Digital mass flow control system
    Digital mass flow control system 失效





    申请人: TRON CORP K

    发明人: BULLIVANT K

    摘要: The throughput of a conveyor belt is controlled by a motor whose speed is established by the instantaneous state of an up/down counter. The counter is incremented upwardly by setpoint pulses representative of the desired mass flow rate, and downwardly by feedback pulses from a rate multiplier representative of the actual mass flow rate. When the actual mass flow rate is equal to the setpoint flow rate, the average number of setpoint pulses will equal the average number of feedback pulses with the result that the state of the counter will be stable with time. Speed control means for the motor maintains the belt speed at a level dependent upon the state of the counter. A variation between the actual and desired mass flow rates is manifested by a change in the average number of feedback pulses which results in a change in the state of the counter. The resultant change in the motor speed and hence the belt speed restores the average number of feedback pulses to equality with the setpoint pulses thus restoring stability to the counter and restoring the actual mass flow rate to the setpoint rate.

    摘要翻译: 输送带的生产量由电机控制,电机的速度由上/下计数器的瞬时状态确定。 计数器由表示所需质量流量的设定值脉冲向上增加,并且通过代表实际质量流率的速率倍增器的反馈脉冲向下递增。 当实际质量流量等于设定值流量时,设定值脉冲的平均数量将等于平均反馈脉冲数,结果是计数器的状态随时间稳定。 马达的速度控制装置将皮带速度保持在取决于计数器状态的水平。 实际和期望的质量流量之间的变化表现为导致计数器状态改变的反馈脉冲的平均数量的变化。 由此导致的电动机速度的变化以及皮带速度将平均反馈脉冲数恢复到与设定脉冲相等,从而恢复计数器的稳定性并将实际质量流量恢复到设定点速率。

    Modular batch weighing control system and method
    Modular batch weighing control system and method 失效





    申请人: TRON CORP K

    发明人: BULLIVANT K

    IPC分类号: G01G13/29 G01G13/02

    CPC分类号: G01G13/2912 Y10S177/03

    摘要: A batch weighing method in which a feeder having a fast and a slow feed rate feeds a hopper being weighed by a weighing means producing a signal indicative of the weight of the hopper. The output signal of the weighing means is first checked to determine whether or not it is within a zero tolerance band before the feeder is turned on. The hopper is then filled at the fast feed rate by the feeder until the hopper is within a predetermined weight of the set point or desired weight. When this weight is reached, called the primary cutoff, the feeder is changed to the slow feed rate. The feeder continues to feed material into the hopper at the slow feed rate until a weight is reached which is a second predetermined weight below the set point weight. At this weight, the feeder is shut off and the material falling from the feeder will bring the weight of the hopper up to set point weight. The weight of the hopper may then be checked to determine whether it is within a predetermined weight of the final set point weight, called a cutoff tolerance. In one embodiment of apparatus, a digital weight signal and a digital signal proportional to the difference between the weight signal and the set point value are generated. The weight signal is checked prior to initiation of the feeder to determine if the hopper is within the zero tolerance limits. The error or difference signal is monitored to detect when the weight is at first and second predetermined weights from the set point weight, that is to detect the primary cutoff and final cutoff points. The error signal results are monitored to determine whether the final weight is within the cutoff tolerance band.

    Density control feeder system
    Density control feeder system 失效





    申请人: TRON CORP K

    CPC分类号: B65B1/44

    摘要: A density control feeder system in which a material of variable density may be fed at a constant preselected density. The system may be comprised of a first and a second feeder. The first feeder may feed a material having a density less than the preselected density. The second feeder may feed material having a density greater than the preselected density. The density of the material fed by the two-feeders is computed and/or monitored. This density is compared with a set point density in a comparison circuit. The output of the comparison circuit controls the proportioning of mass flow set point pulses between the first and second feeders to maintain the density at the preselected value.

    摘要翻译: cond可控饲料。 计算的密度在比较装置中与设定点密度进行比较,并且响应于此生成比较信号。 提供产生质量流量设定点信号的手段。 质量流量设定点信号通过根据比较信号产生第一和第二互补信号的装置进行操作。 第一互补信号作为设定点信号施加到第一可控进料器,并且第二互补信号作为设定点信号施加到第二可控进料器,由此第一和第二可控进料器被控制以产生预选的设定点密度。

    Conveyor memory system
    Conveyor memory system 失效





    申请人: TRON CORP K

    CPC分类号: G01G11/04

    摘要: A conveyor memory system stores signals representing the effects of the conveyor when unloaded in a memory. Each portion of the conveyor, which may be an endless belt, is assigned a particular address location in the memory. The effects of the unloaded conveyor belt, such as the weight at a particular weighing point, are stored in the memory at the address location corresponding to that particular portion of the belt. The stored signal representing the effect, such as weight, of the belt for that particular portion is read out of the memory as that particular portion passes the weighing point. The signal read out of the memory compensates for the effects of the unloaded conveyor, which may vary for each portion of the conveyor.

    Electronic weight transmitter
    Electronic weight transmitter 失效





    申请人: TRON CORP K

    发明人: BULLIVANT K

    CPC分类号: G01G3/10 G01G7/02

    摘要: An electronic weight transmitter which produces an electrical signal proportional to the gross or net weight applied thereto. The electronic weight transmitter utilizes a parallelogram structure having substantially frictionless pivots at three of its pivot points and a torsion bar at its fourth pivot point. The parallelogram structure is mounted to a base and the weight to be measured is applied to the parallelogram structure. Movement of the parallelogram structure is restrained by the torsion bar. Movement of the parallelogram structure against the restraining force of the torsion bar is converted into an electrical signal by means of a linear variable differential transformer. The core of the linear variable differential transformer is mounted for movement with the parallelogram structure and the windings of the linear variable differential transformer are mounted on the base.

    摘要翻译: 一种电子重量发射器,其产生与施加到其上的总重量或净重成正比的电信号。 电子重量变送器利用平行四边形结构,其在其枢转点的三个处具有基本上无摩擦的枢轴,在其第四枢转点处具有扭杆。 平行四边形结构安装在基座上,被测量的重量应用于平行四边形结构。 平行四边形结构的运动受到扭力杆的限制。 平行四边形结构相对于扭力杆的约束力的移动通过线性可变差动变压器转换为电信号。 线性可变差动变压器的核心安装为以平行四边形结构运动,线性可变差动变压器的绕组安装在基座上。