The present invention concerns a soil-treatment method and system, comprising at least one electricity generator (10) and at least two electrodes (11, 12), as well as at least one pumping device (20), characterised in that the system comprises at least one geocomposite (2) that contains at least one portion of at least one of said electrodes (11, 12) and which includes at least one filtering layer (21) and/or at least one draining layer (22), and in that at least one portion of at least one of said electrodes (11, 12) comprises carbon.
Methods and compositions for removing a contaminant from its environment. The method includes forming a magnetic composition comprising the contaminant and an amphiphilic substance, and applying a magnetic field to the magnetic composition so as to separate the magnetic composition from the environment. One composition includes a micelle array confined in a magnetic mesoporous framework. Another composition is formed by adhering an amphiphilic material comprising functional surface groups to a contaminant, then interacting a magnetic material with the functional surface groups of the amphiphilic material. In various versions, the contaminant can be a hydrophobic organic compound, or a fullerene- related nanoparticle. The methods can also be used to purify hydrophobic organic compounds or fullerene-related nanoparticles.
L'invention concerne un procédé de décontamination active d'un milieu poreux imprégné d'eau tel que sédiments portuaires et vases, pollué par des organostanniques. Selon l'invention, il est prévu de dépolluer en effectuant une opération l'électrodécontamination en présence d'un réactif de type réducteur ou complexant introduit dans le milieu.
During in situ electroremediation of soil electric fields generated by electrodes (10, 12) that are located in the soil are used to move contamination, complexing agents, chemical reagents and/or nutrients through soil or to heat the soil. Control of the voltages and/or currents on or through the electrodes (10, 12) is used to prevent electrode clogging problems, to reduce unnecessary power consumption and/or to prevent boiling. In one aspect (electrokinetic remediation and electro heating) the current through selected electrodes (10, 12) is temporarily stepped down if the onset of clogging and or boiling is detected from an increase in the electrical resistances from an electrode into the soil. Preferably an effect of soil resistivity changes on the detection is removed by using sensing electrodes (14a, 14b) in the soil. In another aspect (elektrokinetic (bio) fence / screen) the voltage or current is adapted dependent on measured groundwater flow speed changes, so that the method remains effective with minimum power consumption. In yet another aspect (electrokinetic phyto remediation) polarity reversals of the current are timed using cumulative current measurements.
The present invention relates to a method that comprises introducing into a zone to be cleaned a solution of micro-organisms capable of oxidising crude oil. Electrodes and more precisely an anode and a cathode are introduced into the cleaning zone, while an electrical direct current is generated between them in order to create an electro-osmotic movement of the solution containing the crude-oil oxidising micro-organisms. The solution which accumulates at the cathode is then collected and further re-introduced into the cleaning zone. According to the present invention, the crude-oil oxidising micro-organisms may be introduced to a desired depth, while the conditions of their vital functions may be improved relative to the oxygen content and to humidity. This invention may also be used to reduce the losses of solution containing the crude-oil oxidising micro-organisms by maintaining said solution within the cleaning zone.
A method and apparatus (10) for destroying organic compounds is described. The apparatus utilizes a mixture of oxidants prepared by passing a salt solution between an anode surface (12) and a cathode surface (14). The mixture of oxidants can be generated in a separate apparatus and then added to the organic compound. If the organic compound is present in the form of an aqueous solution, the oxidants can be generated in the solution itself.
The invention concerns a method of eliminating toxic materials (S) from, in particular, the topsoil (GA) by applying a voltage by means of electrodes (A, K) inserted in the topsoil (GA). In order to eliminate the toxic materials (S), an electric field (F) is generated round the electrodes by the applied voltage, the electric field (F) being large enough for toxic materials (S) which are not electrokinetically transportable to be destroyed (in situ).
Process to combat harmful organisms originating in seeds or soil by means of seed treatment, whereby the seeds are subjected to a combined treatment consisting of irradiation with low energy electrons and application of active chemical substances and/or biological materials. The process described can be used to particular advantage in grain production.