One aspect of the invention features a photobioreactor including at least one plate held in a frame and having a substantially flat surface, a collection tank for holding photysynthetic culture materials, a tunnel positioned at one end of the plate and arranged to conduct culture materials from the plate to the collection tank, and a pump configured to transfer culture materials from the collection tank back to the surface of the plate. In some instances, the plate is supported in a substantially horizontal orientation. In some implementations, the surface of the plate is water resistant.
A bioreactor (1) for the culture of cells (C) comprising a stack of carriers (7) for cell (C) adherence and liquid medium (M) distribution. The carriers (7) are stacked so as to define levels (6) between adjacent carriers (7) for the flow of the liquid medium (M). Adjacent levels (6) are fluidly interconnected via open spaces (2) so that the liquid medium (M) can flow from one level (6) to an adjacent level (6). The open spaces (2) between a first and an adjacent second level (6') do not overlap with the one or more open spaces (2) between the second level (6') and an adjacent third level (6''). One or more of the carriers may also include an area adapted to prevent cell adhesion or growth, thereby allowing for the viewing of cell growth on adjacent carriers from a vantage point external to the bioreactor. Related methods are also disclosed.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von bakteriell synthetisierter Cellulose und cellulosehaltigem Material in flächiger Form. Aufgabe war es, ein universell anwendbares und für eine großtechnische Produktion geeignetes Verfahren zu schaffen, welches eine effiziente Herstellung homogener, flächiger bakteriell synthetisierter Cellulose sowie cellulosehaltiger Materialien in einer von der Reaktorgeometrie unabhängigen sowie beliebig wählbaren definierten Länge und Dicke ermöglicht. Erfindungsgemäß wird die im Kulturgefäß (1) synthetisierte Bakteriencellulose (5) als zusammenhängendes flächiges "Celluloseband" mit der jeweils fertig kultivierten Cellulose kontinuierlich oder schrittweise aus dem Kulturgefäß (1) entnommen, wobei der Bandteil mit der noch nicht fertig kultivierten Cellulose jeweils noch im Kulturgefäß bis zum Erreichen der gewünschten Cellulosedicke verbleibt. Nach der Entnahme des zusammenhängenden "Bandes" in der gewünschten Länge wird dieses durch Trennung portioniert.
Methods for adapting or selecting microorganisms with increased product tolerance are provided Additionally, a bioreactor capable of operation in either packed bed or fluidized bed is disclosed along with methods to use the bioreactor for cultupng microorganisms adapted or selected increased product tolerance
Methods for adapting or selecting microorganisms with increased product tolerance are provided Additionally, a bioreactor capable of operation in either packed bed or fluidized bed is disclosed along with methods to use the bioreactor for cultuπng microorganisms adapted or selected increased product tolerance
A fluid processing device, system, kit, and method, are provided, for processing a liquid sample. The device can comprise a substrate comprising one or more fluid processing pathways, wherein each pathway can comprise at least a first region, one or more outlet regions, and a channel connecting and in fluid communication with the respective first region and the respective one or more outlet regions, and a cover provided in communication with at least a portion of the top surface of the substrate. The cover can comprise one or more slits each slit respectively aligned with a different respective one of the one or more outlet regions. A removal seal can be applied to the cover to seal the one or more slits.
A plate manufactured to enable samples of cells, micro-organisms, proteins, DNA, biomolecules and other biological media to be positioned at specific locations or sites on the plate for the purpose of performing addressable analyses on the samples. Preferably, some or all of the sites are built from a removable material or as pallets so that a subset of the samples of interest can be readily isolated from the plate for further processing or analysis. The plate can contain structures or chemical treatments that enhance or promote the attachment and/or function of the samples, and that promote or assist in their analyses.
Cholesterol from Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL-C) is measured directly with a test strip at room temperature using a reagent that takes advantage of the varying surface charge density on LDLs and non-LDLs to selectively make LDLC available for testing.