Two unique instructions for the instruction set of a target 36-bit machine which is emulated on a host 64-bit machine are provided in order to achieve visibility, to an emulated application program, of a “containing” word stored in the memory of the host machine. A “LOAD64” instruction loads the emulator memory location representing an emulated “Q” (supplementary accumulator) register with the “normal” 36-bits of the containing word. At the same time, the “upper” 28 bits of the 64-bit containing word is copied into the emulator memory location representing an emulated “A” (accumulator) register. Thus, the emulated 36-bit machine “sees” and can examine the 64-bit word in its entirety. A “Store64” instruction stores the emulated “Q” register contents into the lower 36-bits of the 64-bit containing word, and at the same time stores the lower 28 bits of the emulated “A” register contents into the upper 28 bits of the 64-bit containing word.
Two unique instructions for the instruction set of a target 36-bit machine which is emulated on a host 64-bit machine are provided in order to achieve visibility, to an emulated application program, of a “containing” word stored in the memory of the host machine. A “LOAD64” instruction loads the emulator memory location representing an emulated “Q” (supplementary accumulator) register with the “normal” 36-bits of the containing word. At the same time, the “upper” 28 bits of the 64-bit containing word is copied into the emulator memory location representing an emulated “A” (accumulator) register. Thus, the emulated 36-bit machine “sees” and can examine the 64-bit word in its entirety. A “Store64” instruction stores the emulated “Q” register contents into the lower 36-bits of the 64-bit containing word, and at the same time stores the lower 28 bits of the emulated “A” register contents into the upper 28 bits of the 64-bit containing word.
Two unique instructions for the instruction set of a target 36-bit machine which is emulated on a host 64-bit machine are provided in order to achieve visibility, to an emulated application program, of a “containing” word stored in the memory of the host machine. A “LOAD64” instruction loads the emulator memory location representing an emulated “Q” (supplementary accumulator) register with the “normal” 36-bits of the containing word. At the same time, the “upper” 28 bits of the 64-bit containing word is copied into the emulator memory location representing an emulated “A” (accumulator) register. Thus, the emulated 36-bit machine “sees” and can examine the 64-bit word in its entirety. A “Store64” instruction stores the emulated “Q” register contents into the lower 36-bits of the 64-bit containing word, and at the same time stores the lower 28 bits of the emulated “A” register contents into the upper 28 bits of the 64-bit containing word.
A method and apparatus is disclosed for compilation of an original Cobol program with support for improved performance by increased parallelism during execution using multiple threads of processing. The approach includes a two stage compilation process, the first compilation/translation step by a first specialized compiler/translator that takes as input a Cobol source program that includes parallelization directives, and produces as output an intermediate computer program in a second computer programming language, the intermediate program including parallelization directives in the second computer programming language. The intermediate program is then compiled utilizing a selected second compiler that provides support for parallelism described in the second programming language. The approach optionally allows for use of pragmas serving as parallelization directives to the compiler in the original Cobol program or in the intermediate program.
A method and apparatus is disclosed providing an improvement in performance for arithmetic computations by a computer system for calculations which include decimal numeric variables. The improvement in at least one embodiment includes use of a special compiler in cooperation with a special decimal numeric subroutine library. The compiler provides comparative alignment information based upon comparing alignments of a plurality of decimal variables. The decimal subroutine library can then provide improved performance at run time by utilizing the information compared by the compiler at compiler time rather than making those computations repeatedly at run time.
A method and apparatus is disclosed providing an improvement in performance for arithmetic computations by a computer system for calculations which include decimal numeric variables. The improvement in at least one embodiment includes use of a special compiler in cooperation with a special decimal numeric subroutine library. The compiler provides comparative alignment information based upon comparing alignments of a plurality of decimal variables. The decimal subroutine library can then provide improved performance at run time by utilizing the information compared by the compiler at compiler time rather than making those computations repeatedly at run time.
In order to validate data manipulation results in a CPU which incorporates duplicate BPUs for integrity, which BPUs are typically each implemented on a single VLSI circuit chip, and which is capable of performing single and double precision data manipulation operations, two cache units are employed. Each cache unit is dedicated to handling half-bytes of information and incorporates highly reliable data validating logic without the necessity for providing double word wide output busses from each BPU. This feature, which lowers the lead count to each VLSI chip, is obtained by dedicating each cache unit to handling half-bytes of information. Each cache unit includes bit-by-bit comparison circuitry to validate the half-byte results received from both BPUs in the case of single precision operations, and, in the case of double precision operation, one cache unit employs the same bit-by-bit comparison circuitry to validate, for both cache units, the result parity bits, and hence the half-byte results, received from both BPUs.
A method is disclosed for translating by a computer system of a COBOL computer program into a translated computer program in a readable and maintainable syntax in an object oriented programming language. The translated program including variable names equivalent to the original COBOL variable names and with attributes described in COBOL syntax. The translating method further providing for memory allocation in the translated computer program for storage of “COBOL” variables compatible with that of the original COBOL program; a description of program flow that is readable, and utilizing arithmetic operators to describe operations between COBOL variables. Also disclosed is a special object oriented run-time library for creating and performing operations between COBOL numeric objects, including maintaining storage of variable content in the original COBOL format, and for enabling readability of the translated source code by allowing arguments for variable type descriptions to be expressed in COBOL syntax.
This invention relates to the art of computer system emulation and, more particularly, to a computer system emulator in which the functions normally performed by the hardware in a legacy central processor unit are emulated by a software program. The invention is to enhance the emulated instruction set beyond that of the legacy machine such to include as new single instructions a method for invoking operating system functions, with the machine coding of the operating system functions now being performed by machine code native to the new host machine, rather than as a sequence of emulated legacy instructions.
A data processing system contains a processor supporting both Narrow and Wide instructions and Narrow and Wide word size fixed-point and floating-point operands. The processor communicates over a bus utilizing a Wide word size with the remainder of the data processing system consisting of industry standard memory and peripheral devices. Narrow word sized instructions are stored on Wide word-sized storage devices. In a preferred embodiment, the processor bus has a first integer number of significant data lines. The processor is responsively coupled to the processor bus and includes a first decoder for decoding a first set of instructions received over the set of processor data lines, The first set of instructions each contains a second integer number, less than the first integer number, of significant bits. Fixed point arithmetic operations of a first class are performed in response to instruction decode by the first decoder on a first set of fixed point operands received over the set of processor data lines, wherein each of the first set of fixed point operands contains the second integer number of bits. Fixed point arithmetic operations of a second class are performed on a second set of fixed point operands received over the set of processor data lines, wherein each of the second set of fixed point operands contains the first integer number of bits. Corresponding processing is carried out in performing first and second classes of floating point operations.