Fuel pressure regulating apparatus for carburetors
    Fuel pressure regulating apparatus for carburetors 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: F02M17/04

    Abstract: The apparatus prevents fuel vapor from being discharged to an intake passage from a fuel metering chamber of a carburetor and maintains a substantially constant fuel pressure in the fuel metering chamber so as to stabilize the amount of the fuel discharged to the intake passage. The pump has a drive force produced by a pulsation pressure generated in a crank chamber of an engine or an intake tube. A discharge chamber of a fuel pump and a fuel tank are connected by a relief passage, and the relief passage is provided with a pressure regulating valve discharging a pressure equal to or greater than a set pressure in the discharge chamber to the fuel tank. Fuel vapor is prevented from being generated in an inner portion of a fuel metering chamber and the amount of fuel discharged to an intake passage is stabilized, by discharging a part of the fuel at a time when a pump discharge fuel pressure is high to the fuel tank together with the fuel vapor generated in the fuel pump, and only feeding the fuel at the set pressure to the fuel metering chamber. Further, because the fuel having a comparatively low temperature is circulated in the fuel pump and within the fuel tank by discharging excess fuel to the fuel tank, the carburetor is cooled, and the generation of fuel vapor is inhibited.

    Abstract translation: 该装置防止燃料蒸汽从化油器的燃料计量室排放到进气通道中,并且在燃料计量室中保持基本恒定的燃料压力,以便稳定排放到进气通道的燃料量。 泵具有由在发动机或进气管的曲柄室中产生的脉动压力产生的驱动力。 燃料泵和燃料箱的排放室通过排放通道连接,并且泄压通道设有压力调节阀,该压力调节阀将排放室内的设定压力等于或大于燃料箱的设定压力。 在燃料计量室的内部防止燃料蒸汽产生,并且通过在泵排出燃料压力高时向燃料排出一部分燃料,使排出到进气通道的燃料量稳定化 与燃料泵中产生的燃料蒸气一起储存,并且仅将设定压力的燃料供给到燃料计量室。 此外,由于具有较低温度的燃料通过向燃料箱排放多余的燃料而在燃料泵和燃料箱内循环,所以化油器被冷却,并且燃料蒸气的产生被抑制。

    Accelerator apparatus for diaphragm carburetor
    Accelerator apparatus for diaphragm carburetor 有权





    CPC classification number: F02M7/08

    Abstract: The accelerator apparatus prevents air from remaining within a pump chamber and discharged fuel vapor from causing a pumping effect so as to a destabilize engine operation and increase of an exhaust gas content of harmful material, in an accelerator apparatus in which an accelerated fuel passage draws and discharges fuel to the pump chamber of an accelerator pump, which is connected to a main fuel passage. The pump chamber of the accelerator pump is mechanically coupled with a throttle valve and is connected to a fixed fuel chamber storing a fuel delivered to an intake passage at a fixed pressure by the accelerated fuel passage. Air remaining within the pump chamber and a fuel vapor generated within the pump chamber are discharged to the fixed fuel chamber, and fuel extruded from the pump chamber due to a pumping effect of the remaining air and the fuel vapor enters into the fixed fuel chamber, thereby preventing the alteration of a rate of the fuel flowing through a main fuel passage. Fuel in the pump chamber is fed to the fixed fuel chamber during acceleration so as to increase a pressure in the fixed fuel chamber, and an accelerated fuel is obtained by increasing the amount of the delivered fuel to the intake passage.

    Abstract translation: 加速器装置在加速燃料通道抽吸的加速器装置中防止空气残留在泵室内并且排出的燃料蒸汽不引起泵送效应,从而使发动机运转不稳定和有害物质的废气含量增加, 将燃料排放到与主燃料通道连接的加速器泵的泵室。 加速器泵的泵室与节流阀机械联接,并且连接到固定燃料室,该固定燃料室存储通过加速燃料通道以固定压力输送到进气通道的燃料。 在泵室内残留的空气和在泵室内产生的燃料蒸气被排放到固定燃料室,并且由于剩余空气和燃料蒸气的泵送效应而从泵室挤出的燃料进入固定燃料室, 从而防止流过主燃料通道的燃料的速率的变化。 在加速期间,泵室中的燃料被供给到固定燃料室,以便增加固定燃料室中的压力,并且通过增加输送到进气通道的燃料的量来获得加速的燃料。






    CPC classification number: F02M7/08

    Abstract: The accelerator apparatus prevents air from remaining within a pump chamber and discharged fuel vapor from causing a pumping effect so as to a destabilize engine operation and increase of an exhaust gas content of harmful material, in an accelerator apparatus in which an accelerated fuel passage draws and discharges fuel to the pump chamber of an accelerator pump, which is connected to a main fuel passage. The pump chamber of the accelerator pump is mechanically coupled with a throttle valve and is connected to a fixed fuel chamber storing a fuel delivered to an intake passage at a fixed pressure by the accelerated fuel passage. Air remaining within the pump chamber and a fuel vapor generated within the pump chamber are discharged to the fixed fuel chamber, and fuel extruded from the pump chamber due to a pumping effect of the remaining air and the fuel vapor enters into the fixed fuel chamber, thereby preventing the alteration of a rate of the fuel flowing through a main fuel passage. Fuel in the pump chamber is fed to the fixed fuel chamber during acceleration so as to increase a pressure in the fixed fuel chamber, and an accelerated fuel is obtained by increasing the amount of the delivered fuel to the intake passage.

    Abstract translation: 加速器装置在加速燃料通道抽吸的加速器装置中防止空气残留在泵室内并且排出的燃料蒸汽不引起泵送效应,从而使发动机运转不稳定和有害物质的废气含量增加, 将燃料排放到与主燃料通道连接的加速器泵的泵室。 加速器泵的泵室与节流阀机械联接,并且连接到固定燃料室,该固定燃料室存储通过加速燃料通道以固定压力输送到进气通道的燃料。 在泵室内残留的空气和在泵室内产生的燃料蒸气被排放到固定燃料室,并且由于剩余空气和燃料蒸气的泵送效应而从泵室挤出的燃料进入固定燃料室, 从而防止流过主燃料通道的燃料的速率的变化。 在加速期间,泵室中的燃料被供给到固定燃料室,以便增加固定燃料室中的压力,并且通过增加输送到进气通道的燃料的量来获得加速的燃料。

    Adjustment Safeguard
    Adjustment Safeguard 有权





    Abstract: An adjustment safeguard for a set screw that is rotatably held in a housing has a cap that is non-rotatably secured on the head of the set screw. The cap is received in a sleeve of the housing and surrounded with minimal radial play by the sleeve that is essentially coaxially positioned relative to the cap. The cap is received with its axial length in the sleeve. The cap has a projection and the sleeve has a stop arranged in the interior of the sleeve. Projection and stop interact with each other in a rotational direction of the set screw. The cap has a top part and a separate bottom part. The bottom part is secured axially and non-rotatably on the head of the set screw. The bottom part engages with form fit the top part in the rotational direction and is axially connected to the top part.

    Abstract translation: 可旋转地保持在壳体中的定位螺钉的调节保护具有不可旋转地固定在固定螺钉的头部上的盖。 盖被容纳在壳体的套筒中并且被套筒的最小径向游隙包围,该套筒基本上相对于盖子同轴地定位。 盖子的轴向长度被套在套筒中。 盖具有突起,并且套筒具有布置在套筒内部的止挡件。 投影和停止在固定螺丝的旋转方向上彼此相互作用。 盖具有顶部和单独的底部。 底部部分被固定在固定螺钉的头部上并且不可旋转地固定。 底部与旋转方向上的顶部接合,并且轴向连接到顶部。

    Adjustment safeguard
    Adjustment safeguard 有权





    Abstract: An adjustment safeguard for a set screw that is rotatably held in a housing has a cap that is non-rotatably secured on the head of the set screw. The cap is received in a sleeve of the housing and surrounded with minimal radial play by the sleeve that is essentially coaxially positioned relative to the cap. The cap is received with its axial length in the sleeve. The cap has a projection and the sleeve has a stop arranged in the interior of the sleeve. Projection and stop interact with each other in a rotational direction of the set screw. The cap has a top part and a separate bottom part. The bottom part is secured axially and non-rotatably on the head of the set screw. The bottom part engages with form fit the top part in the rotational direction and is axially connected to the top part.

    Abstract translation: 可旋转地保持在壳体中的定位螺钉的调节保护具有不可旋转地固定在固定螺钉的头部上的盖。 盖被容纳在壳体的套筒中并且被套筒的最小径向游隙包围,该套筒基本上相对于盖子同轴地定位。 盖子的轴向长度被套在套筒中。 盖具有突起,并且套筒具有布置在套筒内部的止挡件。 投影和停止在固定螺丝的旋转方向上彼此相互作用。 盖具有顶部和单独的底部。 底部部分被固定在固定螺钉的头部上并且不可旋转地固定。 底部与旋转方向上的顶部接合,并且轴向连接到顶部。

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