An improvement to a system for measuring (a) the voltage level of a waveform at a specific time with respect to a reference point in time, (e.g., clock or sync pulse) and (b) the time required with respect to a reference time for a waveform to reach a specific voltage level. In the first case, the voltage at a given sample time is measured, while in the second case, the time to a given voltage is measured. The system incorporates a go/nogo decision circuit which determines if the characteristics of a circuit under test satisfy certain reference criteria. The go/nogo circuit comprises a discriminator which examines a test signal for both amplitude and time. The discriminator compares the level of the input test signal with a reference signal at the time of strobe occurrence. The condition of the discriminator is monitored by a detector circuit which further passes this condition on to a voting logic which makes a go/no-go decision based on a plurality of samples.
The circuit includes a tunnel diode latch, a detector for sensing the level or state of the latch, an enabler for switching the latch between states, and a delay line coupling the detector to the enabler, for setting and resetting the enabler to thereby switch the latch between states. Since the latch must be reset before the next output pulse can be obtained, the output frequency of the circuit is a function of the delay line length, the time between successive output signals being at least twice the length of the delay line.