A combined flying-driving vehicle having a unique hybrid propulsion system architecture that provides a very high level of reliability and functionality to the user.
A fixed whig vertical take-off and Sanding (VTOL) aircraft may be used as a personal air vehicle or an unmanned vehicle. The aircraft may have one or more engines mourned sideways in the fuselage such that the axis of rotation of each engine is oriented transverse to the longitudinal axis of the fuselage. Each engine may drive two un-ducted propellers or ducted fans, one on each side of the aircraft, which may be rotatably mounted to a wing or the fuselage.
A wing that includes a lower portion that is located between two curved portions; wherein the lower portion is substantially flat and the two curved portions extend above the lower portion; wherein the wing defines a space that is wider than twice a diameter of a propeller that introduces a quasi- laminar stream if positioned in proximity to the wing and is circulated at a desired speed. The curved portions can be arcuated ends of the wing.
A ducted fan for a VTOL vehicle includes a substantially cylindrical duct having an inlet at an upper end and an outlet at a lower end, a propulsion unit inside the duct, between the inlet and the outlet, and at least one group of control vanes located above the inlet a distance equal to at least one-quarter vane chord length, while a related method includes the steps of (a) shaping the inlet of the duct to have a diameter equal to or less than a diameter of the duct proximate the outlet, and (b) locating a first group of inlet vanes a distance above the inlet as a function of duct inlet diameter, and still another method creates side forces and rolling moments through the use of cambered vanes.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Turbopropellertriebwerk (1) mit zumindest einem drehbar auf einer Welle (11) angeordneten Verdichter (2) zum Verdichten von über Lufteinlässe (7) angesaugter Luft, zumindest einer Brennkammer (5) zum Zünden und Verbrennen der mit einem über Einspritzdüsen (6) zugeführten Brennstoff vermischten verdichteten Luft, mit zumindest einem Auspuff (10) zum Ausstoßen der bei der Verbrennung gebildeten Abgase, und mit einem Propeller (4) mit mehreren auf einer drehbaren Welle (13) angeordneten Propellerblättern (14). Zur Verbesserung des Propellertriebwerks (1) ist vorgesehen, dass die Brennkammer (5) mit Bohrungen (27) oder dergl. zur Zuführung der verdichteten Luft im hohl ausgebildeten Propellerblatt (14) angeordnet ist, und dass Elemente (19) zum Leiten der Gase vorgesehen sind.
Propulsor de chorro de aire, que dispone de tres cuerpos básicos la primera o cabeza en forma de media elipse de revolución disponiendo de un enrejado sobre su parte superior mientras que la parte inferior esta cerrada por un sector, disponiendo de un aro de cierre, el segundo cuerpo o parte central de forma cilíndrica tubular lleva incorporado el rotor de panal redondo helicoidal acoplado a un motor de explosión, mientras que el tercer cuerpo o parte trasera en forma tronco cónica, dispone de una serie de ventanas, compuertas y mariposas que equilibran, estabilizan y orientan las aeronaves, con disminución de consumo del combustible y por tanto menor contaminación al conseguir volar a pocos kms/h, facilitando el aterrizaje y despegue con un mínimo de longitud de sus pistas, eliminando además los riegos de aterrizaje y despegue por la alta velocidad que necesitan.
The inventive rotor propulsor for moving in air or water environment is provided with a traction plate embodied in the form of a truncated cone having two covering lids. The top lid of said cone is provided with a medium suction orifice. The lower cover of the cone is embodied in the form of a solid disc and form an annular clearance >10 mm with the cone wall. The rotor blades are arranged in a perpendicular direction with respect to the disc plane and welded to a bushing at a right angle. A shaft of rotation is rigidly connected to said bushing. The lower edge of the blades is welded to the disc surface at a right angle. The angle between the axis of rotation and the cone generator ranges from 10 to 25°.
A VTOL vehicle including a fuselage with two foldable wings, two tiltable nacelles attached to the wings, a vertical stabilizer, a horizontal stabilizer, and two auxiliary thrusters. Each nacelle contains a system of vanes located at the rear opening thereof, and actuators are provided for extending and retracting the vanes in conjunction with nacelle tilting mechanisms to deflect the airflow over a predetermined range of angles from the horizontal. Each nacelle also contains two rotary engines, each of which directly drives a fan. The fans face each other and operate in counter-rotating directions at the same rotational speed. An alternative embodiment includes two additional nacelles attached to the fuselage instead of having the auxiliary thrusters. A redundant computerized flight control system maintains stability of the vehicle as it transitions from one flight mode to another.