75

    Abstract: A method of combining a foreground image and a background image includes scaling up a pixel of interest, which is positioned along an edge between a subject and a key colored backing, into a plurality of edge subpixels. The pixel of interest is included in a digital antialiased foreground image. A corresponding pixel of a digital background scene is also scaled up. The corresponding pixel is associated with the pixel of interest and is scaled up into a plurality of background subpixels. For each of the edge subpixels, if a color of the edge subpixel matches the key colored backing, a respective new color of the edge subpixel is determined as a function of one of the background subpixels, which is associated with the edge subpixel. Also, the new color is stored to the edge subpixel. After all the subpixels have been evaluated, the edge subpixels are scaled down to a new pixel of interest.

    Abstract translation: 组合前景图像和背景图像的方法包括将沿着被摄体和彩色背景的键之间的边缘定位的感兴趣的像素放大到多个边缘子像素中。 感兴趣的像素被包括在数字抗锯齿前景图像中。 数字背景场景的相应像素也被放大。 对应的像素与感兴趣的像素相关联并且被放大到多个背景子像素。 对于每个边缘子像素,如果边缘子像素的颜色与键色背衬匹配,则根据与边缘子像素相关联的背景子像素之一来确定边缘子像素的相应新颜色。 此外,新的颜色存储到边缘子像素。 在所有子像素被评估之后,边缘子像素被缩小到新的关注像素。

    Hexagonal and octagonal regions from summed-area tables
    Hexagonal and octagonal regions from summed-area tables 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T7/44

    Abstract: Systems and methods for determining the texture of the images to be processed are provided. An image data manager is provided that is capable of generating summed-area tables to be applied in texture mapping for texture that have no special direction or orientation, by generating summed-area tables for areas that best approximate circles. The image data manager uses the generated summed-area tables to process the image data. The summed-areas tables applied include a hexagon and an octagon. Accordingly, problems in processing images having textures that have no special direction or orientation, are reduced or eliminated.

    Abstract translation: 提供了用于确定要处理的图像的纹理的系统和方法。 提供了一种图像数据管理器,其能够通过针对最佳近似圆的区域生成总和区域表来产生要用于不具有特定方向或取向的纹理的纹理映射中的求和区域表。 图像数据管理器使用生成的求和区域表来处理图像数据。 所应用的总计表格包括六边形和八边形。 因此,减少或消除了处理具有没有特别方向或取向的纹理的图像的问题。

    Method and system using variable line width adjustment with reduced scan buffering that is compatible with antialiasing
    Method and system using variable line width adjustment with reduced scan buffering that is compatible with antialiasing 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T11/203

    Abstract: A method and system compensates for the line width growth or shrinkage in an image rendering system that supports high-addressability. The amount of width adjustment can be a function of the line width. The method is applied after rendering, to the sub-pixel, bit patterns and is compatible with antialiasing and other sub-pixel rendering techniques such as half-bitting. The method and system also require less scan buffering for marker line width compensation than conventional methods. More specifically, the method and system require N+3 scans to detect and adjust widths up to N pixels for leading edges or trailing edges rather than the 2N+3 necessary conventionally. Moreover, the detection and adjustment of widths up to N pixels may be performed for both leading edges and trailing edges using a buffer that can handle 2N+3 scans.

    Abstract translation: 一种方法和系统补偿了支持高寻址能力的图像渲染系统中的线宽增长或收缩。 宽度调整量可以是线宽的函数。 该方法在渲染之后应用于子像素,位图案,并且与抗锯齿和其他子像素渲染技术(例如半针)兼容。 该方法和系统对于标记线宽度补偿而言比传统方法还要求较少的扫描缓冲。 更具体地说,该方法和系统需要N + 3扫描来检测和调整前导边缘或后沿的N个像素的宽度,而不是传统上所需的2N + 3。 此外,可以使用可以处理2N + 3扫描的缓冲器来对前导边缘和后沿对宽度进行最多N个像素的检测和调整。

    Printing black and white reproducible colored test documents
    Printing black and white reproducible colored test documents 失效





    CPC classification number: G06K15/02 G06K2215/0014 G06K2215/0082

    Abstract: A document containing colored text is reproduced in a way to preserve the color intent if the reproduced document is copied on a black-and-white device. For small text, the fact that it is colored, is conveyed by reproducing it bold, and for medium size text, by reproducing it outlined. For large text, both the fact that it is colored and the color used can be conveyed by filling the interior of the characters with patterns that correspond directly to the color.

    Abstract translation: 如果将再现的文档复制到黑白设备上,则以一种保留颜色意图的方式复制包含彩色文本的文档。 对于小文本,它是彩色的事实,通过再现它粗体和中等大小的文本,通过复制概述。 对于大文本,可以通过用与颜色直接相对应的图案填充字符的内部来传达颜色和使用颜色的事实。

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