A method for stabilizing and aligning interlocked male and female profiles of a plastic zipper strip during attachment of the strip to a polymeric film requires the use of profiles having stabilizers, perhaps taking the form of wedges. The stabilizers, disposed in pairs on each side of the interlocked male and female members of the profiles, mechanically cooperate with one another to maintain the profiles substantially parallel to one another and incapable of rocking about a longitudinal axis. The stabilizers on the male profile may be inboard, outboard or at the same distance from the interlocked male and female members as their respective stabilizers on the female profile. The facing surfaces of the stabilizers may be inclined so as to provide a wedging action with respect to one another.
A method for substantially reducing the variance in results obtained in pull tests on reclosable plastic bags, wherein the forces needed to open the bags from within and from without are measured and compared, by controlling the attachment point of the bag wall to the base of the zipper profile requires the use of selectively placed preferential seal areas. These seal areas are provided by disposing an interlayer between each profile and its respective bag wall. The interlayers include a strip of material having a lower melting point than those of the profiles and the bag walls and having a preselected width greater than any possible lateral displacement, or "float", of the profiles that may occur in the sealing apparatus. Where the strip does not take up the entire width of the interlayer, it has a preselected, constant width and runs parallel to the zipper profiles. The lower melting point of the material of the strip, and the width of the strip, ensure that the seal location on the profiles remains fixed.
A reclosable plastic bag is provided having a zipper with profile strips on opposed walls. The profile strips consist of male and female profiles each surrounded by stabilizing wedges with the male wedges within the female wedges. An interlayer of low temperature melt material is interposed between at least a portion of each of the profile strips and its associated wall. The interlayer may span the full width of the profile strip or only a partial width of the strips.
A reclosable bag is formed of walls defining a closure with a mouth. The closure includes an asymmetric arrowhead male profile extending along an internal surface of one of the walls and a female profile having stubs adapted to interengage with said male profile and extending along an internal surface of the other wall. Both profiles also include stabilizer wedges on both sides thereof and parallel thereto across the width of the bag. The stabilizer wedges give the zipper formed by the male and female profiles a wide-track feel, and determine the force required to open the bag both from inside and from outside.
A zipper strip for a reclosable package having a transverse zipper is provided. The zipper strip comprises a male interlocking profile and a female interlocking profile. Each profile includes an interlocking member and an integral web which defines a trailing flange. One or both of the profiles are provided with high compression members which allow one or both of the interlocking members to be sealed to thermoplastic film without being crushed or distorted.
A reclosable package for a consumer product includes a zipper strip having male and female interlocking profiles. The former has a male interlocking member having a cross section in the shape of an asymmetric arrowhead. The latter has a female interlocking member in the form of two mutually curving members defining a channel therebetween. The male interlocking member is snappingly engaged into the channel to reclose the package. The asymmetric male interlocking member has an acute edge outward of the interior of the package, and a rounded edge facing the inside of the package. This asymmetry makes the package easier to open from within than from without.