Electric cable that withstands electric arc propagation
    Electric cable that withstands electric arc propagation 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B7/295 H01B3/04 H01B3/306

    Abstract: An electric cable includes an electrical conductor surrounded by a first layer of mica tape made up of mica particles deposited by means of a polymer binder on a backing, a second layer of a polyimide tape, and a third layer of a polytetrafluoroethylene tape, where the first layer is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of at least 400° C. and the ratio R of the weight per unit length of PTFE over the sum of the weights per unit length of the polymer binder and of the polyimide is such that R is greater than or equal to 2 when the section of the electrical conductor is no greater than 0.2 mm2, R is greater than or equal to 4 when the section of the electrical conductor is strictly greater than 0.2 mm2 and strictly less than 0.6 mm2, R is greater than or equal to 6 when the section of the electrical conductor is equal to 0.6 mm2, and R is greater than or equal to 12 when the section of the electrical conductor is strictly greater than 0.6 mm2.

    Abstract translation: 电缆包括被由背衬上的聚合物粘合剂沉积的云母颗粒构成的第一云母带包围的电导体,聚酰亚胺带的第二层和聚四氟乙烯带的第三层,其中, 第一层在至少400℃的温度下进行热处理,并且每单位长度的PTFE的重量与聚合物粘合剂和聚酰亚胺的每单位长度重量之和的比值R使得R 当电导体的截面不大于0.2mm 2时,大于或等于2,当电导体的截面严格地大于0.2mm 2且严格小于0.6mm 2时,R大于或等于4 当电导体的截面等于0.6mm 2时,其大于或等于6,当电导体的截面严格大于0.6mm 2时,R大于或等于12。

    Signal transmission electric wire for the aviation and space industries
    Signal transmission electric wire for the aviation and space industries 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B7/0009 H01B3/303 H01B3/445

    Abstract: The invention relates to a data transmission electric wire comprising a plurality of conductor strands covered in at least one insulating covering including PTFE, the plurality of strands comprising an inner core of first strands covered by at least one outer layer of second strands, said first and second strands being constituted of different metals, the metal of said second conductor strands presenting hardness that is lower than that of the metal of said first conductors, and said first strands being constituted essentially by an alloy of copper and said second strands being constituted essentially of copper. According to the invention, said alloy is a homogeneous copper alloy in the alpha phase that is stable at a temperature less than or equal to 500° C.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种数据传输电线,其包括覆盖在包括PTFE的至少一个绝缘覆盖物中的多个导体股线,所述多根股线包括由至少一个第二股线的外层覆盖的第一股股的内芯, 第二股线由不同的金属构成,所述第二导体股线的金属具有低于所述第一导体的金属的硬度,并且所述第一股线基本由铜和所述第二股的合金构成,其基本上由 铜。 根据本发明,所述合金是α相中的均匀的铜合金,其在低于或等于500℃的温度下是稳定的。

    Laser-markable optical fiber or electric cable
    Laser-markable optical fiber or electric cable 失效





    Abstract: A laser-markable cable, in particular an optical fiber cable, having an outer protective layer of varnish comprising an outer layer (14) provided with a pigment and sublimable by means of a first type of laser, and an inner underlayer (13) of a contrasting color relative to that of the outer layer. The cable is characterized by the fact that said outer layer (14) is also modifiable in color by a second type of laser without being destroyed in thickness, thereby providing a second possible method of marking.

    Abstract translation: 一种可激光标记的电缆,特别是光纤电缆,其具有清漆的外部保护层,其包括设置有颜料的外层(14),并且借助于第一类型的激光可升华,以及内层(13) 与外层的颜色相反的颜色。 电缆的特征在于,所述外层(14)也可以通过第二类激光进行颜色修改,而不会被破坏,从而提供第二种可能的标记方法。

    Signal transmission electric wire for the aviation and space industries
    Signal transmission electric wire for the aviation and space industries 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B7/0009 H01B3/303 H01B3/445

    Abstract: The invention relates to a data transmission electric wire comprising a plurality of conductor strands covered in at least one insulating covering including PTFE, the plurality of strands comprising an inner core of first strands covered by at least one outer layer of second strands, said first and second strands being constituted of different metals, the metal of said second conductor strands presenting hardness that is lower than that of the metal of said first conductors, and said first strands being constituted essentially by an alloy of copper and said second strands being constituted essentially of copper. According to the invention, said alloy is a homogeneous copper alloy in the alpha phase that is stable at a temperature less than or equal to 500° C.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种数据传输电线,其包括覆盖在包括PTFE的至少一个绝缘覆盖物中的多个导体股线,所述多根股线包括由至少一个第二股线的外层覆盖的第一股股的内芯, 第二股线由不同的金属构成,所述第二导体股线的金属具有低于所述第一导体的金属的硬度,并且所述第一股线基本由铜和所述第二股的合金构成,其基本上由 铜。 根据本发明,所述合金是α相中的均匀的铜合金,其在低于或等于500℃的温度下是稳定的。

    Electric cable that withstands electric arc propagation
    Electric cable that withstands electric arc propagation 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B7/295 H01B3/04 H01B3/306

    Abstract: An electric cable includes an electrical conductor surrounded by a first layer of mica tape made up of mica particles deposited by means of a polymer binder on a backing, a second layer of a polyimide tape, and a third layer of a polytetrafluoroethylene tape, where the first layer is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of at least 400° C. and the ratio R of the weight per unit length of PTFE over the sum of the weights per unit length of the polymer binder and of the polyimide is such that R is greater than or equal to 2 when the section of the electrical conductor is no greater than 0.2 mm2, R is greater than or equal to 4 when the section of the electrical conductor is strictly greater than 0.2 mm2 and strictly less than 0.6 mm2, R is greater than or equal to 6 when the section of the electrical conductor is equal to 0.6 mm2, and R is greater than or equal to 12 when the section of the electrical conductor is strictly greater than 0.6 mm2.

    Abstract translation: 电缆包括被由背衬上的聚合物粘合剂沉积的云母颗粒构成的第一云母带包围的电导体,聚酰亚胺带的第二层和聚四氟乙烯带的第三层,其中 第一层在至少400℃的温度下进行热处理,并且每单位长度的PTFE的重量与聚合物粘合剂和聚酰亚胺的每单位长度重量之和的比值R使得R 当电导体的截面不大于0.2mm 2时,大于或等于2,当电导体的截面严格地大于0.2mm 2且严格小于0.6mm 2时,R大于或等于4 当电导体的截面等于0.6mm 2时,其大于或等于6,当电导体的截面严格大于0.6mm 2时,R大于或等于12。

    Low noise cable
    Low noise cable 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B11/1066

    Abstract: The cable includes a conductive coating layer disposed on an internal dielectric and surrounded by a conductive screen. The cable is characterized in that said conductive coating is a conductive silicone coating and in that the dielectric is treated and therefore has an adapted surface tension value greater than a value typically in current use, therefore directly giving said silicone coating layer a small level of adherence to said treated dielectric and thereby rendering it peelable.Applicable to cables having operating temperatures of the order of 250.degree. C. and high noise immunity.

    Abstract translation: 电缆包括设置在内部电介质上并被导电屏幕包围的导电涂层。 电缆的特征在于,所述导电涂层是导电硅树脂涂层,并且其中电介质被处理并因此具有适合的表面张力值,其大于当前使用中通常的值,因此直接给予所述硅氧烷涂层以小的粘附水平 到所述被处理的电介质,从而使其可剥离。 适用于工作温度为250°C,抗噪声能力强的电缆。

    Elongate body insulated by means of an insulating covering
    Elongate body insulated by means of an insulating covering 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B13/16 H01B13/0891 H01B7/025

    Abstract: An elongate body insulated by means of an insulating covering, said covering being constituted by a tape (2) made of synthetic material taped around said body (1) and covered in a layer of varnish (11) made of synthetic material, the body being characterized in that the taping is such that there exists a groove (4) between the free edge (5) of any portion of a turn (3) that is not covered by the following turns and the uncovered surface (6) of the preceding turn, the width of said groove (4) lying substantially in the range 0% to 5% of the width of said tape (2) and being strictly greater than zero.

    Abstract translation: 一种由绝缘覆盖物绝缘的细长体,所述覆盖物由围绕所述主体(1)的合成材料制成的带(2)构成并覆盖在由合成材料制成的清漆层11中, 其特征在于,所述胶带使得在未被下一匝覆盖的匝(3)的任何部分的自由边缘(5)和前一匝的未覆盖表面(6)之间存在凹槽(4) ,所述槽(4)的宽度基本上在所述带(2)的宽度的0%至5%的范围内,且严格地大于零。

    Laser-markable electric cable
    Laser-markable electric cable 失效





    CPC classification number: H01B13/348 B41M5/267 B44B7/002 H01B7/365

    Abstract: A laser beam markable electric cable comprising an outer layer (13) enabling such marking to be performed, wherein said outer layer (13) is of a contrasting color relative to the color of an underlayer (14) which is absorbent at the laser beam wavelength. Said outer layer (13) is a thin layer which, during marking, is destroyed through its entire thickness by the laser beam (10) so as to reveal the underlayer (14).

    Abstract translation: 一种激光可标记电缆,包括能够执行这种标记的外层(13),其中所述外层(13)相对于在激光束波长下吸收的底层(14)的颜色具有对比色 。 所述外层(13)是在标记期间被激光束(10)通过其整个厚度破坏以便露出底层(14)的薄层。

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