Multilayer parameter-varying fusion and deposition strategies for additive manufacturing






    摘要: The invention encompasses compositions and methods for designing or producing three-dimensional articles layer-by-layer, whereby the specific approach to build-up a region of a single layer by fusion, deposition of material, or other path-based process or non-path process that creates track-like geometries requires either differing track or track-like geometry, or track or track-like geometry printing parameters, within a region of a single layer or within adjoining regions of multiple layers, is disclosed. Employing this method, single layer or multilayer parameter-varying fusing and deposition strategies can be generated that reduce article fabrication time and improve article physical properties, in part by targeting a distribution of scan paths that satisfy covering problem overlap and/or dense packing criteria. Additionally, methods and compositions for designing or producing three-dimensional articles by altering the thickness of a material layer deposited during a print relative to the slice thickness or net displacement of a stage or of a material and/or energy-depositing print head, are disclosed. Employing this method can result in the reduction of article fabrication time and/or the improvement of printed article physical properties, where these results advantageous to printing are dependent on the print process, material properties, and feedstock properties employed during the print.