A simulated brick includes a polymeric core member (20), a mesh layer (30) adhered to the core member, a basecoat layer (43) covering an entirety of the mesh layer, and a finish layer (46) covering an entirety of the basecoat layer. The core member, the mesh layer, the basecoat layer, and the finish layer together define a brick profile portion (11) having first and second lateral sides extending to a planar outer surface to define a first thickness, and an offset portion (12) extending from the first lateral side of the brick profile portion to a lateral end surface and having an outer surface defining a second thickness smaller than the first thickness, the brick profile portion and the offset portion together defining a planar rectangular base surface (16) extending from the second lateral side of the brick profile portion to the lateral end surface of the offset portion.
The present invention relates to wall and surface veneering products and systems that provide a replica image of a natural surface, such as stone, brick or wood, and is easily installable due to its lightweight characteristics and securement design. The present invention further includes systems for attachment of the veneering product to walls or other surfaces and also includes systems for assembling such products to provide pleasing arrangements and complete wall coverage. The present invention also includes methods of manufacture, which ensures the natural appearance of stone or wood by imaging a natural surface, such as stone or wood, and preparing a mold from that image to mass produce a replica of that particular surface.
Sobre una superficie del material que se pretende reproducir a través del panel decorativo, como por ejemplo una superficie de ladrillos, piedra natural, etc, se realiza un molde de silicona, resina o metal. A dicho molde se aplica un desmoldeador y seguidamente una capa de pigmentación a base de óxidos de hierro o cualquier otro tipo de pigmentos adecuados al material a reproducir. A continuación se introduce en el molde una mezcla de polímero acrílico y sulfato calcico, extendiéndola uniformemente hasta conseguir un | espesor comprendido entre 2 y 10 mm. Finalmente el molde se rellena con poliuretano expandido para compactar el panel. Se consigue de ésta manera un panel dej grandes dimensiones, con el mismo aspecto que el material que se pretende reproducir, ignifugo y con un alto coeficiente de aislamiento tanto térmico como acústico.
The invention relates to an element (P) for a mosaic decoration, having a substantially planar body formed of an extruded part (1) of expanded polystyrene, comprising an embossed face (2) having a mosaic pattern in relief, said mosaic pattern being formed of false tiles (3) with interposed channels (4). A process for making said element is also disclosed.
Disclosed is a composite material having the appearance of natural stone that made from a polymer and natural aggregate. The composite material also has an antimicrobial material incorporated into it that resists the proliferation of microbes on the surface of the material. A method for producing this material is also disclosed.
Изобретение относится к области стеновых покрытий для наружного применения, в частности к панелям для облицовки стен, имитирующим ручную кладку. Панель (1) облицовочная содержит лицевую часть (2), выполненную в виде группы имитирующих строительную кладку элементов (3), тыльную часть (4), примыкающую к опорной поверхности при облицовке, верхнюю (5) и нижнюю (6) вытянутые торцевые части, боковые (7) и (8) торцевые части, выполненные в форме выступов и углублений, первый (9) и второй (10) боковые и верхний (11) заплечики, соединенные, соответственно, с боковыми (12) и (13) и верхней (14) кромками. Заплечики (15), соединенные с боковыми кромками (16) выступов (17) первой боковой торцевой части (7), выполнены с увеличением ширины от торцевой кромки (18) выступа (17) к торцевой кромке (19) углубления (20), установочные штифты (23).
A multi-purpose tile is installable on ceilings walls and floors. The tile includes a base layer of foam plastic material bonded to an upper substrate layer of non-foam plastic or metal material. The bonding process includes pressurization of the foam layer to the non-foam constituents of the tile. The pressure is at a selected level that basically does not change the density of the foam base layer before and after pressurization. The thickness ratio of the foam based layer relati ve to other constituent layers of the tile can be approximately 15 to 20 times thicker than the other constituent layers thus ensuring that the tile is a lightweight, low density structure that is easy to handle and install.
The invention relates to a façade element which is suitable to mount on the outside (3) of a building (2). According to the invention plate shaped façade elements (5, 51...) consisting of glass fibre reinforced plastics, and which exhibit a wooden structure (6, 61...) on its outwards (7) turnable side (8, 81...) and which externally have the shape of standing and/or lying panels (9, 91...), are arranged to be mounted next to one another and attached to the wall (10) in question, to form a façade facing for the building (2) in question. The invention also relates to a procedure for manufacturing of the façade elements (5, 51...).
A cast veneer wall panel (10) includes a backing panel having a rear face (16) and a front face (18). The front face includes a boundary wall (20) and a continuous abutment (36) extending around a perimeter of a casting field (22). The cast veneer wall panel further includes a facing panel formed from a cast material that is received and held within the casting field. The facing panel includes at least one design element (24).
Simulated log siding is formed of an engineered cementitious composite. Single or dual flanges on each log piece is used to apply siding units to a surface. Some siding members are molded into a three dimensional configuration to appear as a structural wood log. Individual end pieces and molded tail clusters when used with the siding provide the appearance of the characteristic stacked or staggered corners of a log structure.