In a nonvolatile memory with block management system, critical data such as control data for the block management system is maintained in duplicates. Various methods are described for robustly writing and reading two copies of critical data in multi-state memory. In another aspect of the invention, a preemptive garbage collection on memory block containing control data avoids an undesirable situation where a large number of such memory blocks need be garbage collected at the same time.
In a memory that is programmable page by page and each page having multiple sectors that are once-programmable, even if successive writes are sequential, the data recorded to an update block may be fragmented and non-sequential. Instead of recording update data to an update block, the data is being recorded in at least two interleaving streams. When a full page of data is available, it is recorded to the update block. Otherwise, it is temporarily recorded to the scratch pad block until a full page of data becomes available to be transferred to the update block. Preferably, a pipeline operation allows the recording to the update block to be set up as soon as the host write command indicates a full page could be written. If the actual write data is incomplete due to interruptions, the setup will be canceled and recording is made to the scratch pad block instead.
The present invention presents techniques for the linking of physical blocks of a non-volatile memory into composite logical structures or “metablocks”. After determining an initial linking of good physical blocks into metablocks, a record of the linking is maintained in the non-volatile memory where it can be readily accessed when needed. In one set of embodiments, the initially linking is deterministically formed according to an algorithm and can be optimized according to the pattern of any bad blocks in the memory. As additional bad blocks arise, the linking is updated using by replacing the bad blocks in a linking with good blocks, preferably in the same sub-array of the memory as the block that they are replacing.
A non-volatile memory is constituted from a set of memory planes, each having its own set of read/write circuits so that the memory planes can operate in parallel. The memory is further organized into erasable blocks, each for storing a logical group of logical units of data. In updating a logical unit, all versions of a logical unit are maintained in the same plane as the original. Preferably, all versions of a logical unit are aligned within a plane so that they are all serviced by the same set of sensing circuits. In a subsequent garbage collection operation, the latest version of the logical unit need not be retrieved from a different plane or a different set of sensing circuits, otherwise resulting in reduced performance. In one embodiment, any gaps left after alignment are padded by copying latest versions of logical units in sequential order thereto.
The present invention presents a number of improvements for managing erase processes in non-volatile memory. Such memory systems typically manage the memory by logically organize the basic unit of physical erase (erase block) into composite logical groupings (meta-blocks or logical group), where an erase block generally consists of a number of sectors. When an erase command is received, the specified sectors are checked against the memory system's control data. If the specified sectors span any full logical grouping, the full logical groupings can each be treated as a whole and erased according to one process (such as performing a true, physical erase), while other sectors are “logically” erased at the sector level by standard techniques.
In a nonvolatile memory with block management system that supports update blocks with non-sequential logical units, an index of the logical units in a non-sequential update block is buffered in RAM and stored periodically into the nonvolatile memory. In one embodiment, the index is stored in a block dedicated for storing indices. In another embodiment, the index is stored in the update block itself. In yet another embodiment, the index is stored in the header of each logical unit. In another aspect, the logical units written after the last index update but before the next have their indexing information stored in the header of each logical unit. In this way, after a power outage, the location of recently written logical units can be determined without having to perform a scanning during initialization. In yet another aspect, a block is managed as partially sequential and partially non-sequential, directed to more than one logical subgroup.
In a memory that is programmable page by page and each page having multiple sectors that are once-programmable, even if successive writes are sequential, the data recorded to an update block may be fragmented and non-sequential. Instead of recording update data to an update block, the data is being recorded in at least two interleaving streams. When a full page of data is available, it is recorded to the update block. Otherwise, it is temporarily recorded to the scratch pad block until a full page of data becomes available to be transferred to the update block. Preferably, a pipeline operation allows the recording to the update block to be set up as soon as the host write command indicates a full page could be written. If the actual write data is incomplete due to interruptions, the setup will be canceled and recording is made to the scratch pad block instead.
In a nonvolatile memory with a block management system, data written to blocks include host write data and also system control data for managing the blocks. When a block is full or no longer accepting data, it is closed after valid versions of the data on it are relocated to another block in a rewrite operation. An improved pre-emptive rewrite scheme prevents a worst-case situation where multiple rewrites to occur at once when they happened to be full at the same time. Particularly, the scheduling of the pre-emptive rewrites for control data is based on a number of considerations including the time required for each control block rewrite and the time available for control block rewrites based on the configuration of the update blocks for storing host data, the time required in the foreground host operation and the host write latency.
According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a controller connected to a non-volatile memory and including a volatile memory, wherein the controller maintains lists in volatile memory of blocks in the non-volatile memory allocated for storage of logical sector data and of blocks recently erased in the non-volatile memory.
A non-volatile memory organized into flash erasable blocks sorts units of data according to a temperature assigned to each unit of data, where a higher temperature indicates a higher probability that the unit of data will suffer subsequent rewrites due to garbage collection operations. The units of data either come from a host write or from a relocation operation. Among the units more likely to suffer subsequent rewrites, a smaller subset of data super-hot is determined. These super-hot data are then maintained in a dedicated portion of the memory, such as a resident binary zone in a memory system with both binary and MLC portions.