View based streaming of GIS data
    View based streaming of GIS data 有权





    CPC classification number: H04L67/2842 G06F17/30241

    Abstract: Systems, methods and articles of manufacture for view based streaming of geographical information system (GIS) data are described herein. An embodiment includes assigning priority values to cache nodes based on a current view of GIS data, reordering cache node requests based on the assigned priority, aggregating the reordered cache node requests into aggregated requests and providing the aggregated requests to a content server to retrieve cache nodes that fulfill the requests. Another embodiment includes receiving cache nodes in response to requests for a frame of data, wherein the cache nodes are associated with a requested view of GIS data, reviewing a priority value assigned to each requested cache node, determining cache nodes that are relevant to a current view and discarding cache nodes based on said determining step.

    Abstract translation: 本文描述了基于视图的地理信息系统(GIS)数据流的系统,方法和制品。 一个实施例包括基于GIS数据的当前视图来为高速缓存节点分配优先级值,基于所分配的优先级对高速缓存节点请求进行重新排序,将重新排序的高速缓存节点请求聚合成聚合的请求,并将聚合的请求提供给内容服务器以检索高速缓存节点 满足要求。 另一个实施例包括响应于对一帧数据的请求而接收高速缓存节点,其中高速缓存节点与所要求的GIS数据视图相关联,检查分配给每个请求的高速缓存节点的优先级值,确定与当前的相关的高速缓存节点 基于所述确定步骤查看和废弃缓存节点。

    Water surface generation
    Water surface generation 有权





    CPC classification number: G06T17/05 G06T1/00 G06T17/205 G06T2210/21

    Abstract: Systems and methods for approximating terrain data representing a water surface are disclosed. A computer-based geographical information system for approximating terrain data representing a water surface is provided. The system includes a mesh simplifier and a surface inversion corrector. The mesh simplifier simplifies initial water surface and water bottom meshes. The surface inversion corrector corrects simplified water surface and/or water bottom meshes to avoid having a water bottom surface incorrectly appear above a corresponding water surface in a display view. In one example, the mesh simplifier simplifies the initial water surface mesh while accounting for water/land boundaries. The mesh simplifier also simplifies the initial water bottom mesh while accounting for geographic features and/or water/land boundaries. A computer-implemented method for approximating terrain data representing a water surface is provided. In further embodiments, systems and methods for altering tile information received at a client device are provided.

    Abstract translation: 公开了用于近似表示水面的地形数据的系统和方法。 提供了一种用于近似表示水面的地形数据的基于计算机的地理信息系统。 该系统包括网格简化器和表面反演校正器。 网格简化程序简化了初始水面和水底网格。 表面反转校正器校正了简化的水面和/或水底网,以避免在显示视图中在相应的水面上方出现水底表面不正确地出现。 在一个示例中,网格简化程序简化了初始水面网格,同时考虑到水/土地边界。 网格简化也简化了初始水底网格,同时考虑了地理特征和/或水/土地边界。 提供了一种计算机实现的用于近似表示水面的地形数据的方法。 在另外的实施例中,提供了用于改变在客户端设备处接收的瓦片信息的系统和方法。

    Embedded navigation interface
    Embedded navigation interface 有权





    Abstract: A navigation interface is embedded in imagery and includes various controls for manipulating the imagery. The controls provide various navigation operations, including but not limited to: rotation, tilt, zoom and 360 degree. In some implementations, one or more controls can be operated to restore the imagery to a predetermined state. Some implementations include a control for providing 360 degree movement of imagery. One or more controls can provide incremental and continuous motion of imagery. The navigation interface can fade out or otherwise be obfuscated when the user is not interacting with the navigation controls. A compass or other graphic can replace the navigation interface when it is no longer displayed.

    Abstract translation: 导航界面嵌入到图像中,并包含用于操纵图像的各种控件。 控制提供各种导航操作,包括但不限于:旋转,倾斜,变焦和360度。 在一些实现中,可以操作一个或多个控制以将图像恢复到预定状态。 一些实现包括用于提供360度运动的图像的控件。 一个或多个控件可以提供图像的增量和连续运动。 当用户不与导航控件进行交互时,导航界面可以淡出或以其他方式混淆。 指南针或其他图形在不再显示时可以替换导航界面。

    Identifying Geo-Located Objects
    Identifying Geo-Located Objects 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/3087 G06F17/30241

    Abstract: A method of providing geo-coded information to a user of a graphical computing device is disclosed. The method includes receiving information identifying a view to be displayed on the graphical computing device, querying a geo-coded database containing information associated with publicly supplied models located in a geography, for one or more models located in the view, and transmitting information identifying the one or more models located in the view.

    Abstract translation: 公开了向图形计算设备的用户提供地理编码信息的方法。 该方法包括接收标识要在图形计算设备上显示的视图的信息,对位于视图中的一个或多个模型查询包含与位于地理位置的公开提供的模型相关联的信息的地理编码数据,以及发送标识 一个或多个模型位于视图中。

    Displaying and navigating within photo placemarks in a geographic information system, and applications thereof
    Displaying and navigating within photo placemarks in a geographic information system, and applications thereof 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F3/04815 G06F17/30241 G06F17/30855 G06T3/40

    Abstract: Embodiments of the present invention relate to displaying and navigating within photo placemarks in a geographic information system. In one embodiment, a computer implemented method displays a photographic image within geographic information in a geographic information system. The photographic image is displayed at a location within the geographic information when the photographic image is located within a field of view of a virtual camera of the geographic information system. In response to a computer input event, the photographic image is displayed in greater detail.

    Abstract translation: 本发明的实施例涉及在地理信息系统中的照片地标中显示和导航。 在一个实施例中,计算机实现的方法在地理信息系统中的地理信息中显示摄影图像。 当摄影图像位于地理信息系统的虚拟摄像机的视野内时,摄影图像显示在地理信息内的位置。 响应于计算机输入事件,更详细地显示摄影图像。

    Markup language for an interactive geographic information system
    Markup language for an interactive geographic information system 有权





    CPC classification number: G06T17/05 G06F17/2247 G06T19/00

    Abstract: Interactive geographic information systems (GIS) and techniques are disclosed that provide users with a greater degree of flexibility, utility, and information. A markup language is provided that facilitates communication between servers and clients of the interactive GIS, which enables a number of GIS features, such as network links (time-based and view-dependent dynamic data layers), ground overlays, screen overlays, placemarks, 3D models, and stylized GIS elements, such as geometry, icons, description balloons, polygons, and labels in the viewer by which the user sees the target area. The markup language is used to describe a virtual camera view of a geographic feature. A compressed file format holds multiple files utilized to display a geographic feature in a single file.

    Abstract translation: 公开了交互式地理信息系统(GIS)和技术,为用户提供更大程度的灵活性,效用和信息。 提供了一种标记语言,可促进交互式GIS的服务器和客户端之间的通信,从而实现了诸如网络链接(基于时间和视图的动态数据层),地面覆盖,屏幕叠加,地标等多种GIS功能, 3D模型和风格化的GIS元素,例如用户看到目标区域的观看者中的几何图标,图标,描述气球,多边形和标签。 标记语言用于描述地理特征的虚拟摄像机视图。 压缩文件格式包含用于在单个文件中显示地理特征的多个文件。

    Embedded navigation interface
    Embedded navigation interface 有权





    Abstract: A navigation interface is embedded in imagery and includes various controls for manipulating the imagery. The controls provide various navigation operations, including but not limited to: rotation, tilt, zoom and 360 degree. In some implementations, one or more controls can be operated to restore the imagery to a predetermined state. Some implementations include a control for providing 360 degree movement of imagery. One or more controls can provide incremental and continuous motion of imagery. The navigation interface can fade out or otherwise be obfuscated when the user is not interacting with the navigation controls. A compass or other graphic can replace the navigation interface when it is no longer displayed.

    Abstract translation: 导航界面嵌入到图像中,并包含用于操纵图像的各种控件。 控制提供各种导航操作,包括但不限于:旋转,倾斜,变焦和360度。 在一些实现中,可以操作一个或多个控制以将图像恢复到预定状态。 一些实现包括用于提供360度运动的图像的控件。 一个或多个控件可以提供图像的增量和连续运动。 当用户不与导航控件进行交互时,导航界面可以淡出或以其他方式混淆。 指南针或其他图形在不再显示时可以替换导航界面。

    Platform independent application program interface for interactive 3D scene management
    Platform independent application program interface for interactive 3D scene management 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/00 Y10S707/99943 Y10S707/99944

    Abstract: A computer-readable medium having stored thereon an applications programming interface for causing a computer system to render a three-dimensional scene according to a downloaded file. A scene graph is constructed from a number of objects stored in memory. These objects have variables which can be changed by subroutine calls. Furthermore, one or more objects can contain one or more fields. A field is comprised of a data type which represents the state of an object. Engines are used to perform defined functions to the fields. One or more routes can be used to change one field in response to changes made to another field. A class hierarchy is defined to implement a retained mode graphics.

    Abstract translation: 一种其上存储有用于使计算机系统根据下载的文件呈现三维场景的应用编程接口的计算机可读介质。 从存储在存储器中的多个对象构建场景图。 这些对象具有可以通过子程序调用更改的变量。 此外,一个或多个对象可以包含一个或多个字段。 字段由表示对象状态的数据类型组成。 引擎用于对字段执行定义的功能。 可以使用一个或多个路由来响应对另一个字段所做的更改来更改一个字段。 定义类层次结构以实现保留模式图形。

    Network link for providing dynamic data layer in a geographic information system
    Network link for providing dynamic data layer in a geographic information system 有权





    Abstract: A markup language is provided that facilitates communication between servers and clients of an interactive geographic information system (GIS, which enables a number of GIS features, such as network links (time-based and/or view-dependent dynamic data layers), ground overlays, screen overlays, placemarks, 3D models, and stylized GIS elements, such as geometry, icons, description balloons, polygons, and labels in the viewer by which the user sees the target area. Also, “virtual tours” of user-defined paths in the context of distributed geospatial visualization is enabled. Streaming and interactive visualization of filled polygon data are also enabled thereby allowing buildings and other such features to be provided in 3D. Also, techniques for enabling ambiguous search requests in a GIS are provided.

    Abstract translation: 提供了一种标记语言,促进交互式地理信息系统(GIS)的服务器和客户端之间的通信,GIS可实现多个GIS功能,例如网络链接(基于时间和/或视图的动态数据层),地面覆盖 ,屏幕叠加,地标,3D模型和风格化的GIS元素,如用户看到目标区域的观察者中的几何图标,图标,描述气球,多边形和标签,还有“用户定义的路径的”虚拟旅游“ 在分布式地理空间可视化的背景下,启用了填充多边形数据的流式和交互式可视化功能,从而允许以3D格式提供建筑物和其他此类特征。此外,还提供了在GIS中实现模糊搜索请求的技术。

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