Les champs électromagnétiques ou magnétiques sont des rayonnements d'énergies perdues ou de pollutions rayonnements électromagnétiques magnétiques. Pour réguler ces effets, nous utilisons de l'oxyde de graphène ou du graphène qui ont des propriétés nouvelles découvertes de piézo électromagnétique et que nous appliquons dès maintenant pour toutes les technologies cohérentes. Le procédé et appareil permettent de nouvelles applications simples, efficaces, rapides de régulation de recyclage des champs électromagnétiques utiles ou inutiles pour toutes les activités actives ou passives des technologies mécaniques, électriques, électroniques, chimiques. Produits, appareils utiles sur les parties actives des organes mécaniques, électriques des moteurs ou des effets thermiques et des structures passives des automotives, des machines, comme les carrosseries capots carters.
본 발명은 해초형 나노튜브를 구비한 저마찰 부재에 관한 것으로, 모재 표면에서 해초와 같이 돌출된 나노튜브가 피접동부재의 이동방향으로 쏠리면서 액체 윤활제의 유동성을 향상시켜줌으로써 표면마찰을 효과적으로 줄일 수 있도록 한 것이다. 이러한 본 발명은, 피접동부재의 표면접촉으로 일어나는 마찰을 줄일 수 있도록 표면에 다수의 딤플이 형성된 모재와; 상기 딤플 내부에 충진된 고착재와; 상기 고착재에 매립되고 상기 고착재에 대한 표면처리에 의해 외측으로 돌출된 나노 튜브와; 상기 모재 표면에 도포된 액체 윤활제를 구비하여, 상기 돌출된 나노튜브가 상기 피접동부재의 이동방향으로 쏠리면서 상기 액체 윤활제의 유동성을 향상시켜줌으로써 표면마찰을 줄일 수 있도록 한 것을 특징으로 한다.
La presente patente trata de un aceite lubricante adicionado con nano partículas de grafeno decorado, el cual es llamado nanolubricante. Este nanolubricante tiene aplicaciones automotrices e industriales y ofrece como principales beneficios mejoras simultaneas en las propiedades térmicas, Teológicas y tribológicas del lubricante usado como fluido base. Adicionalmente, este nanolubricante ofrece un comportamiento reopéctico a partir de una concentración específica, mismo comportamiento que le confiere la capacidad de incrementar su viscosidad a través del tiempo mientras esté sometido a una tasa de corte constante. Por último, el grafeno decorado puede incluir nanopartículas metálicas, cerámicas o poliméricas, puede estar en un rango de concentración de 0.5 % peso/peso hasta 2% peso/peso sin que el lubricante base cambie su comportamiento de fluido newtoniano, mientras que para concentraciones mayores a 2% peso/peso y hasta 3% peso/peso se observará el comportamiento reopéctico antes mencionado.
An embodiment disclosed herein provides a high-temperature lubricant comprising an oil-soluble lubricating base fluid or a water-soluble lubricating base fluid; and elongated carbon nanoparticles that align in flow. In some embodiments, the lubricating composition may be selected from the group consisting of graphene nanoribbons; carbon nanotubes; carbon nanohorns; and any combination thereof.
The invention relates to a friction-reducing polymer material with dry-running capability, comprising a polymer matrix material and fillers, where the fillers comprise reinforcing particles, particles of high-hardness materials and lubricant particles. The invention further relates to a mechanical end-face seal comprising a rotating friction-reducing ring and a stationary counter-ring, where the friction-reducing ring and/or the counter-ring comprises the friction-reducing polymer material with dry-running capability. The invention further relates to the use of these polymer materials with dry-running capability for dry-running applications, more particularly as material for displacement elements in wet- and dry-running pumps.
A nanolubricant composition is described where the lubricant composition includes a flowable oil or grease with a multi-component nanoparticle dispersed in the flowable oil or grease. The multi-component nanoparticle includes a first nanoparticle component which effects thermal conductivity at a part interface and a second nanoparticle component which effects shearing at a part interface.
The present invention provides a lubricating oil composition for reducing a friction coefficient adjacent to the surface of being subjected to lubrication. In particular, the present invention provides nanoporous particles capable of being dispersed in a lubricating oil composition comprising base oil having a lubricant viscosity. Since the nanoporous particles having nano-sized, oil soluble pores according to the present invention reduces a friction coefficient, and in the long term, gradually releases an effective ingredient, the lubricating oil composition comprising the same of the present invention can act as a reducing agent for reducing friction for a long period of time, and thereby, exhibit excellent lubricant effects.
A threaded joint for steel pipes comprises a pin (1) and a box (2) each having a threaded portion (3a or 3b) and an unthreaded metal-to-metal contact portion (4a or 4b) as contact surfaces which contact each other when the joint is fastened. The contact surfaces (3a and 4a and/or 3b and 4b) of at least one of the pin (1) and the box (2) are coated with a lower layer of a solid lubricating coating containing a solid lubricating powder (e.g., molybdenum disulfide, tungsten disulfide, or graphite) and a binder (e.g., an epoxy or other organic resin) and an upper layer of a solid corrosion protective coating formed by an organic resin which does not contain solid particles.
A threaded joint for steel pipes comprises a pin (1) and a box (2) each having a threaded portion (3a or 3b) and an unthreaded metal-to-metal contact portion (4a or 4b) as contact surfaces which contact each other when the joint is fastened. The contact surfaces (3a and 4a and/or 3b and 4b) of at least one of the pin (1) and the box (2) are coated with a lower layer of a solid lubricating coating containing a solid lubricating powder (e.g., molybdenum disulfide, tungsten disulfide, or graphite) and a binder (e.g., an epoxy or other organic resin) and an upper layer of a solid corrosion protective coating formed by an organic resin which does not contain solid particles.