Defects in nuclear fuel elements are ascertained and located within an assembled fuel assembly by ultrasonic means. In a typical embodiment of the invention, an ultrasonic search unit is positioned within the fuel assembly opposite the lower plenum of the fuel element to be tested. An ultrasonic pulse is radially projected into the element. Defective fuel elements are ascertained by ultrasonic reflection measurements.
An ultrasonic search unit for locating defective fuel elements within a fuel assembly used in a water cooled nuclear reactor is presented. The unit is capable of freely traversing the restricted spaces between the fuel elements.
A leak detection system integral with a wall of a building used to fabricate nuclear fuel elements for detecting radiation leakage from the nuclear fuel elements as the fuel elements exit the building. The leak detecting system comprises a shielded compartment constructed to withstand environmental hazards extending into a similarly constructed building and having sealed doors on both ends along with leak detecting apparatus connected to the compartment. The leak detecting system provides a system for removing a nuclear fuel element from its fabrication building while testing for radiation leaks in the fuel element.
For zone-wise shuffling of the fuel elements of a nuclear reactor core, single ones of the elements, one after another, are removed sequentially, and immediately upon the removal of each element it is tested for cladding defects, and if free therefrom, immediately inserted back in its new position in the reactor core, elements having cladding defects being eliminated. An apparatus for the rapid testing of each removed element is provided by a testing chamber containing water in which the removed element is immersed and allowed to remain for a short time, the water then being removed and tested for gamma activity to determine the element's cladding integrity. Other features are disclosed.
Nuclear reactor fuel rod leakage is determined by measurement of vibrational characteristics of a resilient, flexible means sealed within the upper end caps of the fuel elements. The flexible means, which is preferably a metallic diaphragm, is set into motion by the impact of an internal metal rod which is operated by an external magnetic field, thereby permitting an indication of the pressure inside a fuel element without disturbing the welded assembly. The metal rod is activated and the vibration measurements are made through the use of a special tool which fits near the end cap of the fuel element to be tested.
A liquid-metal-cooled reactor comprising two rotatable plugs, one of them, having at least one hole, being arranged internally of the other, a recharging mechanism with a guide tube adapted to be moved through the hole of the first plug by means of a drive, and a device for detecting stacks with leaky fuel elements, the recharging mechanism tube serving as a sampler.