Mine drilling system and related method





    摘要: A system for drilling one or more boreholes in a face of a mine passage including markers attached to the mine passage. A drilling machine includes one or more drills for drilling the one or more boreholes, and a first sensor for sensing a position of the markers. Based on the sensed position of the at least two markers, a computer determines: (i) a survey vector generally parallel to the line; and (ii) a face plane generally orthogonal to the survey vector and coincident with a location where the survey vector intersects the face. A controller may be provided for automatically controlling the feeding of the drill(s) based on the location of the face plane and the back plane to form the boreholes in the face. A back plane may also be determined to ensure that all boreholes are drilled to a corresponding depth. Related methods are also disclosed.

    Projectile drilling system





    发明人: Mark C. Russell

    摘要: A hole in geologic material, such as a wellbore, may be extended by impacting the working face of the hole with high velocity projectiles. A tube may be placed within the hole, and the lower end of the tube may be sealed to prevent ingress of material from the hole into the tube. A projectile may be accelerated through the tube, such as by igniting a combustible gas mixture to impart a force to the projectile. The impact of the projectile may extend the hole. In some cases, accelerated projectiles may be used in conjunction with a drill bit to drill a wellbore or other type of hole.

    System and method for controlling a drilling machine





    发明人: Peter D. Miller

    摘要: A system and method for drilling a borehole using a drilling rig having a rotary drill bit includes monitoring one or more drilling parameters; determining whether the one or more monitored drilling parameters are within predetermined specifications for one or more of the monitored drill parameters; and, executing an exception control procedure for control of a drilling parameter. The exception control procedure receives an input sensor value associated with a drilling parameter and applies feedback control to establish a scaled error value that is used to compute a setting value for the drilling parameter. The drilling parameters controlled may include the rotation speed of the drill bit, the feed rate of the drill bit, the weight-on-bit, or rotation torque during retraction of the drill bit. A computer-readable database of specifications of drill bits may be provided as a part of the system.