A solid-state power processor circuit and method is used to supply power to generate a discharge in a corona discharge pollutant destruction apparatus. The circuit uses field effect transistors (FETs) and integrated circuit devices based upon metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) technology to amplify low-voltage pulse signals to high voltage levels. A resonator in the power processor circuit generates sinusoidal oscillation from the high voltage pulses, and provides the high-voltage, high-frequency electrical power necessary for corona discharge.
A solid-state power processor circuit and method is used to supply power to generate a discharge in a corona discharge pollutant destruction apparatus. The circuit uses field effect transistors (FETs) and integrated circuit devices based upon metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) technology to amplify low-voltage pulse signals to high voltage levels. A resonator in the power processor circuit generates sinusoidal oscillation from the high voltage pulses, and provides the high-voltage, high-frequency electrical power necessary for corona discharge.
In a pollutant destruction apparatus employing one or more corona discharge reactors, an automatic control system controls power generation characteristics for corona discharge reactions according to factors such as the types and the amounts of pollutants in an exhaust gas, maximum allowable emissions, engine operating characteristics, drive control characteristics and intelligent vehicle highway system inputs, to achieve improved treatment of the pollutants.
In a pollutant destruction apparatus employing one or more corona discharge reactors, an automatic control system controls power generation characteristics for corona discharge reactions according to factors such as the types and the amounts of pollutants in an exhaust gas, maximum allowable emissions, engine operating characteristics, drive control characteristics and intelligent vehicle highway system inputs, to achieve improved treatment of the pollutants.
A corona discharge pollutant destruction reactor employs two or more electrodes to enhance the effective corona discharge treatment volume by distributing a varying electric field pattern over the reactor's interior chamber. Appropriate delay circuitry allows the inner electrodes to be driven out of phase with each other by a sinusoidal voltage waveform, or corona producing voltage pulses to be cyclically supplied to the inner electrodes in sequence, preferably without overlapping the pulses.
A corona discharge pollutant destruction system has two or more corona discharge reactors in series, with each stage optimized for either oxidation of hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) or reduction of nitrogen oxides (NO.sub.x). The reactors may be arranged with initial oxidation stages followed by reduction stages. Alternatively, the oxidation and reduction reactors may be arranged in alternate stages, with each oxidation reactor followed by a reduction reactor. The treatment of different pollutants by different reactors is achieved by supplying the different reactors with different power levels.
A corona discharge pollutant destruction system has two or more corona discharge reactors in series, with each stage optimized for either oxidation of hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) or reduction of nitrogen oxides (NO.sub.x). The reactors may be arranged with initial oxidation stages followed by reduction stages. Alternatively, the oxidation and reduction reactors may be arranged in alternate stages, with each oxidation reactor followed by a reduction reactor. The treatment of different pollutants by different reactors is achieved by supplying the different reactors with different power levels.
An indoor air pollutant destruction apparatus destroys pollutants by a corona discharge that is generated by a rapidly oscillating electric field. Free electrons generated by the corona discharge produces ozone (O.sub.3), which effectively destroys volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and biological forms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores. Fine particulate materials such as smoke and dust are charged by the corona discharge, and when they pass through the rapidly oscillating electric field, they coagulate to form larger particles which are then filtered out.
Providing triatomic nitrogen (N.sub.3) as a relaxation species to an exhaust gas that includes nitrogen oxide compounds (NO.sub.x) increases the rate of reducing NO.sub.x in a corona discharge apparatus.
In a gaseous pollutant destruction apparatus employing a corona discharge reactor for reducing nitrogen oxide compounds (NO.sub.x), a fuel injection system provides a precisely controlled small quantity of hydrocarbon fuel to the corona discharge reactor to facilitate the destruction of NO.sub.x.