Die Erfindung geht aus von einer Vorrichtung für eine Bevorratung und Bereitstellung von zumindest einem oralen Bedürfnisstillungselement (10) für einen Säugling und/oder ein Kleinkind, mit einer Vorratseinheit (12) zur Lagerung des oralen Bedürfnisstillungselements (10), einer Befüllungseinheit (14) zum Befüllen der Vorratseinheit (12) mit dem zumindest einen oralen Bedürfnisstillungselement (10) und einer Ausgabeeinheit (16) zur Entnahme des zumindest einen oralen Bedürfnisstillungselements (10) aus der Vorratseinheit (12). Es wird zumindest eine Vorrichtung mit einer Fördereinrichtung (18) zur Beförderung des zumindest einen oralen Bedürfnisstillungselements (10) von der Befüllungseinheit (14) zur Ausgabeeinheit (16) vorgeschlagen.
An edible pet chew is disclosed that has a twisted body form with enhanced textural characteristics over un-twisted body forms. The pet chew is comprised of fibrous protein, water absorbing polymer, plasticizer, water, and additives. The pet chew provides enhanced textural and oral hygiene properties.
The invention relates to enzymatic methods for hydroxylation in position 2 or 3 of substituted or unsubstituted, linear or branched aliphatic hydrocarbons.
The invention relates to enzymatic methods for hydroxylation in position 2 or 3 of substituted or unsubstituted, linear or branched aliphatic hydrocarbons.
An edible pet chew is disclosed that has a twisted body form with enhanced textural characteristics over un-twisted body forms. The pet chew is comprised of fibrous protein, water absorbing polymer, plasticizer, water, and additives. The pet chew provides enhanced textural and oral hygiene properties.
Compounds, methods and devices for detecting incident radiation, such as incident x-rays or gamma-rays, are provided. The detection of incident radiation can be accomplished by employing inorganic compounds that include elements with high atomic numbers, that have band gaps of at least about 1.5 eV, and that have an electrical resistivity of at least 10 6 Ωcm as photoelectric materials in a radiation detector. The compounds include inorganic compounds comprising at least one element from periods five or six of the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Compounds, methods and devices for detecting incident radiation, such as incident x-rays or gamma-rays, are provided. The detection of incident radiation can be accomplished by employing inorganic compounds that include elements with high atomic numbers, that have band gaps of at least about 1.5 eV, and that have an electrical resistivity of at least 106 Ocm as photoelectric materials in a radiation detector. The compounds include inorganic compounds comprising at least one element from periods five or six of the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Food products are provided comprising a base food material having one or a plurality of surface pockets and two closed ends comprising the base food material, wherein each of the surface pockets are connected by one or more longitudinal extent of the base food material, along a longitudinal aspect of the food product, that comprises a side of each of the surface pockets and the surface pockets are not connected in a lateral aspect of the food product. In certain aspects, at least one surface pocket contains a filling food material, and at least a portion of the filling food material is not encompassed by the base food material. Further, methods are provided for preparing the food products of the invention. Such food products can be utilized, for example, to provide palatable delivery systems for nutritional, functional, or pharmaceutical ingredients.