System and method for determining the possibility of adverse effect arising from a code change in a computer program
    System and method for determining the possibility of adverse effect arising from a code change in a computer program 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F9/45

    CPC分类号: G06F11/3672

    摘要: A system and method determine the possibility of adverse effect arising from a code change in a computer program. The system and method comprise the steps of identifying important classes within a computer program and determining directly and indirectly dependent classes of the important classes. The important classes comprise superclasses of the directly and indirectly dependent classes. The method associates test cases with the important classes and with the directly and indirectly dependent classes. Additionally, for a given code change to first important class, the method runs all test cases associated with the first important class and associated with dependent classes of the first important class, and indicates the possibility of an adverse effect if any run test case fails.

    摘要翻译: 系统和方法确定计算机程序中的代码变化产生不利影响的可能性。 系统和方法包括识别计算机程序中的重要类别并确定重要类别的直接和间接依赖类别的步骤。 重要的类包括直接和间接依赖类的超类。 该方法将测试用例与重要类和直接和间接依赖类相关联。 另外,对于对第一个重要类的给定代码更改,该方法将运行与第一个重要类相关联的所有测试用例,并与第一个重要类的依赖类相关联,并指示如果运行测试用例失败,则可能会产生不利影响。

    Determining the possibility of adverse effects arising from a code change
    Determining the possibility of adverse effects arising from a code change 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F9/44

    CPC分类号: G06F11/3672

    摘要: Some of the set of classes within a computer program are important in the sense that the most useful information about the software can be derived from these classes alone. The important classes within the software are identified, as well as any dependent classes. Test cases are defined and associated with all classes. A code change for a class invokes the relevant test case or cases being run. The corresponding test case or cases for any dependent class are also run. If they run successfully (in the sense that the expected results arise), then it is highly likely that the changes introduced in the first class are not affecting the correct execution of the dependent classes.

    摘要翻译: 在计算机程序中的一些类中的一些是重要的,因为关于软件的最有用的信息可以仅从这些类派生出来。 识别软件中的重要类,以及任何依赖类。 测试用例被定义并与所有类相关联。 类的代码更改会调用正在运行的相关测试用例或案例。 任何依赖类的相应测试用例也可运行。 如果它们成功运行(在预期结果出现的意义上),则第一类中引入的更改很可能不会影响依赖类的正确执行。

    Targeting customers across multiple channels
    Targeting customers across multiple channels 审中-公开





    IPC分类号: G06Q30/00 G06F17/60

    CPC分类号: G06Q30/02 G06Q30/0251

    摘要: A customer request is received, and the channel type upon which it was made is identified. The customer making the request is also identified. A record of customer activity is available, and from this, a set of beliefs for the customer for the current channel is formed. The beliefs map to profile attributes. The beliefs are merged to form an integrated profile (i.e. for the same customer across all channels), and on this basis a customer targeting promotion is generated. The promotion is added to the response to the specific customer request and together these are sent to the customer.

    摘要翻译: 接收到客户请求,并确定其所在的通道类型。 还要求客户提出请求。 客户活动的记录是可用的,从而形成了针对当前渠道的顾客的一套信念。 信仰映射到配置文件属性。 这些信念被合并以形成一个集成的简档(即,针对所有渠道的相同客户),并且在此基础上生成客户定向促销。 该促销被添加到对特定客户请求的响应中,并且一起发送给客户。

    Targeting shoppers in an online shopping environment
    Targeting shoppers in an online shopping environment 审中-公开





    IPC分类号: G06Q30/00 G06F17/60

    CPC分类号: G06Q30/02 G06Q30/0601

    摘要: Within an online shopping environment, a hosting server supports shoppers and merchants from whom the shoppers purchase goods or services. The hosting server enables an individual user to shop or browse the merchant sites and also enables a group of users to coordinate their shopping or browsing activities. A set of profiling tools build separate profiles based on individual and group shopper activity, as well as the interaction of an individual shopper with one or more groups of shoppers. A targeting tool uses the shopper profiles and information regarding previous promotions (if any) from a promotions library to make recommendations to individual shoppers and shopper groups based also on parameters specified by the merchant/s. The recommendations are directed to shoppers, in accordance with algorithms stored in a repository.

    摘要翻译: 在网络购物环境中,托管服务器支持购物者和购物者从中购买商品或服务的商家。 托管服务器使得个人用户能够购物或浏览商家站点,并且还使一组用户能够协调其购物或浏览活动。 一组分析工具基于个人和团体购物者活动以及个人购物者与一组或多组购物者的互动构建单独的配置文件。 目标工具使用购物者资料和关于促销图书馆以前促销(如果有的话)的信息,还可以根据商家指定的参数向个人购物者和购物者组提出建议。 根据存储在存储库中的算法,这些建议针对购物者。

    Detecting fraudulent mobile money transactions
    Detecting fraudulent mobile money transactions 有权





    IPC分类号: G06Q40/00 G06Q99/00

    CPC分类号: G06Q40/00 G06Q99/00

    摘要: A method, an apparatus and an article of manufacture for detecting a fraudulent mobile money transaction. The method includes determining a reputation score for at least one customer based on historical data, determining multiple patterns related to fraudulent mobile money transaction activities by using the reputation score and the historical data, automatically detecting at least one of the patterns in mobile money transactions incoming from at least one other customer, and classifying the at least one detected pattern as a fraudulent mobile money transaction or a genuine mobile money transaction.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于检测欺诈性移动货币交易的方法,装置和制品。 该方法包括基于历史数据确定至少一个客户的信誉得分,通过使用信誉分数和历史数据确定与欺诈性移动货币交易活动相关的多种模式,自动检测流动货币交易中的至少一种模式 从至少一个其他客户,并将所述至少一个检测到的模式分类为欺诈性移动货币交易或真正的移动货币交易。

    Mapping software code to business logic
    Mapping software code to business logic 失效





    IPC分类号: G06F9/44

    CPC分类号: G06Q10/06 G06F8/20

    摘要: A connection is established between the source code and the business requirements of a software system. User specified keyword that reflect business requirements are expanded using an ontology and a thesaurus. The augmented list of user specified keywords are matched to the automatically annotated source code. The results of the match along with call graph of the source code are used to generate workflows that provide a mapping from the source code to business logic.

    摘要翻译: 在源代码和软件系统的业务需求之间建立连接。 反映业务需求的用户指定关键字使用本体论和辞典扩展。 用户指定关键字的增强列表与自动注释的源代码匹配。 匹配的结果以及源代码的调用图用于生成提供从源代码到业务逻辑的映射的工作流。