Inter-processor communication systems and methods that define within the instruction set of the microprocessor a command for directing the microprocessor to relinquish control over at least one of the microprocessor's internal registers. The microprocessor may then signal a communication interface that collects data from external sources. The communication interface takes control over the internal register released by the microprocessor and inputs the collected external data directly into the internal register of the microprocessor. Once data is place into the internal register, control of that register may be returned to the microprocessor.
A data path for a SIMD-based microprocessor is used to perform different simultaneous filter sub-operations in parallel data lanes of the SIMD-based microprocessor. Filter operations for sub-pixel interpolation are performed simultaneously on separate lanes of the SIMD processor's data path. Using a dedicated internal data path, precision higher than the native precision of the SIMD unit may be achieved. Through the data path according to this invention, a single instruction may be used to generate the value of two adjacent sub-pixels located diagonally with respect to integer pixel positions.
Two pairs of deblock instructions for performing deblock filtering on a horizontal row of pixels according to the H.264 (MPEG 4 part 10) and VC1 video codec algorithms. The first instruction of each pair has three 128-bit operands comprising the 16-bit components of a horizontal line of 8 pixels crossing a vertical block edge between pixels 4 and 5 in a YUV image, a series of filter threshold parameters, and a 128-bit destination operand for storing the output of the first instruction. The second instruction of each pair accepts the same 16-bit components as its first input, the output of the first instruction as its second input and a destination operand for storing an output of the second instruction as its third input. The instruction pairs are intended for use with the H.264 or VC1 video codecs respectively.
Inter-processor communication systems and methods that define within the instruction set of the microprocessor a command for directing the microprocessor to relinquish control over at least one of the microprocessor's internal registers. The microprocessor may then signal a communication interface that collects data from external sources. The communication interface takes control over the internal register released by the microprocessor and inputs the collected external data directly into the internal register of the microprocessor. Once data is place into the internal register, control of that register may be returned to the microprocessor.
Systems and methods for recording instruction sequences in a microprocessor having a dynamically decoupleable extended instruction pipeline. A record instruction including a record start address is sent to the extended pipeline. The extended pipeline thus begins recording the subsequent instruction sequence at the specified address until an end record instruction is encountered. The end record instruction is recorded as the last instruction in the sequence. The main pipeline may then call the instruction sequence by sending a run instruction including the start address for the desired sequence to the extended pipeline. This run instruction causes the extended pipeline to begin autonomously executing the recorded sequence until the end record instruction is encountered. This instruction causes the extended pipeline to cease autonomous execution and to return to executing instructions supplied by the main pipeline.
Methods and apparatus for adaptive encoding of data such as for example video data. In one exemplary embodiment, a real-time video encoder is disclosed that changes video encoding processes to produce the best quality encoded video while maintaining a target encoding frame rate, according to one or more operating constraints.
Methods and apparatus for adaptive encoding of data such as for example video data. In one exemplary embodiment, a real-time video encoder is disclosed that changes video encoding processes to produce the best quality encoded video whilst maintaining a target encoding frame rate, according to one or more operating constraints.