Modern digital integrated circuits are commonly synchronized in their workings by clock circuits. The clock frequency for a circuit must take into account the propagation delay of signals within the critical path of the circuit. If the clock time is not adequate to allow propagation of signals through the critical path, improper circuit operation may result. The propagation delay is not a constant from circuit to circuit, and even in a single circuit may change due to temperature, power supply voltage and the like. Commonly, this variation is handled by assuming a worse case propagation delay of the critical path, and then designing the clock frequency and minimum power supply voltage of the circuit so that the circuit will function under worst case conditions. However, instead of assuming a worse case propagation delay of the critical path, the propagation delay may be measured in an actual circuit path that has been constructed to be the equivalent to, or slightly worse than, the propagation delay of the critical path. By knowing the actual worst case propagation delay, the circuit may be modified to operate with lower power supply voltages, conserving power and/or to controlling the frequency of the clock, so that the clock may be operated at or near the circuit's actual, not theoretical worst case limit. Such modifications of power supply voltage and/or clock frequency may occur during circuit operation and thus, adapt the circuit to the different operating parameters of each circuit.
Implementation of an improved matched filter system for despreading a PN code from a spread spectrum signal utilizes a matched filter system that may be broadly conceptualized as a system that optimizes the number of multipliers and adders utilized by the system in despreading a PN code from a spread spectrum signal. This lowers the power consumption of the improved matched filter system and increases the speed at which the system despreads the PN code from the spread spectrum signal.
A signal processing system control method and apparatus are described. Various embodiments include a signal processing system with multiple subsystems. A method for controlling the signal processing system includes storing channel records in a designated area of shared memory. Channel records include channel data that include one of multiple discrete signals to be processed by multiple subsystems in a time-multiplexed manner. The channel record includes information used by the multiple subsystems to process a channel, including information used to configure the multiple subsystems, information used to allocate the shared memory, and information used to communicate between multiple subsystems.
A mobile communications device using a common oscillator for communication and global positioning system (GPS) functions. In one embodiment, a communications unit receives a precision carrier frequency signal from a source and generates a reference signal that is used to calibrate a common oscillator.
The invention is directed to a personal communications device with a ratio counter providing tracking transitioning edges of two clocks so as to generate a signal to initiate capture of a clock cycle count. Provisions for tracking the transitioning edges include a storage memory for storing a first and a second value selected in accordance with the principles of convergents of continued fractions. A first and second counter each responding to first and second clock signal, respectively. The first and second counter each count clock cycles of the respective clock signal. A first register for capturing the count of the first counter and a second register for capturing the count of the second counter.
The invention is directed to a personal telecommunications device having both global positioning systems (GPS) and telecommunications provisions which share a common clock source. GPS provisions include a feedback loop for controlling an oscillator that generates a GPS system signal based upon the common clock signal. The feedback loop includes a frequency synthesizer for generating a feedback control signal, a phase comparator for generating a control signal in accordance with the feedback signal and the common clock signal, and a loop filter for processing and outputting the control signal to the oscillator to control the frequency of GPS system signals.
A cell phone is provided that may be used with multiple radio formats, such as GSM and CDMA. The cell phone includes a receiver that receives radio signals and converts them into electrical signals. An analog to digital converter is connected to the receiver and converts an analog input to a digital output having an adjustable number of bits at an adjustable sampling frequency. A cell phone application specific integrated circuit is connected to the analog to digital converter, which is used to process the digital output to extract encoded telecommunications data in one of the supported radio formats.