A dynamic control cable string or umbilical intended to hang in catenary form between a connection point on the seabed and a connection point located at the sea surface which can be attached to a floating structure; the umbilical is of the type that is low in weight per running meter and comprises flowlines and optionally current-conducting cables, all of which are twisted around the longitudinal axis of the string and are spaced apart from an axially extending core member and lie in channels in spacers for free axial movement of the cables and conduits in the channels; the core member, throughout the entire length of the control cable string functions as a load-bearing member and, in a portion of the length, all fluid transport and signal communication takes place peripherally relative to the core member.
A method and machine for manufacturing and laying a plurality of elongate elements into an umbilical is shown. The umbilical comprises a core element a plurality of conduits and/or cables suited outside the core element, filler material around and between the conduits/cables and a protective sheath surrounding the conduits and filler material. The finished cable cord is characterized in that the filler material is in the form of inner, elongate channel elements having outwardly opening channels, adapted for receipt of the conduits/cables, and outer, elongate channel elements having inwardly opening channels adapted for receipt and final enclosure of the conduits/cables.