An integrated device with improved connections between the pins (5) and the semiconductor material chip (2) which integrates electronic components. In order to allow the integration of signal components and power components in a same device with a reduced use of area for the soldering pads (10,11) and with high reliability of the connections, the connecting wires (8,9) are made of different materials. Advantageously, the wires (9) for the power connections are based on aluminum and have large diameters, and the wires (8) for the signal connections are gold-based and have a small diameter. In order to ensure good soldering, the ends (7) of the pins (5) on which the connecting wires (8,9) are to be soldered are gold-plated.
An integrated device with improved connections between the pins (5) and the semiconductor material chip (2) which integrates electronic components. In order to allow the integration of signal components and power components in a same device with a reduced use of area for the soldering pads (10,11) and with high reliability of the connections, the connecting wires (8,9) are made of different materials. Advantageously, the wires (9) for the power connections are based on aluminum and have large diameters, and the wires (8) for the signal connections are gold-based and have a small diameter. In order to ensure good soldering, the ends (7) of the pins (5) on which the connecting wires (8,9) are to be soldered are gold-plated.