An electrostatic discharge protection network that uses triple well semiconductor devices either singularly or in a series configuration. The semiconductor devices are preferably in diode junction type configuration. A control network can be used to control the biasing when the semiconductor devices are used in a series configuration.
A method and structure for designing an integrated circuit chip is disclosed. The method supplies a chip design, partitions elements of the chip design according to similarities in voltage requirements and timing of power states of the elements to create voltage islands, creates a floorplan of the voltage islands, assesses the floorplan, repeats the partitioning and the creating of the floorplan depending upon a result of the assessing process, and outputs a voltage island specification list.
An integrated circuit, method and system providing finer granularity dynamic voltage control without performance loss. The invention provides a means for dynamically changing a voltage level of at least one stage on a critical path for a particular cycle. In this way, optimum voltages can be provided to the stages for the given execution.
An integrated circuit comprising a first circuit powered by a first power supply. The first circuit sends a first signal referenced to the voltage of the first power supply to a second circuit powered by a second power supply. The second circuit receives the first signal and converts the first signal to a second signal of the same logical value as the first signal and is referenced to the voltage of the second power supply.
A method and structure for designing an integrated circuit chip supplies a chip design and partitions elements of the chip design according to similarities in voltage requirements and timing of power states of the elements to create voltage islands. The invention outputs a voltage island specification list comprising power and timing information of each voltage island; and automatically, and without user intervention, synthesizes power supply networks for the voltage islands.
The present invention provides a receiver device having multiple voltage supplies that allows the output stage of the receiver device to go to a safe state whenever its voltage is disconnected or powered-down, independent of any of its normal control circuits. Furthermore, the isolation of the multiple voltage supplies provides a low skew at the output of the receiver device.